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Topics - sigma.

Pages: 1 [2]
Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / [MOD] Country Flag in Comment
« on: May 19, 2006, 05:56:09 PM »
I have this mod installed

but im having problems displaying the country flag in other areas. One would be in the comment_bit.html

how can I display the users country flag in the comment they post?

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / [ADD-ON] Image Zoomer
« on: May 15, 2006, 05:01:54 PM »
Im not that PHP or HTML savy but i know some of you are and Im hoping some of you might be able to help with this little mod/addon Im thinking about.

Image Zoomer is a free Javascript code that can be found here

What I would like to do is add it as an option for some images. Maybe a button that turns it on and off.
Any ideas on how this can be done?

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Change ICQ to MSN
« on: May 15, 2006, 02:54:38 PM »
Ok I've done some searches on the board and found little to no solid work arounds to changing the ICQ field to MSN. I dont use ICQ anymore and I dont have any users who do. All i want to do is change the ICQ field in the member_profile.html to be used as an MSN entry that will show if the user is online or offline, the same way the ICQ does.

I have the online indicator link

I tried to follow this thread on the subject

but the feild isnt accepting an email address when i save the profile. It goes blank. Numbers will stay (old icq way) but no text. Tried messin with the attributes in the table through phpmyadmin but no success.

Anyone have any idea how to get this to work?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Index page loads very slow
« on: May 08, 2006, 06:14:09 PM »
Im noticing a problem with my 4images homepage. The index is loading very slowly and sometimes it just doesnt load at all. Just a white page comes up.

I've removed the (if_random_imaga) statement inorder to speed it up but its still slow. Any ideas what could be causing this problem?
Other pages seem fine, ACP is fine for the most part. Just the index is slow.

The speed on teh rest of my site and even on details pages for the 4images site is fine. Just dont understand what could be causing such a difference i load times.

Chit Chat / support forum
« on: April 15, 2006, 05:31:08 PM »
The 'Forgot Password' function is not working on these forums.

I haven tried for weeks waiting for the email giving me a new password but nothing ever happens.

I just had to create a new account.


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