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Messages - johnhorniblow

Pages: [1]
Hi the 4images dev community . I wonder if anybody can help me I am getting a strange error message generated the security_utils.php
Warning: hash() [function.hash]: Unknown hashing algorithm: PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO in ....../includes/security_utils.php on line 47
I believe this has something to do with member registration on the site as it only occurs when a new member ( since the update )  is trying to log into the site.
Any suggestions? thanks

Many thanks Andi for the advice.  :D

Hi , I have just had to migrate my 4images website to a new hosting environment . The site has been very active now for six years so it has a lot of data in the database. One table 4images_wordmatch has a lot of data in it 120,000 lines. I am having trouble importing a dump of the table into the new db for the site  because its just too large and I get a timeout.

I have three questions.
How important is the existing word match data? If I start the newly migrated site without the data will it create a problem?
Can I import it in small pieces if export it as a text file then break it into small file sizes?


I love this Mod, thankyou , very very much. Easy to follow instructions ( although I don't speak german - babel fish helped me ), excellent method.

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