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Messages - seth

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Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Flash based thumbnails
« on: June 30, 2003, 08:54:38 AM »
How can I go about adding swf extension support to thumbnails? Currently the only formats allowed are gif jpg and png.

I've searched and found a few similar posts but none of them are really related what I want to do.

Im am experimenting with uploading swf files to my gallery. My flash files however are compsed of at multiple swf files and in some cases an additional xml file.

for example:


movie_controller.swf is actually the main media file. It flash file that loads the principal movie and allows you to controll it like a VCR.

movie.swf is of movie that contains the actual actual content.

movie_config.xml is just an xml file containing configuration options for that particular presentation...

What I need to do is be able to upload all these three files at once and have them placed in the same directory as the movie_controller.swf file is placed in.

Please any help is appreciated.

the first file the movie_controller.swf is the only file that would really be important and treated as the actual media file. Anny additional files would not need to be validated or parsed in any way, just uploaded along with/ and placed in the same directory of the principal swf file.

have you tried just using simple SSI to include your text file into the page? Maybe its just me but it seems like it would work.

trychanging your txt.htm template into something like this:
Code: [Select]
<?php require_once&#40;'&#123;media_src&#125;'&#41;; ?>

let me know if it works.

Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) / Prevent stealing
« on: June 23, 2003, 08:48:03 PM »
seem to be too much trouble for something that if any one really want to steall the image, all they have to do is take a screen capture of the page and recript it.

One you would have to also disable the Print Scrn button and 2 you would also have to disable the use of other products such as camtasia or snaggit.

Is it really worth all that?

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Alternate variation.
« on: June 19, 2003, 06:02:41 AM »
This is an alternate variation on the same thing but maybe some of you may find it better depending on your usage.

The script for the page head is:
Code: [Select]
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function popup_window(the_page,the_width,the_height) {,"","status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=" + the_width + ",height=" + the_height);
  return false;

In the page somewhere you will create a form with an invisible field. This field's value is the actual HTML you want displayed in the window. So if you want the media to be displayed then its value will be {image} plus any addition html you want to go with it, or if you want the comments in the pop up window instead then the value will be the html for the comments.

In my case i use the window for the media so my form looks like this:
Code: [Select]
<form><input name="content" type="hidden" value="<head><title>{image_name}</title><style>body{ overflow:hidden }</style></head><body leftmargin=&quot;0&quot; topmargin=&quot;0&quot; marginwidth=&quot;0&quot; marginheight=&quot;0&quot;>{image}</body>"></form>

Include all the info you want such as that windows title and style etc. I dont want scroll bars so I used the overflow:hidden style. Just be sure that  you do not use quotation marks, instead use &quot; as described in my previous post and shown in the code snipplet above.

Now for the actual link to launch the window I use the following code:

Code: [Select]
<a href="" onClick="popup_window('javascript:document.write(opener.document.forms[0].content.value);',{width},{height});return false;">Launch

This particular link will also use the media's actual height and width to set the widows propportions :D have fun.... I know I have

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / UPDATE
« on: June 19, 2003, 05:47:34 AM »
I recently encountered a problem with the use of the quotation marks in the media templates.  If you encouter this you can fix it by replacing the quotation marks with &quot; also instead of using the {width_height} tag use width=&quot;{width}&quot; height=&quot;{height}&quot;

for example:
if your media tamplate look like this:
Code: [Select]
<img src="{media_src}" {width_height}>

change it to this:
Code: [Select]
<img src=&quot;{media_src}&quot; width=&quot;{width}&quot; height=&quot;{height}&quot;>

You can just use the fin/replace function to do it quickly and painlessly.

the trouble is that the quotes tend to trhrow off the main HTML but if you use  &quot; then the quotation marks don't get put in there until the actual widow is created dynamically.

thank you!

Im trying to use the following style in one of my pages:

Code: [Select]

But the script removes the the {} and only prints

Code: [Select]

to the page. What can I do so that the script leaves the {overflow:hidden} part intact?

Yeah... just switch the html locations :D

Basically the HTML cotained inside of the pop up widow script would go in the main document area while the html that is used to display everything else would be placed in side the script.

I really hate the cluttered way in which the detailed pages contain both the media and the long tail of comments. So I decided to modify the details page so that all it only displays the comments and a link to the actual media file, which when clicked opens up in a popup window.

(You can also have the window popUp at the same time the user enters the details page if you want, but the thing about it is that you can open and close the media at will, but the actual detailes page will not be so cluttered anymore.

Ok this is VERY simple.

In details.html
Find the tag, {image} and remove it. This will disable the image from being displayed on that page.

Next, find the tag {header} and directly below it ad the following  javascript.

Code: [Select]


function moviePlayer(){
movie.document.write('<title>{image_name} by {user_name} </title><body bgcolor="#ffffff"leftmargin="0"topmargin="0"marginwidth="0"marginheight="0">{image}</body>');

Notice the line that reads "//moviePlayer()"  This line has been commented out and is dormant. If you want the popUp window to automatically pop up as soon as the user enters the detailed page, just remove the // from that line. to make it active.

Also notice the line that starts with movie.document.write This is the actual HTML thats going be used to build the popup window. So you should customize the <title>and<header>and <body> tags at will. As you can see, the {image} tag now resides inside the body tags of this pop up window.

You can also change the width and height to what ever you want, in fact if anyone can help me out with the code so that the widow adjusts itself to the media that would be excellent. Im thinking raplacing width=640,height=480 with {width_height} might do the trick but havent tried it yet.

You are almost done.

NOTE: Because of the nature of javascript, you will need to make sure you go into your media templates and remove the  white spaces from the code so that instead of being written across multiple lines, its just one long string. For example if media template(s) look like this:

Code: [Select]

This, that and the other
<a href="blahblah.blah">whatever</a>

<tag2>Content of the second tag etc.


You would need to change it to this:

Code: [Select]
<tag1> This, that and the other <a href="blahblah.blah"> whatever</a><tag2>Content of the second tag etc.</tag2></tag1>

Now for the smaller details, in your page, you might want to add a link so that the user can manually launch the popup window. Your link should be formed as follows.

To have the user be able to launch the media by clicking on the thumbnail, the link should look like...
Code: [Select]
<a href="javascript:moviePlayer()">{thumbnail}</a>

To have the user launch the window by clicking on a text link, the link should look like...
Code: [Select]
<a href="javascript:moviePlayer()">View It Now!</a>

Again this is all in the details.html page, if you want to be able to lauch the image or video from somewhere else, such as, from the main page etc without having to enter the details page, you should insert the script in within the Head tags of your header.html file.

I'm planning on using 4images for handling windows media and would like to implement a feature that would allow the user to create and launch a playlist based on the media they have in their light box, or that is available in the database

1. The user could go around selecting all the media they want such as audio and video etc, add it to the light box (which is actually the playlist), then when ready the user can press a button and an ASX file would be generated and lauched.

2. I would also like to have a "Launch ALL" playlist. This would work of course depending on the users level of access... If a general user click it then his list would contain all the media avalable to general users.

If a hier level member or admin click it then he would get all the media avalable to his level of access.

for thos who arent sure what an asx playlist look like...

it's basically a text file ending with .asx

it's formated as follows:

< .ASX VERSION="3.0" >

     < ENTRY >

         < REF HREF="" >

     < /ENTRY >

     < ENTRY >

         < REF HREF="" >

     < /ENTRY >
     < ENTRY >

         < REF HREF="" >

     < /ENTRY >

< /.ASX >

I think in order to create the actual text file there would need to be 3 templates.
1. asx_header.htm which would contain the header part part of the file.
2. asx_footer.htm which would contain the footer.
3. asx_entry.htm which would specify the way each entry is formated.

Ok so NOW. How do I go into actually making these playlists?

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