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Messages - Vampy

Pages: [1]
Hi! Veno, sorry to bother you again but I was wondering the outcome of your testing of the mod that was requested in this post and whether it will be released soon?

Thank you so much.

My experience is to advise you to go for NetPBM. it's very simple to install. Just download the necessary binaries and upload them to a folder on your server. That's it. Also, it generally produces better quality thumbnails then GD. If I'm not wrong, the newer versions of GD does not support .gif anymore.

Just my 2 cents. Someone else here may think differently and I'm no expert.

Sorry but could you point me to which mod is there. I tried searching around but ...


Hi! I was wondering if it is possible to sort images in a category in a specific order. Meaning for example, I have a album which has many photos taken during a holiday and I want to display them in a specific order such that they will follow a certain story line. It can be just an admin function that is, admin can sort the photos in a category in a specific order.


Thank you so much... I could kiss you from your head to your toes... :D If you don't mind, you can send it to me at

I was doing some search on the net about the problem you said about .mp3 and video files not playing. Seems like for these filetypes, you will need to declare thier mime settings in the header of the mail as well i.e. audio/mp3 or video/mpg and so on. Dunno if this is helpful or work.

Really? That's fast. I'll the first to try it out. Very exicted now... 8O

Tried the url. there was an error message displayed.

The article is seveal pages long but the link below is the one I'm refering to.

I knwo this topic has been asked before but I found this info from It would seem that mail() function is able to create a multipart message, meaning a mail that consists of both html components nad also a plain text component. I tried to do some modifications to the ecard scripts but I found that my knowledge of php is limiting my attempt.

I looked through the scripts involving the postcards and realised that the mail is assembled thorugh email.php. Now I was able to modify such that if I pass a variable called $html to the set header in the email.php, I can create a header that woud, print out the necessary lines to create a multipart email. However, I could not figure out as to how to modify the set body function in email.php such that it will be able to print out 2 parts of the email one containing html codes and the other is the usual plain text.

I would appreciate if someone can guide me on this.

Thank you.

Thanks. I'll do that.

Hi! I was wondering if it is possible to add an additional category dropdown box in every page of the gallery. Right now when I try to do that, one of them would work but the other will not. I put one of them at the top and the other at the bottom of every page.

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Request for some info
« on: May 05, 2003, 03:52:31 PM »
Hi! I have tried my hand at making a mod to integrate YaBBSE forum with the gallery script. What i actually tried to achieve is to provide a link in the forum such that when the user click on that, if the user is already logged in to the fourm he wil be autmatically logged in to the gallery and redirected to the index.php of the gallery.

I created a gallery.php and put it in my forum directory and my gallery is a directory lower than that. In the gallery.php file, I manage to extract info about my logged in user info such as his username and password. I tried to pass those values into login.php. However when I do that, I get this error message "Fatal error: ob_start() [ref.outcontrol]: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers". I have no idea what this means. Below is the code for gallery.php

Code: [Select]

global $pwseed$db_prefix$username$cookiepassword;
//if &#40;$cookieusername && $cookiepassword&#41; &#123;
$username = &#40;int&#41; $username;
$request mysql_query&#40;"SELECT passwd, realName, emailAddress, websiteTitle, websiteUrl, signature, posts, memberGroup, ICQ, AIM, YIM, gender, personalText, avatar, dateRegistered, location, birthdate, timeFormat, timeOffset, hideEmail, ID_MEMBER, memberName, MSN, lngfile FROM &#123;$db_prefix&#125;members WHERE ID_MEMBER='$username' LIMIT 1;"&#41; or database_error&#40;__FILE__, __LINE__&#41;;
if &#40;mysql_num_rows&#40;$request&#41; != 0&#41;


/* Initialize the settings array */

$settings mysql_fetch_row&#40;$request&#41;;
$user_password $settings[0&#93;;
$user_name $settings[21&#93;;

if &#40;$user_name && $user_password&#41; &#123;
define&#40;'GET_CACHES', 1&#41;;
define&#40;'ROOT_PATH', '/my_path_to/gallery/'&#41;;
define&#40;'GET_USER_ONLINE', 1&#41;;
header&#40;"Location&#58; ".$site_sess->url&#40;ROOT_PATH."login.php", "&"&#41;&#41;;

Can someone tell me what I did wrong? Or since I can get the username and password from my forum, how to pass those values to the gallery script so that it will logged in the user? Thanks.

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