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Messages - Miss Moon

Pages: [1]
The problem seems to have resolved itself, sorry about that.

If it appears again, i'll post here and attach the file.

I'm using 4images 1.7.7.

I successfully managed to install 5 custom fields in the 4images_images table. They all worked fine. After trying to add a 6th one, all fields completely vanished and I couldn't get them back no matter what I did.

I checked to make sure I did everything correctly, and I did. I edited all files as shown in the tutorial ... but now, any custom field I make won't appear at all in the CP or details page.

Anyone know what's wrong? any help is appreciated. Thanks!

4images version:  1.7.7

Ok, so I installed 4images a couple of days ago, and I like it.

This is what I want to be able to do:

put a custom link in the Admin CP that says "Update". This will lead to a page with a text field for entering the date my collection gallery was updated  (such as 4/17/2010). This field will update and retain the value whenever I enter text into the field and click submit.

Have this value shown on the index page, above the login box, so it reads the date/text of when my collection was updated.

I was already successful in adding new fields to the details section of the images, and this seems doable also, but i'm afraid i'm not exactly sure of how to go about doing it.

I have my own domain and access to my PHPmyadmin databases, so if anyone could help me out regarding this, i'd much appreciate it.


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