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Messages - sxdte

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Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / force vote version 1.7.11
« on: May 23, 2013, 10:09:03 AM »
Is there a update to the force vote mods for version 1.7.11?

Thank you

It will be nice to add a new option like the visitors can add text

for example, have a poll with questions:
what categories you like the best
I have +3000 categories and surely can not have +3000 options (time consuming and boring for me and the visitors --> long page)

of course any other questions would be possible, like which images you like the most, etc etc

someone have a idea for code to add to the actual pool v2

by the way it worked first time and I have version 1.7.11 with plenty other mods
so it work on new version too even if old

we tried your mods on a brand new installation, and have mod_rewite enbled (I am server admin)

I unfornutalely have to said it not work for us.
When I click any images , it report a 404 error (page not found)
I can provide if you want a site to test it


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