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Messages - Lamont1701

Pages: [1] 2
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Upload Problem with NO Error Message
« on: June 16, 2008, 07:05:35 AM »
I have been trying to upload files using the Control Panel > Add images.  When I upload multiple or single images, everything appears normal.  After the upload there are no error messages to indicate anything is wrong.  (I am uploading the files into empty folders that where created previously.)

I can then go to Control Panel > Validate images click “Search” and the results show “No entries found.”

I can then go to Control Panel > Check new images click “Check new images” and the results again show “No entries found.”

When I enter 4Images through the website and try to find the newly upload files they don’t exist!

Can anyone tell me what is going on?    And how to fix it?

(This is amazing, I had no problem uploading and viewing my files on my first upload!)

Thanks for your help, in advance.

P.S.  Is there another way, to upload files into 4Images?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Thumbnail Problem Solved
« on: June 15, 2008, 11:32:51 PM »
Thank You, manurom

The Thumbnail Problem has been solved thanks to you, and the others who have helped!

You analysis of the situation was right on the money.

However I do have one additional note; I noticed that the /4images/data/thumbnails/ folder and the /4images/data/media/32/ folder seem to work together.  Although the /4images/data/thumbnails/ folder  seem to lack folders that the /4images/data/media/32/ folder had.  So I created the additional folders that the /4images/data/thumbnails/  folder lacked.  (and of course added the permission 777 to all newly created folders, I did this purely out of caution)

I made all of these changes through my cPanel’s, File Manager.

All is well now, and I can load up the rest of my files.     :D

Discussion & Troubleshooting / WHAT IS THE NEW FOLDER NAME
« on: June 15, 2008, 01:56:05 AM »

You forgot to give me the name of the New Folder to create, AND where to create it.    :)

Also, why should I delete these 2 folders anyway?  data/media/32   &   data/thumbnails/32

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: My Thumbnails are not working!
« on: June 14, 2008, 07:16:04 PM »
Yes manurom, the data folder and all its sub-folders have a CHMOD777

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: My Thumbnails are not working!
« on: June 14, 2008, 08:25:05 AM »
Thanks for the help, Nicky. 

I think that I am finally getting close to the answer of this no thumbnail problem.

In CP (Image Section) I clicked Auto-Thumbnailer > Check thumbnails > Create thumbnails >

This resulted in the error below.
 Error creating thumbnail!

Create thumbnail for: 12 METER 1 (12meter.jpeg) ....   
Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open './../data/thumbnails/32/12meter.jpeg' for writing in /home/setiu0/public_html/4images/includes/image_utils.php on line 93

I thought the problem might lie with the permissions, so I changed the permission of the /4images/includes folder to 777 also the /4images/data/ folder already has a permission of 777.

Does anyone have any idea as to what is causing this error?

I would like to Thank anyone who can help me with this in advance.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: My Thumbnails are not working!
« on: June 13, 2008, 10:01:25 AM »
Hello manurom,

Steps 1 & 2 that you have circled in red are the same in my control panel also.  As you can see below.

Conversion tool for thumbnails
ImageMagick (                                     GD Bibliothek
GD (
NetPBM (

The only difference between your php configuration and mine (below) is in;
1.   GD Version
2.   FreeType Linkage
3.   There is no “Free Type Version” on my configuration.

Now how all of this affects my thumbnail function from possibly not working, I have no idea.


GD Support    enabled
GD Version    bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
FreeType Support    enabled
FreeType Linkage    with freetype
GIF Read Support    enabled
GIF Create Support    enabled
JPG Support    enabled
PNG Support    enabled
WBMP Support    enabled
XBM Support    enabled

I would love to know your thoughts about this!!!

Again,  Thanks in advance for your help in this matter.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: My Thumbnails are not working!
« on: June 13, 2008, 06:59:51 AM »
Hello KurtW

FIRST STEP:   (In the Control Panel)
In the General > Settings section under > Upload settings; in Auto-create thumbnail “YES” is selected.

SECOND STEP:  (In the Control Panel)
I cannot find the “Generate settings” function!  Would you please be more accurate as to its location?    :oops:

Also where do I locate, “GD Bibliothek?”    :?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: My Thumbnails are not working!
« on: June 13, 2008, 05:52:05 AM »
Hello Again,

I thank you for your help! 

I have created a logon for you so that you can "move pass the aMember Logon Screen" and look into the previous information that I provided, here.  (see top of these postings)

Username:   guest
Password:    guesttester

P.S.  After we finish wiith this problem I will delete this "guest account."

Again, Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide!

Hiya People

I would like to know how do you Turn OFF the Random Image Function?

Thank You, in advance!!!

Discussion & Troubleshooting / My Thumbnails are not working!
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:00:48 AM »
Hello all,

I have selected the Auto Thumbnails option, but it does not seem to be working!

Instead of a thumbnail of the photo, it displays the eye icon.  (for an example, click on the URL at the bottom)

Why is 4Image not displaying a thumbnail of the image?

I really don't want to resize several thousand photos, then submit them as a thumbnail.

Can anyone help me????

Thank you, in advance.

P.S.  To view an example to to this URL;

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Thank You, Alll
« on: May 22, 2008, 08:21:26 AM »
I do believe that the files provided to me by the persons here have solved the problem!

        Thank You

I need someone to give me the file:   ./templates/default/media/bmp.html

It was not included in my zip file when I unpacked it.

I think that you can attach the file here by clicking on "Additional Options" below the window that you type in when replying to this posting.

Thank you, in advance.

I have download 4images 1.7.6 several times and the file below always comes up missing.

Would someone please email to me this file as an attachment, please! 
"or attach the file to this posting by, clicking on Additional Options (you will then see the "Attach Box, [use the Browse Button]) below the text window that you write in when you REPLY to this posting!"

P.S.  Maybe you could attach the whole   ./templates/default/media/  folder?   (Making sure that the bmp.html file is included)  That would be even better!

         Thank  You, in advance!

Discussion & Troubleshooting / jpg.html Problem Solved I think???
« on: May 09, 2008, 10:40:13 PM »
There is a file named "./templates/default/media/jpg.html"  but not a "./templates/default/media/jpeg.html"   (a jpg.html file but no jpeg.html file)

So I concluded that the programmers must have meant to call the file jpg.html but make a mistake and called the file jpeg.html in some locations in their programming.

So my Solution to the problem was to copy the jpg.html file, then rename the file jpeg.html.  Therefore I now have two versions of the same file in the "/templates/default/media" folder.

1)  jpg.html    (the orginal file)
2)  jpeg.html  (the copy file)

Eveything seems to be working fine now;  "so far."     :D

I have checked and the file in the error message below does exist.

Template Error: Couldn't open Template ./templates/default/media/jpeg.html

The file permission is set to 666 as required by the installation instructions.

I do not understand why the file won't open?  Does any one have a clue?

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