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Messages - kowalski

Pages: [1] 2
there is another seo mod, which works

I've already tried out that MOD c-bass.
It looks good, but I don't have the right skills to manipulate the URL the way I want it - please take a look at page5 on that thread for my request/problem :)

also, has anyone been able to solve the problem of the category drop-down form?

If I install this mod, my category drop-down no longer works :(
It just redirects to
whatever option I choose on the dropdown

I searched through the 27 pages but didn't see a solution

Is the URL structure that leoseo mentions possible with 4images?



(or even better - in my opinion - the same URL without .html on the end)

If I can solve my problems with the URL structure I am then ready to use 4images on my live site :)

Without the cat id, cat does not work but isn't it possible like;

which would look like


this would do as well. Is there a mod like this? :=)

Guys this will not work!!! Read some of the previews Post...  :roll:

01.02.2007 and 09.02.2007 i wrote:

Without the IDs the Script doesn't now which Cat or Img you mean....

Without the cat id and image id it will not work!
And modify it to get it work without the cat_id for 30$???

No way... (o:

The one thing stopping me from using 4images on my live site is the problem with the URL

After spending several weeks fine tuning and adding lots of great mods to my site on a localhost WAMP test area I just can't get the URLs the way I want them

I've been thru the 27 pages of this MOD:

[Mod] Search Engine Friendly URLs aka Short URLs

and whilst I quite like the effect

I can't get my dropdown menu to function with that particular mod
(and also it's not great for Google SEO as it has no category or image name in the URL)

I've also tried the mod on this current thread - [MOD] Google Friendly Urls For 4images Best Seo Mod - but can't manipulate the URL the way I want because I am struggling with REGEX and the .htaccess, and my own understanding of php coding

I appreciate that you have to have the cat ID and image ID in every URL using this mod but can I split up the long URL with a forward slash? (And remove the .htm extension)

eg. I want:

I've also managed to remove the .htm / .html / .php ending successfully but would like to split up the category and the image with a forward slash (/)

because I have sub-categories, the URL currently looks ridiculous and would help if I could have forward slashes like this - category / subcat / image

any suggestions/advice?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Thumbnails in 100x100
« on: August 20, 2007, 01:28:02 AM »
I'm looking for a Mod that will make all my thumnails 100x100 pixel size, even if the image starts off at 4:3 ratio. Do any exist?
I don't want it to squash/distort the image to make it fit, I want it to zoom and crop if necessary

I don't speak German, but wondered if this thread had found a solution?

At the moment the only way I can do this is to make the thumbnails myself in Photoshop, but I'm looking for an automated way. Any suggestions please?

To avoid the problem of the error

Unknown column 'i.price' in 'field list'

Use this version of paypal_install.php instead

Code: [Select]


$sql_data = array(

foreach (
$sql_data as $val){
if ($site_db->query($val)) {
  $log[$val] = "Succesfully updated Database";
else {
  $log[$val] = "<font color=\"red\">Error</font>";
  $error 1;

if (!
$error) echo "Succesfully updated Database";
else echo 
"an Error occured";


The only difference from the original file posted is this line:


On the original this was 'price2'

Hope is right ... use attachment (backup file).

hi thunderstrike -- what has been changed in your images.php file attached?

Thank you :oops:

i found a error, one Checkbox is called: Keyowords
I think this misstake in your lang files ;)

This small spelling mistake can be fixed in the images.php file posted by v@no

It's on line 1437

show_radio_row("Keyowords", "editkeywords", 0);

just change to

show_radio_row("Keywords", "editkeywords", 0);

Is there any chance we can add some more fields to this batch edit MOD ?

It's a really useful mod but if we can add our own custom fields to the 'quick edit' list that would be even better

Like the user n3w below, I would like to be able to quickly change custom fields I've created -  'Photographer', 'Venue' and 'Camera' using a drop down batch edit

Many thanks :)


Only once question----

Can we add support for additional fileds to this mod?

For example, i have added a new field 'Photographer', can we add this new field to the batch edit area of this mod? Like with option like bulk keyword, description change... i can also change the value of new field also ie: Photographer.

Like if we have 30 images in a category,  i can add photogrpher's name to all 30 images in 1time with the help of this [MOD] Batch Copy/Move/Edit Images

thank you friends for helping me


First, these mods are excellent, V@no, thanks.

Hi v@no
would it be possible to add all fields define in db_field_definitions.php I mean iclude all $additional_image_fields in the QUICK EDIT Option list and course the possbility to Edit and SAVE them IT WOULD BE  TO MUCHHHHHH !!!!!
Thanks a lot Larissa :roll:

I also want to try to get a new radio-field in the quick-edit-window. When i search new images in ACP, its there, but if i want to change old images I must edit each image for itself...

I'm also waiting for a way to do this! Maybe you can explain it on one example how to add "quick edit" for an additional field?
Would be great!

Ive read through this post and noticed many people having problems with backslashes being added to their description html, is there a fix for this as Im having the same prob. after installing/using this mod backslashes are being added to links/html in the description field on details.html

I also have the backslashes problem with keywords

Is there any way to change the currency on this shop?

The default value seems to be Euros, and rather than a decimal point being used a comma (eg 12,00)  is used.
For UK British Pounds Sterling we use a decimal point (eg. £12.00) .. where can this be changed?
A good mod would be to allow the user to select their own currency ... euros, dollars, pound etc


Also I am getting errors on my shopping cart:

Code: [Select]

my errors on shopping cart

DB Error: Bad SQL Query: SELECT i.image_id, i.user_id, i.cat_id, i.image_name, i.image_date, i.image_hits, i.image_comments, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_rating, i.image_votes, i.price_1, w.user_id as w_user_id, w.warenkorb_id, w.image_quantity, w.warenkorb_image_id, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM 4images_warenkorb w, 4images_images i, 4images_categories c LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 2, 1) AND 1 = w.user_id AND i.image_id = w.warenkorb_image_id ORDER BY image_name ASC LIMIT 9999
Unknown column 'i.user_id' in 'on clause'

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\wamp\www\_new june07 sites\4images2\includes\email.php on line 174

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\wamp\www\_new june07 sites\4images2\includes\email.php on line 174


On the shopping cart order page, where you enter the address details, the bottom section (for entering shipping details) is in German.
Also is it not possible to tick a box so the billing details are copied across to the shipping details if they are the same?


Another problem I was getting earlier was solved by auksiniz in this reply

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Online Photo Print - How?
« on: August 14, 2007, 11:16:30 AM »
I would also be interested in a mod like this -- especially if anyone could get it working with

thanks for this code manurom

Hi - I installed this mod yesterday and got the same error as ivan (on a new 1.7.4 gallery I'm building)

The error was occuring whenever a search returned no images (or if you made a blank search)..
eg. do a search for "xyzhrlodgahsd;gsajhfdag" and it returns no images, but also gives that error at the top

hello, wenn i report on global on
comes a error message

Notice: Undefined variable: catlist in E:\Localserver\httpdocs\bildergallery1.7.4\search.php on line 368

365   "lang_search" => $lang['search'],
366   "lang_search_catlist" => $lang['search_catlist'], // Result category list
367   "catlist" => $catlist // Result category list
368    ));

this is a fresh install of 1.7.4
the {if catlist} is not correct on advanced search (see image)

the error comes in vers. 1.7.1 etc. with error reporting on global.php

Using the updated fix by m.a below this solved the problem :) thank you

hi jasmine,
when a new version (1.7.4) with this mod, comes this error
im use a offline xampp software to preview on my website

Hi Ivan,

Try in Setup 3 with this:
Code: [Select]
//--- Print Out ---------------------------------------
$catlist = '';
/*#########[MOD] Search Result Category Listing ##################*/
"catlist" => $catlist, // Result category list
/*#########Ende Search Result Category Listing ##################*/

Notice: Undefined variable: catlist in E:\Localserver\httpdocs\bildergallery1.7.4\search.php on line 368
That is one problem with php without isset check!

Best Regards

Just spent the past couple of hours reading through all 26 pages in this thread... phew!

Does the code on page 14 by kief24 work okay with v1.7.4 ?

To V@no
(firstly thank you for a wonderful piece of software, and your help on the forums!)
-- you say that changing the URL from 4images/cat12.htm to 4images/category/imagename-ID.htm isn't necessary for SEO ... does this thread not convince you that most users would love to have this feature as standard?
In my opinion, it is very useful for SEO purposes to have the 2nd examples URL structure

I think it would be helpful to have kief24's code in a new thread, or at least more prominent on the forum, to save people having to dig through 26 pages (and keep re-asking the same questions!)

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