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Messages - nutnick

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Thanx to you martrix for you quick reply   :D that is the mod i used but had a few probs but i worked it out myself php is new to me and i have a long way to go but don't mind reading up and putting in the hours I have looked at the forum and a lot of the answers don't help as they dont tell you a file name or where to find it, if they are answering a question to a problem thay say "put this code in" but not what file it is and it's because they are only answering the person that asked the question , so it don't make to much sence to a newbe lol so i try to read betwen the lines.
Thanx again

Hi help please help! I have installed the gender mod and it all works except when you set the field in the dropdown box and save it is there to see but when you go to the profile page it's not it's back to defult as if it's not saving the data and thats my problem! i'm not sure how to do this!
   First: Open phpMyAdmin and create a new column called user_country inside of 4images_users I used type varchar (255).
      And another for the gender call user_gender inside of 4images_users I used type text
im only useing the gender part
sorry to sound a bit thick but it's only my 3rd day of learning php but will to learn.
Many thanks

Hi as a newbe i need a little help please! six times i have changed the code for pic in profile and end with the same thing blank image with red x in?
any idea where im going wrong. I have read your posts opn this and the only comment i found with the same problem the answer was you should no this! this is the first time i have ever used php all the rest of the pages are great! all done except members pic! please help
Nick :roll:
I refer to post Re: [MOD] Member personal photo v1.0
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2005, 11:43:27 PM »

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