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Messages - joeliu

Pages: [1]
Discussion & Troubleshooting / thanks
« on: November 15, 2002, 09:52:55 AM »
hi Jan
thanks, this is very helpful to me. but now I got a new problem with new updata system (redhat 8.0 with Apache 2.xx, php 2.3.2). the admin page display nothing when clicked admin/index.php link. does 4images  not compitable with php2.3.2 or Apache 2.xx??


Discussion & Troubleshooting / 4images on Redhat 8.0 with Apache
« on: November 15, 2002, 03:30:57 AM »

is there someone install 4images on redhat 8.0 ?

i installed with Apache 2.xxxx , mysql 3.23.xx and php 4.2.3
, but the admin page does not work, when visit admin/index.php
it shows nothing on the screen.

could someone tell me what the problem is, or which functions used in 4images do not compitible with Apache ??
is it possible to run 4images with Apache 2.xxxx , mysql 3.23.xx and php 4.2.3?



Discussion & Troubleshooting / SSSearch problem
« on: November 01, 2002, 01:13:58 PM »
hi master

i use check new image method to batch imput many pics with keyword (such as 23 34 12 that are digital number), when i input keyword to search, it doesn't work, but when input pic name to search, it works, why?????????


Discussion & Troubleshooting / DB error
« on: October 30, 2002, 03:40:41 AM »
thanks anyway,

Discussion & Troubleshooting / DB error
« on: October 29, 2002, 03:07:50 PM »
I install the 4images on the system with MySQL 3.22. When I visit index.php it seems works, but on the top of the page there is a DB error msg, and I can post photo. Could someone help me? I have no right to update MySQL to 3.23, is there other way around? thanks. joe

DB Error: Bad SQL Query: SELECT DISTINCT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM 4images_images i, 4images_categories c LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0) AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id ORDER BY RAND()
You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'RAND()' at line 5 :?:   :?:  :?:  :?:

Pages: [1]