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Messages - EricYang

Pages: [1]
Discussion & Troubleshooting / hi.about!
« on: October 03, 2002, 04:13:08 AM »
i have installed netpbm in my computer (redhat 7.0) and the path is
  but it always told me i set the wrong path and i  can't get the contractible image automatic when someone upload his/her image.Who can tell me the current netpbm path.There are so many command in netpbm folder but i don't  know which command  can produce the contractible image automatic.
  /usr/local/netpbm/bin can't work either.
  any idea?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / can't see the picture.why
« on: October 01, 2002, 02:38:13 AM »
can't see any picture after install it.cry
 all place should be display image but give me a X.
 I mean the system image,
 i can see the pic which i upload.but i cant see the system image.
 such as logo,upload image....i can see one of the  undisplay image's url
 any ideas?
 thanks lot

Pages: [1]