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Messages - reena

Pages: [1]
Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) / Need Help Please
« on: July 03, 2005, 11:24:14 PM »
I tried uploading a video and I put it in the url section and typed in something like:

Now when i type in my url to go to my gallery it says this:

Template Error: Couldn't open Template ./templates/default/media/wmv.html

What did I do and how can I fix it???

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Please help!!!!
« on: July 03, 2005, 11:19:27 PM »
I tried uploading a video and I put it in the url section and typed in something like:

Now when i type in my url to go to my gallery it says this:

Template Error: Couldn't open Template ./templates/default/media/wmv.html

What did I do and how can I fix it???

Installation, Update & Configuration / QUESTION REGARDING THE PHOTOS
« on: April 10, 2005, 07:42:08 AM »
I know that when you upload pictures, there is and upload for a regular sized picture and a picture of a thumbnail. Do i need to upload 2 of the same pictures but in different sizes onto my server? How can I make sure that the pictures are at the ok size?

Pages: [1]