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4images Issues / Ausgaben => Discussion & Troubleshooting => Topic started by: newyorker23 on March 24, 2003, 01:47:51 PM

Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 24, 2003, 01:47:51 PM
I appologize if this problem has been solved before. I already searched and could not find any matches at all.
I'm using version 1.6
All of a sudden I get the following error when trying to auto-thumbnail

GD library error.
Check module settings.

Autothumbnail just stopped working today. I haven't made any changes at all.

I say someone had mentioned patch for settings.php? Where can this patch be found? I don't see a patches section. When I searched the forum I again came up with nothing.

PS are there clear instructions on how to upgrade? I'll do that if it solves my problem.
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Jan on March 24, 2003, 03:11:56 PM
Since PHP 4.3.0, GD is built in with PHP. Maybe your host has updated PHP. Try this in includes/image_utils.php:

Code: [Select]
if (!extension_loaded("gd")) {
  $convert_options['convert_error'] = "<b class=\"marktext\">".$lang['gd_error']."</b><br />\n".$lang['check_module_settings'];

Code: [Select]
     $convert_options['convert_error'] = "<b class=\"marktext\">".$lang['gd_error']."</b><br />\n".$lang['check_module_settings'];
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Streetwise on March 24, 2003, 07:32:26 PM
I too have the same issue as NewYorker23. If I upload an .jpg image, no thumbnail is generated. If I click on "Auto-Thumbnailer" I receive the error:

"GD library error.
Check module settings."

I've tried the image_utils.php fix *exactly* as shown, same error. I installed ImageMagick and tried that, but only get blank pages when I click on "Auto-Thumbnailer". I also tried the image_utils.php fix for that as well (by turning off some of the lines of code), but then I get a slew of error messages when I click on the "Auto-Thumbnailer" link.

I am running PHP 4.3.1 in a Windows environment. Image4 is installed in an internal network.

My goal is to upload a .jpg image and have a thumnail auto generated. What is the best approach? Should I just stick with GD? Use ImageMagick? Should I drop back to an earlier version of PHP? I'm just trying to get a sense for what is supposed to happen when I upload an image.

Thanks in advance.

Dave Anderson
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Jan on March 24, 2003, 07:56:45 PM
Sorry, my fault.  :oops:
You should remove the whole part:
Code: [Select]
if (!extension_loaded("gd")) {
  $convert_options['convert_error'] = "<b class=\"marktext\">".$lang['gd_error']."</b><br />\n".$lang['check_module_settings'];

Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 24, 2003, 08:12:05 PM
I'm confused....
Do I replace that section or just comment it out? If it is just comment it out... I already tried that... Same error.  I saw that suggestion already in someone elses post.  I commented out that section of code.

Am I better of upgrading to 1.7? If so is there a guide that I can read?
I'm prepared to totally uninstall 1.6 and reload all my images to get this to work.  I just don't want to waste my time if I'm gonna get the same problem.
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 24, 2003, 08:14:54 PM
ps it's my iSP that has GD  loaded. I cannot touch that since I don't have root access to the server which GD requires.
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Streetwise on March 24, 2003, 08:22:53 PM

I am *SO CLOSE* now, I can taste it!

I made the change to image_utils.php and now when I click on auto_thumbnailer, I get a dialog "search for missing thumbnail". I do the search, come up with a list, but when I try to process the list, I get this error:

Create thumbnail for: 7412 (7412.jpg) ....  
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate() in d:\www\imageshare\imagevault\includes\image_utils.php on line 65

Second issue is that when I upload an .jpg image, it doesn't automatically generate a thumbnail. I suppose the two issues are related?

Getting closer,

Dave Anderson
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 24, 2003, 08:27:46 PM
Which change did you make? The replace or the remove/comment out? I'm confused about that one point.
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Streetwise on March 24, 2003, 08:31:11 PM
Opps. I'm confused now too!  :roll:

I went with your most recent suggestion. I went to the image_utils.php file, looked for the code below, and deleted it. That's all I did. Was that not what you meant?

if (!extension_loaded("gd")) {
  $convert_options['convert_error'] = "<b class=\"marktext\">".$lang['gd_error']."</b><br />\n".$lang['check_module_settings'];

My code now looks like:

case "gd":
case "netpbm":


Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Streetwise on March 24, 2003, 08:36:57 PM
Here's a thought:

Does the default path need to be in a '4images' directory? I installed into 'imagevault'. Does that make a difference?


Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: V@no on March 24, 2003, 09:00:53 PM
Quote from: Streetwise
Here's a thought:

Does the default path need to be in a '4images' directory? I installed into 'imagevault'. Does that make a difference?



Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 24, 2003, 09:07:15 PM
It seems when I ask one question at a time I get a better response. Will upgrading to 1.7 solve my problem?
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: V@no on March 24, 2003, 09:10:16 PM
Quote from: newyorker23
It seems when I ask one question at a time I get a better response.

I get frustrating when see many questions at ones :? :| ;)
Quote from: newyorker23
Will upgrading to 1.7 solve my problem?

Just intall fresh 4images in different dir with using new database, and see what happend. ;)
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Streetwise on March 24, 2003, 09:11:40 PM

Any more thoughts on this error:

Create thumbnail for: 7412 (7412.jpg) ....
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate() in d:\www\imageshare\imagevault\includes\image_utils.php on line 65

Is gd still the best way to go for jpg images?


Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: V@no on March 24, 2003, 09:14:23 PM
did u try to change
define('CONVERT_IS_GD2', 0);

define('CONVERT_IS_GD2', 1);

in includes/constants.php :?:

Quote from: Streetwise
Second issue is that when I upload an .jpg image, it doesn't automatically generate a thumbnail. I suppose the two issues are related?

when u are logged in as admin auto thumbnails dont work (as planned).
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Streetwise on March 24, 2003, 10:04:57 PM
Hmmm... I changed the constants.php file as suggested. Now the error message changes to:

Create thumbnail for: 7412 (7412.jpg) ....  
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatetruecolor() in d:\www\imageshare\imagevault\includes\image_utils.php on line 62

Interestingly enough, when I log in as registered user and try to upload an image, I get the same error...

Thanks V@no!!! I appreciate your help very much. I feel I am so close to solving this!

Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 24, 2003, 11:00:45 PM
Streetwise... what version are you running... I'm now on your page.. same error.

Create thumbnail for: IMG 5766 (IMG_5766.jpg) ....  
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate() in /home/tnoe/public_html/gallery/includes/image_utils.php on line 63

I'm 1.6.1
If you are 1.7 and have the same error...then I get worried.

Also noticed that I don't have the below line in my constants.php at all.  
define('CONVERT_IS_GD2', 0);
So I tried just adding
define('CONVERT_IS_GD2', 1);
However I get the same problem.
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 24, 2003, 11:34:31 PM
I just upgraded from 1.6.1 to 1.7 without too much difficulty. However it did not solve my problem.

I still get the following when trying to autothumbnail create. It seems a step further than before in that it lists all the images that need to be updated.

Create thumbnail for: IMG 5766 (IMG_5766.jpg) ....  
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate() in /home/tnoe/public_html/gallery/includes/image_utils.php on line 68
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 25, 2003, 02:12:31 AM
Has anyone seen this at all? How can it go from working one day to broken the next?

Create thumbnail for: IMG 5766 (IMG_5766.jpg) ....  
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate() in /home/tnoe/public_html/gallery/includes/image_utils.php on line 68
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Streetwise on March 25, 2003, 01:34:17 PM
I'm running version 1.7 with PHP4.3.1. Still same error...

Would I be better off going back to an earlier flavor of PHP so that I can autogenerate my JPG's with ImageMagick or gd??


Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Streetwise on March 25, 2003, 03:24:42 PM
How Bizzare! I went back to the image_utils.php file and rem'd the line that says:

/*   if (!@is_executable($convert_options['convert_path'])) {
      $convert_options['convert_error'] = "<b class=\"marktext\">".$lang['im_error']."</b><br />\n".$lang['check_module_settings'];
 */   break;

I then tried using ImageMagick, and the silly thing is now working!! :D  :D  :D

I have no idea why it didn't before?? Anyway. Seems like it's okay now.

<edited> Now that I look at the image_utils.php file in more detail, there's two strings that start with "if (!@is_executable": One is under "IM", and the other is under "Netpbm". I discovered that I rem'd the "Netpbm" section instead of the "IM" section. I didn't read the code carefully enough. That's why it wasn't working for me... opps.

Thanks everyone!

P.S. Is there some type of downloadable user manual? I've never been able to find one. I've checked the faq section but didn't see anything. The information in the /docs folder just isn't enough for me.

Thanks again

Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 25, 2003, 06:16:59 PM
My issue is also solved. This thread can be locked.

I basically had my ISP upgrade to GD2 from GD.  It seems the problems arose when he upgraded PHP.  

So one of two things happened. GD was not installed correctly. Doesn't matter if it is GD or GD2.  

Another thing to check is the PHP.ini (only someone with root access can get at that file) and enable GD. I don't know what the file looks like, wish I could be more helpful to others how will encounter this.
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: Streetwise on March 25, 2003, 10:11:12 PM
PHP.ini is in the root Windows directory (on windows  :) ). There are some Windows Extensions that are rem'd out by default. Do a search on gd.dll and gd2.dll and un-comment those two extensions. This is for version 4.3.1

Hope that helps...

Dave Anderson
Title: Auto Thumbnail Stopped Working Suddenly
Post by: newyorker23 on March 25, 2003, 11:11:08 PM
In my case I'm on Linux and paying a hosting service. I don't have access to the root.  So I had to have the ISP do it for me.  Luckily it wasn't an issue for them, they did it.