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4images Modifications / Modifikationen => Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) => Topic started by: - nasser - on December 02, 2009, 08:04:07 PM

Title: How Icunnini change the shape of the links on the search page and keywords?
Post by: - nasser - on December 02, 2009, 08:04:07 PM

I'm having a problem that may punishing me by the Google site search is that the words of the picture when it Zguet be the link as follows:

The link is the main

Only when the search image or click on the link words in the image search results display images in Figure

Is there a solution that would make the link properly
As the site Google considers duplicate content.

Thank you for you give  :)
Title: Re: How Icunnini change the shape of the links on the search page and keywords?
Post by: om6acw on December 03, 2009, 03:42:59 AM
prevent google from reading those links by putting this in your robots.txt

Code: [Select]
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /search.php
Disallow: /search.htm
Disallow: /*.search.*
Disallow: /*?mode=search
Title: Re: How Icunnini change the shape of the links on the search page and keywords?
Post by: - nasser - on December 03, 2009, 02:21:59 PM
Thank you om6acw to respond
I want to Qoukl that reads like these links:
xxx: xxxxxx: /search. html?search_keywords=hert
This is useful in bringing visitors

The Aaredh to review the results are as follows:
xxx: xxxxxx: /image-389. search. html
Because they are contrary to the correct connector
xxx: xxxxxx: /image-389. html

Is same lines, understood by all?

Thank you all and thank you om6acw again.