4images Forum & Community

4images Modifications / Modifikationen => Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) => Topic started by: sydawn on July 27, 2007, 07:09:10 PM

Title: Please help - Need 4 vertical thumbnails in details.php from same category
Post by: sydawn on July 27, 2007, 07:09:10 PM

Im a fairly new poster. I need help on this. I have tried all the other possibilities on the board but they all mainly refer to the home page and whenever I try to adapt any to details.php I get errors.

I need 4 to 6 vertical thumnails to the right of the details.php from the SAME category as the image being seen ( sort of like related images) PLZ PLZ PLZ, can anyone help me

I tried the random images coding, I get no errors, but I get NO thumbnails showing. Also, this is a random script, I would need them from the same category if they are there.

thanx in advance

Title: Re: Please help - Need 4 vertical thumbnails in details.php from same category
Post by: sydawn on July 28, 2007, 10:22:10 AM
Surely Kurt, Mawenzi, V@no etc can shed some light on my problem plz....? Anyhows, I hope someone can help

Title: Re: Please help - Need 4 vertical thumbnails in details.php from same category
Post by: uploadeur on February 28, 2012, 02:51:22 PM
same problem here. need help!