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4images Issues / Ausgaben => Discussion & Troubleshooting => Topic started by: blue22deep on April 04, 2006, 08:54:02 AM

Title: Gallery below web-root problems
Post by: blue22deep on April 04, 2006, 08:54:02 AM

I've placed my gallery below web-root, and thought that i have changed what to change is, but i'm getting errors when doing "batch-import"

------  error message start ------
0 images in # - Satin.

Import category # - Satin ...
Warning: mkdir(+++server-root+++/gallery/latexshiny/data/media/52): No such file or directory in /+++server-root+++/www/latexshiny/gallery/admin/plugins/batch_import.php on line 367

Warning: mkdir(+++server-root+++/gallery/latexshiny/data/thumbnails/52): No such file or directory in /+++server-root+++/www/latexshiny/gallery/admin/plugins/batch_import.php on line 368

------  error message end ------

And this is the lines from the "batch_import.php" 367 - 368

      mkdir(MEDIA_PATH."/".$cat_id, CHMOD_DIRS);
      mkdir(THUMB_PATH."/".$cat_id, CHMOD_DIRS);

Why can't 4images create the dirs that it need...??
Title: Re: Gallery below web-root problems
Post by: V@no on April 04, 2006, 02:52:39 PM
batch-import is a mod, so please read forum rules and reply to the appropriate topic.
Title: Re: Gallery below web-root problems
Post by: blue22deep on April 05, 2006, 08:26:54 PM
batch-import is a mod, so please read forum rules and reply to the appropriate topic.

It's not a batch-import problem, when i don't adress outside/below webroot, there is no problem, so it's not the [MOD] that's the problem...

Title: Re: Gallery below web-root problems
Post by: V@no on April 06, 2006, 01:49:39 AM
Do you have problem with 4images when you dont use that mod? no? then why are we arguing about it?
The error you showed clearly stated that it occured in plugins/batch_import.php file which is not a part of 4images installation, its a mod. That means that there is something wrong in the mod that has problem when you move your files below web root. so how is that not a mod's problem?
Title: Re: Gallery below web-root problems
Post by: blue22deep on April 06, 2006, 08:25:45 AM
Do you have problem with 4images when you dont use that mod? no? then why are we arguing about it?
The error you showed clearly stated that it occured in plugins/batch_import.php file which is not a part of 4images installation, its a mod. That means that there is something wrong in the mod that has problem when you move your files below web root. so how is that not a mod's problem?

Okay, i'm the stupid one here, i can't make my self clear...

It's not only when i use batch-import, i'm having trouble showing images put below webroot also...

But i need to get my sites running, so i'm not gonna offer this problem more time, my gallery will be put in webroot for now, and when i got the time for it, i'll figure out the "below webroot" problem..

One thing i don't understand though, many people use 4images that way, why is it so hard to tell others about it, is it really such a pain for people who wanne crawl a website, i've asked the question before, but when i didn't get any answers, i deleted the topic again, couldn't there be a guide to put the gallery below webroot...??
Title: Re: Gallery below web-root problems
Post by: V@no on April 06, 2006, 02:40:16 PM
put the gallery below webroot? - how is that going to work? "below webroot" = unaccessible from the web, so what is that you trying to do? perpahs lets try get this straight first ;)
Title: Re: Gallery below web-root problems
Post by: blue22deep on April 06, 2006, 06:48:06 PM
put the gallery below webroot? - how is that going to work? "below webroot" = unaccessible from the web, so what is that you trying to do? perpahs lets try get this straight first ;)

I've read under various topics, that putting the gallery below webroot would make it not-crawleble, it would only be accessible through the scripts running on the site

I read that one has put video files there, and there were some problems playing them or downloading them, i don't remember exactly...

So all in all, it's all about keeping website-rippers away, and in the end, it's about hits ;)

Title: Re: Gallery below web-root problems
Post by: V@no on April 07, 2006, 01:24:40 AM
Ok, first of all, its not 'putting GALLERY below webroot', its puting images/media files below webroot - two different things ;)

But, if you are planning to do so, you'll need make additional changes to the code and create another script that would read the media files and show them to the client, its more complicated process then you might think ;)

Perhaps you'd better off searching for "pic security" topic where this and many other tricks discussed.
Title: Re: Gallery below web-root problems
Post by: blue22deep on April 07, 2006, 08:36:09 AM
Ok, first of all, its not 'putting GALLERY below webroot', its puting images/media files below webroot - two different things ;)

But, if you are planning to do so, you'll need make additional changes to the code and create another script that would read the media files and show them to the client, its more complicated process then you might think ;)

Perhaps you'd better off searching for "pic security" topic where this and many other tricks discussed.

Yep, thought so, so that'll have to wait

Regarding the pic-sercurity, i read it, and have also search the net regarding the .htaccess file, and found this link, wich seams pretty nice ;)
