Problem... need Mod for this-
In the AdminCP, when using the
Edit/Move to a different category OR using the Add Image functions, it is not
moving (edit function)/uploading (Adding Images) the file to the BIG folder.
I have also manually moved the BIG file AFTER having moved a file (edit function) as well as ADDED the BIG file to the BIG folder for the correct category (Adding Images), BUT the DOWNLOAD link will not "read" the big file. EDIT: The problem is known but not solved. it was a case of CAPS vs lowercase in the file names.
Normal Member page upload into a category, everything works...
as long as the image is NOT moved afterward to a different category! ...except one thing... It seems if the main upload file has caps in the file name, those are kept in the BIG file, but the RESIZED image is dropped to lower case. Is there a fix for that?
So a MOD add-on to the current MOD this thread discusses would be greatly appreciated.
Solved the moving issue here: at a previous post in this thread regarding Validation to see if anything there will assist. Validation already has the BIG validated at the same time. The CAPS/lower case thing happened here in the User upload, which is where I noticed that.
ANOTHER EDIT: Just thought of something...
can ImageMagick change the case of letters when resizing the image? Nope. Not it. Saw when Validating the image, the file name WAS in caps, but after validation, the resized image went to lower case while the BIG file stayed upper case. Changed from ImageMagick back to GD. Did a direct Admin upload and the upper case remained. So it is within Validation that the case is changed.