in der includes/constants.php
define("PRINT_STATS", 1);
define("PRINT_QUERIES", 1);
dann siehst du auf deiner seite ganz unten wieviele queries zeit e.t.c.
mit cache:
Page generated in 22.235408 seconds with 32 queries, spending 19.856000 seconds doing MySQL queries and 2.379408 doing PHP things. GZIP compression enabled
SELECT setting_name, setting_value FROM 4images_settings
Querytime: 0
SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_description, cat_parent_id, cat_hits, cat_order, auth_viewcat, auth_viewimage, auth_download, auth_upload, auth_directupload, auth_vote, auth_sendpostcard, auth_readcomment, auth_postcomment, cat_image FROM 4images_categories ORDER BY cat_order ASC
Querytime: 0
SELECT cat_id, COUNT(image_id) AS new_images FROM 4images_images WHERE image_active = 1 AND image_date >= 1288394379 GROUP BY cat_id
Querytime: 0.391
SELECT cat_id, COUNT(*) AS num_images FROM 4images_images WHERE image_active = 1 GROUP BY cat_id
Querytime: 0
DELETE FROM 4images_sessions WHERE session_lastaction < 1289257479
Querytime: 0
REPLACE INTO 4images_sessions (session_id, session_user_id, session_lastaction, session_location, session_ip) VALUES ('d1b01aac30df0e8b9407baae6d6a3942', -1, 1289258379, 'index2.php', '')
Querytime: 0
SELECT s.session_user_id, s.session_lastaction, s.session_ip, u.user_id, u.user_level, u.user_name, u.user_invisible FROM 4images_sessions s LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = s.session_user_id) WHERE s.session_lastaction >= 1289258079 ORDER BY u.user_id ASC, s.session_ip ASC
Querytime: 0.001
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_rating DESC, i.image_votes DESC
Querytime: 1.758
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_votes DESC, i.image_rating DESC
Querytime: 1.769
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_hits DESC, i.image_name ASC
Querytime: 3.347
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_comments DESC, i.image_name ASC
Querytime: 6.075
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_downloads DESC, i.image_name ASC
Querytime: 3.417
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id LIMIT 2088, 1
Querytime: 0.093
SELECT i.word_id, i.word_text, COUNT(c.word_id) AS quantity FROM 4images_wordlist i LEFT JOIN 4images_wordmatch c ON i.word_id = c.word_id WHERE name_match > 0 GROUP BY i.word_text ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 50
Querytime: 1.131
SELECT COUNT(i.image_id) AS user_t_images, u.user_name, u.user_id FROM 4images_users u LEFT JOIN 4images_images i ON (i.user_id = u.user_id) WHERE u.user_level = 2 GROUP BY u.user_id ORDER BY user_t_images DESC LIMIT 5
Querytime: 0.001
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6805
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6677
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 7735
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6041
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 17189
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 9723
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6805
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6677
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 7735
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6041
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 17189
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 9723
Querytime: 0
SELECT COUNT(image_id) as num FROM 4images_images WHERE image_active = 1 AND cat_id NOT IN (0, 60)
Querytime: 0.329
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, i.image_md5, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) ORDER BY i.image_date DESC LIMIT 0, 4
Querytime: 0.804
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, i.image_md5, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (34) ORDER BY i.image_date DESC LIMIT 3
Querytime: 0.001
SELECT c.image_id, c.comment_id, c.user_id as comment_user_id, c.user_name as guest_user_name, c.comment_headline, c.comment_text, c.comment_date, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, u.user_name as user_name, s.user_name as comment_user_name , i.image_md5, s.user_msn as comment_user_msn, u.user_msn as image_user_user_msn, s.user_aim as comment_user_aim, u.user_aim as image_user_user_aim, s.mod_auszeichnungen as comment_mod_auszeichnungen, u.mod_auszeichnungen as image_user_mod_auszeichnungen, s.user_azms as comment_user_azms, u.user_azms as image_user_user_azms, s.user_azms_info as comment_user_azms_info, u.user_azms_info as image_user_user_azms_info, s.user_azmg as comment_user_azmg, u.user_azmg as image_user_user_azmg, s.user_azmg_info as comment_user_azmg_info, u.user_azmg_info as image_user_user_azmg_info, s.user_azmp as comment_user_azmp, u.user_azmp as image_user_user_azmp, s.user_azmp_info as comment_user_azmp_info, u.user_azmp_info as image_user_user_azmp_info, s.user_azmn as comment_user_azmn, u.user_azmn as image_user_user_azmn, s.user_azmn_info as comment_user_azmn_info, u.user_azmn_info as image_user_user_azmn_info, s.user_azma as comment_user_azma, u.user_azma as image_user_user_azma, s.user_azma_info as comment_user_azma_info, u.user_azma_info as image_user_user_azma_info, s.user_azmm as comment_user_azmm, u.user_azmm as image_user_user_azmm, s.user_azmm_info as comment_user_azmm_info, u.user_azmm_info as image_user_user_azmm_info FROM 4images_comments c LEFT JOIN 4images_images i ON i.image_id = c.image_id LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON u.user_id = i.user_id LEFT JOIN 4images_users s ON s.user_id = c.user_id WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND i.image_allow_comments = 1 AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0) AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) ORDER BY c.comment_date DESC LIMIT 7
Querytime: 0.001
SELECT image_id, cat_id, user_id, image_name, image_description, image_keywords, image_date, image_active, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, image_download_url, image_allow_comments, image_comments, image_downloads, image_votes, image_rating, image_hits FROM 4images_images WHERE image_active = 1 AND cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) AND image_media_file LIKE '%.jpg' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1
Querytime: 0.738
ohne cache:
Page generated in 52.490433 seconds with 32 queries, spending 47.944000 seconds doing MySQL queries and 4.546433 doing PHP things. GZIP compression enabled
SELECT setting_name, setting_value FROM 4images_settings
Querytime: 0
SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_description, cat_parent_id, cat_hits, cat_order, auth_viewcat, auth_viewimage, auth_download, auth_upload, auth_directupload, auth_vote, auth_sendpostcard, auth_readcomment, auth_postcomment, cat_image FROM 4images_categories ORDER BY cat_order ASC
Querytime: 0
SELECT cat_id, COUNT(image_id) AS new_images FROM 4images_images WHERE image_active = 1 AND image_date >= 1288394913 GROUP BY cat_id
Querytime: 0.962
SELECT cat_id, COUNT(*) AS num_images FROM 4images_images WHERE image_active = 1 GROUP BY cat_id
Querytime: 0
REPLACE INTO 4images_sessions (session_id, session_user_id, session_lastaction, session_location, session_ip) VALUES ('d1b01aac30df0e8b9407baae6d6a3942', -1, 1289258914, 'index2.php', '')
Querytime: 0
DELETE FROM 4images_sessions WHERE session_lastaction < 1289258014
Querytime: 0
SELECT s.session_user_id, s.session_lastaction, s.session_ip, u.user_id, u.user_level, u.user_name, u.user_invisible FROM 4images_sessions s LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = s.session_user_id) WHERE s.session_lastaction >= 1289258614 ORDER BY u.user_id ASC, s.session_ip ASC
Querytime: 0.001
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_rating DESC, i.image_votes DESC
Querytime: 4.594
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_votes DESC, i.image_rating DESC
Querytime: 4.644
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_hits DESC, i.image_name ASC
Querytime: 8.286
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_comments DESC, i.image_name ASC
Querytime: 8.714
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_downloads DESC, i.image_name ASC
Querytime: 9.832
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id LIMIT 21257, 1
Querytime: 3.826
SELECT i.word_id, i.word_text, COUNT(c.word_id) AS quantity FROM 4images_wordlist i LEFT JOIN 4images_wordmatch c ON i.word_id = c.word_id WHERE name_match > 0 GROUP BY i.word_text ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 50
Querytime: 2.967
SELECT COUNT(i.image_id) AS user_t_images, u.user_name, u.user_id FROM 4images_users u LEFT JOIN 4images_images i ON (i.user_id = u.user_id) WHERE u.user_level = 2 GROUP BY u.user_id ORDER BY user_t_images DESC LIMIT 5
Querytime: 0.001
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6805
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6677
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 7735
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6041
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 17189
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 9723
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6805
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6677
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 7735
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 6041
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 17189
Querytime: 0
SELECT image_id, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, cat_id FROM 4images_images WHERE image_id = 9723
Querytime: 0
SELECT COUNT(image_id) as num FROM 4images_images WHERE image_active = 1 AND cat_id NOT IN (0, 60)
Querytime: 0
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, i.image_md5, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) ORDER BY i.image_date DESC LIMIT 0, 4
Querytime: 0
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, i.image_md5, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (34) ORDER BY i.image_date DESC LIMIT 3
Querytime: 0.144
SELECT c.image_id, c.comment_id, c.user_id as comment_user_id, c.user_name as guest_user_name, c.comment_headline, c.comment_text, c.comment_date, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, u.user_name as user_name, s.user_name as comment_user_name , i.image_md5, s.user_msn as comment_user_msn, u.user_msn as image_user_user_msn, s.user_aim as comment_user_aim, u.user_aim as image_user_user_aim, s.mod_auszeichnungen as comment_mod_auszeichnungen, u.mod_auszeichnungen as image_user_mod_auszeichnungen, s.user_azms as comment_user_azms, u.user_azms as image_user_user_azms, s.user_azms_info as comment_user_azms_info, u.user_azms_info as image_user_user_azms_info, s.user_azmg as comment_user_azmg, u.user_azmg as image_user_user_azmg, s.user_azmg_info as comment_user_azmg_info, u.user_azmg_info as image_user_user_azmg_info, s.user_azmp as comment_user_azmp, u.user_azmp as image_user_user_azmp, s.user_azmp_info as comment_user_azmp_info, u.user_azmp_info as image_user_user_azmp_info, s.user_azmn as comment_user_azmn, u.user_azmn as image_user_user_azmn, s.user_azmn_info as comment_user_azmn_info, u.user_azmn_info as image_user_user_azmn_info, s.user_azma as comment_user_azma, u.user_azma as image_user_user_azma, s.user_azma_info as comment_user_azma_info, u.user_azma_info as image_user_user_azma_info, s.user_azmm as comment_user_azmm, u.user_azmm as image_user_user_azmm, s.user_azmm_info as comment_user_azmm_info, u.user_azmm_info as image_user_user_azmm_info FROM 4images_comments c LEFT JOIN 4images_images i ON i.image_id = c.image_id LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON u.user_id = i.user_id LEFT JOIN 4images_users s ON s.user_id = c.user_id WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND i.image_allow_comments = 1 AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0) AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) ORDER BY c.comment_date DESC LIMIT 7
Querytime: 0.001
SELECT image_id, cat_id, user_id, image_name, image_description, image_keywords, image_date, image_active, image_media_file, image_thumb_file, image_download_url, image_allow_comments, image_comments, image_downloads, image_votes, image_rating, image_hits FROM 4images_images WHERE image_active = 1 AND cat_id NOT IN (0, 60) AND image_media_file LIKE '%.jpg' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1
Querytime: 3.972
Verdammt wie grausam... mit 5 Sekunden gesamt könnte ich ja leben... ohje wie geh ich da vor?
Ich kann erkennen das MOD Mini Top sehr viel Zeit frisst, eigentlich die meiste...
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_rating DESC, i.image_votes DESC
Querytime: 4.594
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_votes DESC, i.image_rating DESC
Querytime: 4.644
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_hits DESC, i.image_name ASC
Querytime: 8.286
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_comments DESC, i.image_name ASC
Querytime: 8.714
SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM (4images_images i, 4images_categories c) LEFT JOIN 4images_users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (0, 1, 16, 14, 2, 9, 18, 4, 6, 55, 7, 45, 34, 31, 36, 56, 46, 17, 49, 26, 42, 3, 33, 29, 44, 28, 51, 59, 13, 12, 48, 52, 57, 53, 58, 50, 43, 47, 41, 27) ORDER BY i.image_downloads DESC, i.image_name ASC
Querytime: 9.832
Wohl nix für die Index oder nur was für Server mit richtig dampf?
Das Teil macht bei mir 36 Sekunden aus...
Evtl. sind das auch einfach zu viele Bilder in der db aktuell ~27.000?!
EDIT:Ich habe oben nochmal den Code editiert, wenn ich das richtig verstehe belasse ich das if_user_loggedout
im header beim script, dass dürfte doch den Vorteil haben das, dass Script bei eingeloggten usern erst
garnicht durchlaufen wird? Bei dem div dürfte das ja egal sein da es sowieso definiert werden muss oder
gilt hier das gleiche?
Ich hab es erstmal in beide Bereiche eingebaut script und div, durch die Änderung im ersten Post kann man
das Teil jetzt gezielter in bestimmten Template Seiten einbauen... allerdings fände ich es besser wenn man
nicht den ganzen div pasten müsste sondern {user_remember} wie realisiere ich das?
EDIT2:Ich habe MOD Mini Top mal den Arschtritt verpasst und siehe da:
(Da ist doch der Code Scheisse oder ich hab zuviele Bilder... wohl eher letzteres)
mit cache:
Page generated in 2.206502 seconds with 14 queries, spending 1.789000 seconds doing MySQL queries and 0.417502 doing PHP things. GZIP compression enabled
ohne cache:
Page generated in 5.344027 seconds with 25 queries, spending 2.989000 seconds doing MySQL queries and 2.355027 doing PHP things. GZIP compression enabled
Danke Andi für deine Hilfe
Zurück zu meinem MOD:Kann ich irgendwie eine Art Counter in das User Cookie speichern?
Damit ich auch bei nicht registrierten Usern den Reminder max X mal
anzeigen lassen kann?
Wie kann ich das Cookie ansprechen?
Gruß Jens