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Messages - x23piracy

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i have this js (put in root/js/fontsize.js):

Code: [Select]
//<!-- Textgroesse anfang -->
var faktor = 0.05;
var start_groesse = 1.0;
var anz = 0;
function fontsizer(inc, reset) {
if ((anz + inc >= 0) && (anz + inc <= 2)) {
anz += inc;
neue_groesse = anz * faktor + start_groesse;
artikel_text = document.getElementById('container'); = neue_groesse + "em";
switch (anz) {
case 0:
document.getElementById("fsminus").src = "templates/Iceberg/images/fontsize_down_inactive.png";
case 2:
document.getElementById("fsplus").src = "templates/Iceberg/images/fontsize_up_inactive.png";
document.getElementById("fsplus").src = "templates/Iceberg/images/fontsize_up.png";
document.getElementById("fsminus").src = "templates/Iceberg/images/fontsize_down.png";
//<!-- Textgroesse ende -->

in header.html:

Code: [Select]
<script language="javascript" src="./js/fontsize.js"></script>
in any template.html:

Code: [Select]
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onmousedown="fontsizer(-1, false)" onfocus="blur()"><img src="{template_url}/images/fontsize_down.png" id="fsminus" border="0"></a>
<img src="{template_url}/images/fontsize_font.png" id="fsminus" border="0"></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onmousedown="fontsizer(1, false)" onfocus="blur()"><img src="{template_url}/images/fontsize_up.png" id="fsplus" border="0"></a>

I've set the id to change the fontsize to "container" this is my main div for the hole galery...
But only some custom text in the footer changes his fontsize... (not the copyright text)

I thought the main div inherits to sub divs?

If not how to handle this with the js? is there an easy way without set an individual id to any tag
i like to change the fontsize?

Greetz X23


danke euch beiden.

Gruß Jens

meinst du vielleicht den:
[Mod] Search images by colors - colorsearch
anfangs recht nett,aber ich habe ihn wieder ausgebaut er war mir zu severlastig.
aber wie auch immer er hat all seine mods gelöscht...

mfg Andi


es geht um das Popup das erscheint wenn man auf das bild hovert
(in dem popup stehen das gewissen informationen).

Ist Kurt hier generell raus oder kann man mit ihm zumindest reden?

Gruß Jens


ich habe auf Kurt's Seite das hier gesehen. I saw that on Kurt's page:

Welcher MOD ist das? Which MOD ist that?

Gruß Jens


thanks this works great  :thumbup:

Do you also know how to make the magnifying glass?


I tried to extract the code for the magnifying thing:

Code: [Select]
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
var zoom = 0;
var flipV = 0;
var flipH = 0;
var invert = 0;
var grayscale = 0;

var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var apName = navigator.appName.toLowerCase();
var is_nav4 = ((apName == "netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 5))? 1:0;
var is_ie4 = ((apName == "msie") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 5))? 1:0;
var is_dom = document.getElementById? 1:0;
var is_gecko = (agt.indexOf('gecko') != -1)? 1:0;
var is_ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1)? 1:0;
var is_nav = (agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (agt.indexOf('opera')==-1)? 1:0;
var is_ie5up = (is_dom && is_ie)? 1:0;
var is_nav6up = (is_dom && (is_gecko || is_nav))? 1:0;

var docObj = is_nav4? "document.": is_ie4? "document.all.": is_dom? "document.getElementById('": 0;
var styleObj = is_nav4? "": is_ie4? "": is_dom? "')":0;

function mtrack(event) {

var x,y,x1,x2,y1,y2,dx=0,dy=0;

if (is_dom && window.event) {
x = window.event.clientX + 10 + document.body.scrollLeft;
y = window.event.clientY + 10 + document.body.scrollTop;
} else if (is_ie4) {
y = eval(event.y + 5 + document.body.scrollTop);
x = eval(event.x+ 20 );
} else if (is_nav4) {
y = eval(event.pageY + 5);
x = eval(event.pageX + 20);
} else {
x = event.clientX + 5 + window.scrollX;
y = event.clientY + 10 + window.scrollY;

x = x-left;
y = y-top; = 'block';

x1=-opp+(x+dx)*fact; //left
y1=-opp+(y+dy)*fact; //top
x2=+opp+(x+dx)*fact; //right
y2=+opp+(y+dy)*fact; //bottom*(1-fact)+left;*(1-fact)+top;"rect(" +y1 +"px," +x2 +"px," +y2 +"px," +x1 +"px)";

function zoomeIn(event)
if(zoom) mtrack(event);

function zoomPush()
if(zoom){ zoom = 0; = 'none'; }
else{ zoom = 1; }

function flipVPush()
if (!flipV)
{ = ''; = ''; = 'flipv()'; = 'flipv()';
flipV = 1;
}else{ = ''; = '';
flipV = 0;

function flipHPush()
if (!flipH)
{ = ''; = ''; = 'fliph()'; = 'fliph()';
flipH = 1;
}else{ = ''; = '';
flipH = 0;

function invertPush()
if (!invert)
{ = ''; = ''; = 'invert'; = 'invert';
invert = 1;
}else{ = ''; = '';
invert = 0;

function grayscalePush()
if (!grayscale)
{ = ''; = ''; = 'gray'; = 'gray';
grayscale = 1;
}else{ = ''; = '';
grayscale = 0;
<script language="javascript">
function replyprompt(cnt, name){
var ta = elem("textarea1");
var txt = "#" + cnt + " " + name + ": ";
if(ta.value == ""){
ta.value = txt;
ta.value += "\n" + txt;
function bg(color){
document.getElementById("imagebg").style.backgroundColor = color;

<script language="javascript">
var ico_magnify_over = new Image;
ico_magnify_over.src = '';
var ico_vertical_flip_over = new Image;
ico_vertical_flip_over.src = '';
var ico_horizontal_flip_over = new Image;
ico_horizontal_flip_over.src = '';
var ico_invert_colors_over = new Image;
ico_invert_colors_over.src = '';
var ico_grayscale_over = new Image;
ico_grayscale_over.src = '';
 <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                               <td align="center"><a href="javascript:zoomPush()" onmouseover="ico_magnify.src=''" onmouseout="ico_magnify.src=''"><img src="" name="ico_magnify" id="ico_magnify" width="31" height="31" border="0" /></a></td>
                               <td align="center"><a href="javascript:flipVPush()" onmouseover="ico_vertical_flip.src=''" onmouseout="ico_vertical_flip.src=''"><img src="" name="ico_vertical_flip" id="ico_vertical_flip" width="31" height="31" border="0" style="display: none" /></a></td>
                               <td align="center"><a href="javascript:flipHPush()" onmouseover="ico_horizontal_flip.src=''" onmouseout="ico_horizontal_flip.src=''"><img src="" name="ico_horizontal_flip" id="ico_horizontal_flip" width="31" height="31" border="0" style="display: none" /></a></td>
                               <td align="center"><a href="javascript:invertPush()" onmouseover="ico_invert_colors.src=''" onmouseout="ico_invert_colors.src=''"><img src="" name="ico_invert_colors" id="ico_invert_colors" width="31" height="31" border="0" style="display: none" /></a></td>
                               <td align="center"><a href="javascript:grayscalePush()" onmouseover="ico_grayscale.src=''" onmouseout="ico_grayscale.src=''"><img src="" name="ico_grayscale" id="ico_grayscale" width="31" height="31" border="0" style="display: none" /></a></td>
<div id="imagebg" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" align="center">
<img src="" id="twee" name="twee" alt="Butterfly" border="1" height="441" width="700"><br>&nbsp;</div>
<img name="een" id="een" src="" style="position: absolute; top: 584px; left: -28px; display: block; clip: rect(-434px, 904px, -234px, 704px);" height="882" width="1400">

But i could not get it work, no code failures but the zoom thing won't show up or work...
Any ideas?

Greetz X23

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Left Gallery QuickList
« on: October 19, 2010, 12:14:52 PM »
x23piracy is correct, it does not work. The list does come up on the details page but not highlighting the location that you are at.
It is based on the link that is now a details page link instead of a category link, that is why I never had details as part of the install.

the new one will be much better...

I did get the font=bold for the top level categories to work on the new version last night, so I think it will cover most of your requests. Hope to have it posted soon.


i lean back and stay tuned :) do your work i have time...  :thumbup:


Hey @budduke

How can i get more space between den image for opened folder and the text?
i tryed to make more space on the right side of the gif (width 19 px) but the
text allready stay directly near the image.

The folder image for closed folder has some space...

Greetz X23

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Left Gallery QuickList
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:03:36 AM »
how to make this work on details.html page?
Does not work, that is why it is not part of the installation because there is no way of linking the details page to a category to highlight that category.
actually all you need to do is place the same code form page_header.php into details.php above //-----------------------------------------------------
//--- Print Out ---------------------------------------


thank you :)
but it does not work for me.. hmm

Greetz X23

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Members Templates Select
« on: October 19, 2010, 12:38:36 AM »
V@no as it is usual at height  :wink:
I have found more simple variant of change of style which the user to whom can interestingly realize it and on the site chooses


yes that's a great and simple method:

Step 1.

In header.html find:
Code: [Select]
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{template_url}/images/style.css" />
replace with:
Code: [Select]
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{template_url}/images/styles1.css" title="styles1" media="screen" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{template_url}/images/styles2.css" title="styles2" media="screen" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{template_url}/images/styles3.css" title="styles3" media="screen" />

Add in header.html between <head> </head> tag:
(If you allready use jquery it's not important if minimal or normal version you can dismiss the first line.)
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/styleswitch.js"></script>

Step 2.

Place anywhere you want to display the style change links:
Code: [Select]
<a href="nojava.html?style=style1" rel="styles1" class="styleswitch">styles1</a>
<a href="nojava.html?style=style2" rel="styles2" class="styleswitch">styles2</a>
<a href="nojava.html?style=style3" rel="styles3" class="styleswitch">styles3</a>

The nojava.html can be used if no java script is available (server side style changing).

Step 3.

Create a folder called "js" in your 4images root directory.
Place the following files in that folder:
(You can dismiss jquery.js if you allready use it).

Greetz X23

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Left Gallery QuickList
« on: October 18, 2010, 10:55:22 PM »

how to make this work on details.html page?

Code: [Select]
persist: "location"
The Quicklist is there but collapsed and it's not showing the category where iam in:

In categories.html it's working well.

i also tried the option:
Code: [Select]
control: "#treecontrol",
i like to see this, but it's not showing up:

Another question
How to make the main category font bold?

and finally...
How to show also image entrys in the quicklist?

Greetz X23

Plugins / Re: [Plugin] Randomizer Text Script - DEUTSCH
« on: October 18, 2010, 08:45:00 PM »
Das muss ich mir mal bei Zeit ansehen!


das wäre ganz toll von dir  :thumbup:
Ich wärms in 4 Wochen wieder auf ;)
(oder zu Weihnachten...)


Ich habs so hinbekommen :), war eigentlich ganz einfach...

den href im template so einbauen:

Code: [Select]
href="<?php include './random.php'?>
den Tag nicht schließen, dass wird durch das plugin random erledigt.
Jede Zeile wie folgt beginnen:

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]">If you hate donations, click on an advertisement!

Kleiner Fehler:

Wenn man das im ACP einmal gespeichert hat wird automatisch vor das " ein \ gesetzt bei jedem
erneuten speichern bauen sich hier immer mehr \ auf.

Vielleicht kann Benny hier helfen?

Ich hab mal den tinymce integriert der bringt aber leider nicht da er html tags hunzufügt, kann man
den auf plaintext stellen?

Gruß Jens

Plugins / Re: [Plugin] Randomizer Text Script - DEUTSCH
« on: October 18, 2010, 07:57:47 AM »

lässt sich das ganze um einen Link zum random Text erweitern?
Ich habe das bei mir in der NAV Leiste oben eingebaut (Iceberg template)

Code: [Select]
<li><a class="common" href="{random_url}"><?php include './random.php'?></a></li>
Ich blicke aber nicht ganz durch... hat das jemand in der richtung schon gemacht?

Das wäre deshalb praktisch da in meinem random z.B. steht, Fehlt eine Kategorie? Kontaktiert mich (link zu contact)
oder Bitte spendet eure Millionen ;) (link zu paypal)...

Besser wäre es glaube ich wenn der include:

Code: [Select]
<?php include './random.php'?>
das hier zurückgeben würde:

Code: [Select]
<a class="common" href="url">random_text</a>
dann könnte man den ACP teil unberührt lassen und die zeilen dann mit dem a tag füllen...

oder die random so stricken das die mit url;text im ACP zurecht kommt.

Jemand eine Idee?

Gruß Jens


iam using ur mod and it's fine but i have an IE problem:

This is difficult, because the search plugin Pagepeel and want to share one and the same place.

I recommend the search plugin on the left side to place!


ich hab das Such-Plugin jetzt links aber das page peel ist trotzdem im IE nicht
richtig positioniert... hmm komisch.

Danke für den Tip für die linke Seite.


Das IE Problem hat sich erledigt es war ein template problem...

Ich habe hier noch eine alternative page peel grafik (Transparenz 75%):

Im Anhang die angepasste Datei fürs MOD

Bei mir sieht das so aus:

Gruß Jens



ich benutze V@no's MOD:
mit dessen Hilfe kann ich in meiner Datenbank Bildduplikate ausfindig machen die bereits vor dem
MOD vorhanden waren (dieser verhindert dieses später).

Ich kann bei mir 628 Duplikate ausmachen und weiterverwertbar in Excel etc. exportieren.

SQL Select:
Code: [Select]
SELECT image_md5, COUNT(*) AS num
FROM 4images_images
GROUP BY image_md5
HAVING num>1

@V@no hat dann noch diesen tollen MOD nachgelegt:
damit kann ich mit dem einzelnen MD5 Hash die Duplikate über das ACP suchen, anzeigen und löschen.

Leider klappt das bei meinen versuchen aber nur einzeln und ich habe 628 Duplikate, deshalb würde
ich das gerne etwas beschleunigen und habe versucht 2 Hashes auf einmal zu suchen. Das gelingt
mir aber nicht, scheinbar klappt das nur einzeln...

Es wäre sehr praktisch wenn es irgendwie mit V@no's MOD Batch Copy/Move/Edit Images
funktionieren würde da die Bilder erst angezeigt und einzeln selektiert werden können.

Ich weiß nicht wie ich das direkt in der Datenbank lösen könnte ohne dabei das Bild generell zu löschen
also nicht nur die Duplikate sondern auch das erste Bild als es noch nicht dupliziert war.

Wer kann helfen bitte?

Gruß Jens



I use V@no's MOD:
with which I can find duplicate pictures in my database and locate the duplicates
that where before the MOD (it will prevent this later).

I can find 628 duplicates in my db.

SQL Select:
Code: [Select]
SELECT image_md5, COUNT(*) AS num
FROM 4images_images
GROUP BY image_md5
HAVING num>1

@V@no then has to released this great MOD:
so I can look with the single MD5 hash the duplicates view using the ACP, and delete.

Unfortunately, this works with my attempt but only individually and I have 628 duplicates, so would
I like to speed up a bit and I tried to look for two hashes at once. It works only individually (i think)...

It would be convenient if it somehow by V@no's MOD Batch Copy / Move / Edit Images
would work because the images first appear and can be selected individually.

I do not know how I could solve directly in the database without deleting the image general information
So not only duplicates but also the first picture as it was not duplicated.

Who can help please?

Greetings Jens

[RUSSIAN] Experimental better use the english version ;)


Я использую V@no's Mod:
с которой я могу найти одинаковые фотографии в свою базу данных и найдите дубликаты
что там, где до MOD (это предотвратит этом позже).

Я могу найти 628 дубликатов в моей дБ.

SQL Select:
Code: [Select]
SELECT image_md5, COUNT(*) AS num
FROM 4images_images
GROUP BY image_md5
HAVING num>1

@V@no затем, чтобы выпустили эту великую MOD:
так что я могу смотреть с одной MD5 хэш дубликатов просматривать с помощью АКТ, и удалить.

К сожалению, это работает с моей попытки, но только в индивидуальном порядке и у меня есть 628 дубликатов, поэтому будет
Я хотел бы ускорить немного, и я попытался посмотреть на два хэшей сразу. Она работает только в индивидуальном порядке (я думаю) ...

Было бы удобно, если это как-то от V@no's Mod пакетного копирования / перемещения / редактирование изображений
будет работать, поскольку изображения на первый взгляд и может быть выбран индивидуально.

Я не знаю, как я могу решить непосредственно в базе данных без удаления изображения общая информация
Так что не только дубликаты, но и первая картина, как это было не дублируются.

Кто может помочь, пожалуйста?

Приветствие Jens


thnx for your help works fine for me now just want v@no to review the code if it is ok.
if ($file_added) {
$file['file_name'] = $cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_name'].".zip";
$file['file_data'] = $zipfile->send($cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_name'].".zip");
$file['file_size'] = strlen($file['file_data']);


it's working you can try that without any risk ;)

Greetz X23

Modifikasyonlar / Re: [MOD] Resimleri Puzzle yapma
« on: October 14, 2010, 08:45:32 PM »

i think this is one of kurt's no more available mod's
and the attachment here was deleted?

Greetz X23

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