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Messages - hinzwiekunz

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
i also want to use this MOD for SEO-optimizing.
Perhaps {alt_keywords} couldnt be used in the metatags in this way?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: ZIP-Download not possible
« on: December 28, 2007, 01:01:48 PM »
I found the problem. Old file-versions. I updated now the files from the include and admin-folder and it goes...

Discussion & Troubleshooting / ZIP-Download not possible
« on: December 28, 2007, 12:05:30 PM »
after updating my sity to 1.7.4 and install the SEO-mod, I recognized that the Zip-Function not goes. Its possible to download a single image about the download-button, but not as ZIP. The same in the Lightbox.
I dont think its the SEO-mod, cause the link of the button seems right. the download.php is the original without changes...
Can anybody help?


In addition to the article before...
You can try use $cat_name, $image_name variables in details.php or categories.php...
If I use these tags, the dynamic Informations comes from the random picture I use on the left side. In the main area theres displayed my main picture.
That means, that I dont can use the random picture? Or theres a way to take a new variable? I dont know how to do it. Can anybody help me?

Then my suggestion would be to register "special" tags for this metter.
For starters you could try install this mod and then register new template tags by adding below
Code: [Select]
  "clickstream" => $clickstream, something like:
Code: [Select]
  "meta_keywords" => "list of keywords",
  "meta_description" => "some description",
You can try use $cat_name, $image_name variables in details.php or categories.php...

Just an idea to get you started ;)

Hi V@no.
I also installed the dynamic-Title-Hack (it works!  :) ), but I dont know how to proceed. :?: I like to use dynamic keywords and descriptions for the detail pages and perhaps fixed keywords/descriptions for special categories.

Hi Vano,

how could I get a further keyword-Tag without links? I want to get dynamic Keywords in Meta-Tags without Links and want to use the Link-Functionality in the detail-Image-View.

So this thread means to delete all Link-Informations from the keywords. For me, I want to have the link-Informations in the detail-view, but not in the Meta-Tags.

Perhaps I have to generate a new Keyword-Function only to display the text-Version?

And no in German - sorry my bad english.

In einem anderen Thread habe ich gefragt wie ich die dynamischen Keywords in Meta-Tags bekomme. Mit {image_keywords} bekomme ich die Keywords innerhalb von Links - also unbrauchbar für Meta-Tags. Dieser Thread zeigt mir zwar wie ich die Links entferne, aber ich möchte sie ja in einem bestimmten Teil, nämlich bei den Bild-Details, behalten.
Also eine zweite Keywords-Funktion/Variable einfügen? Wie mache ich das, und an was für einer Stelle?


it works, but not in right way.  :?
1.) I use the random image in left bar and the main image in the main frame. Only this informations should be taken for the meta-Tags, but it displays the Meta-Informations from the random-Image.
Thats the first problem.

2.) if I use "image_keywords" it generates links displayed at the top of the site, like listed in the iptc-informations under the images. Thats defined in the functions.php. But I dont know what to do to get the keywords only as normal words.

Please help me. At the moment it is online - I cant let it long time... ThanX,

Hi Nicky,
danke. Ich möchte doch das jeder Nutzer ein Bild mit dem Keyword "Tröpchen" auch mit der Texteingabe "Troepchen" im Suchfeld findet.



im Urlaub wollte ich in meiner Seite ein Bild suchen, konnte aber keine ÄÜÖs - Umlaute - über die Tastatur eingeben!
Gibt es nicht die Möglichkeit Umlaute zu suchen, und wenn nach *"ae"* und *"ue"* gesucht wird automatisch auch als ä/ü umzuwandeln während der Suche?
Im Forum noch nichts dazu gefunden...

My problem is, that I want to offer the way to write in international characters, and php search also the german special characters in the IPTC. There is only the german word with a special character. So an *"ae"* search also an *"ä"*.


Tutorials / Re: [Tutorial] Making additional field searchable
« on: September 30, 2005, 05:43:27 PM »
Nee, ich glaube Du hast das Prinzip noch nicht verstanden ;) Nicht böse gemeint :)
Hab leider momentan keine Zeit das zu programmieren. Evtl. bekommst Du es alleine raus indem Du Dich in search.php und global.php an $search_new_images orientierst.

Hallo Jan,

nach Urlaub - muss ich nun wieder ran ans Formular. Hier eine Beispielseite, wie ich mir das vorgestellt hatte mit den voneinander getrennten Suchmöglichkeiten. Super gelöst... Ich habs so noch nicht gepackt.

Tutorials / Re: [Tutorial] Making additional field searchable
« on: September 06, 2005, 12:38:45 AM »
Hi Jan,
du hast recht. Wie das alles in 4images miteinander verknüpft ist bei der suche verstehe ich nicht so richtig. Ich hatte es mir nicht so schwierig vorgestellt. Danke für die Tips, aber ich steige da nicht so richtig durch...
Ich habe jetzt erst alles umgestellt ohne Suche, wäre aber SEHR daran interessiert, bald die Suche zu ermöglichen...  :roll:


First, these mods are excellent, V@no, thanks.

Hi v@no
would it be possible to add all fields define in db_field_definitions.php I mean iclude all $additional_image_fields in the QUICK EDIT Option list and course the possbility to Edit and SAVE them IT WOULD BE  TO MUCHHHHHH !!!!!
Thanks a lot Larissa :roll:

I also want to try to get a new radio-field in the quick-edit-window. When i search new images in ACP, its there, but if i want to change old images I must edit each image for itself...

Tutorials / Re: [Tutorial] Making additional field searchable
« on: September 01, 2005, 12:19:10 AM »
Hi Jan,
thanks for your answer. I tried, but it dont work. It dont find my images with this values.
For me its important to have the choice to search for images with this new image_license-value "0" and images with value "1" in combination with the keywords.
I tried again like Vano:
Code: [Select]
<input type="radio" name="search_fields" value="image_license_yes" /><br><input type="radio" name="search_fields" value="image_license_no" />But there is no changing.

In Deutsch.
Vielen Dank noch mal, Jan. Es hat allerdings noch nicht geklappt. Auch so finde ich mit der Suche nicht die Bilder mit den ensptrechenden Werten.
Ich möchte nach Lizenzfreien und Lizensierten in der Suche unterscheiden können und diese Bildeigenart, eigentlich nach Bedarf zuschalten können - deswegen dachte ich den radio-namen anders zu wählen. Eine Kopplung an die anderen search_fields ist ok, aber es funkioniert auch so nicht. Auf jedenfall wäre mir wichtig nach image_license_yes und _no als Button zu unterscheiden. Vano hatte das auch ähnlich vorgeschlagen.
Es funkionert nur alles nicht, obwohl die einzelnen Bilder schon wunderbar eingestellt und bearbeitet werden können. Ich habe drei Test-Bilder mit dem Keyword test versehen. Ein Bild ist lizenzfrei, zwei andere sind mit dem Keyword "test" lizensiert. Super klappt die unterschiedliche Darstellung von Informationen jeweils bei lizensierten und lizenzfreien Bildern.

Code: [Select]
{if image_license}<strong>Lizensiert</strong><br>                              <table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">
                                  <td class="title">&nbsp;</td>
                                  <td valign="top">F&uuml;r eine Verwendung dieses Bildes machen wir Ihnen ein konkretes Angebot. Bitte klicken Sie auf den Anfragebutton und f&uuml;llen das Formular aus. </td>
                                  <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="rowsearch"><a href="index.php?template=preise">{hilfe_button}</a></span></td>
                                  <td class="title"><img src="{template_url}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="25" height="5" /></td>
                                  <td class="title">&nbsp;</td>
                                  <td><a href="{cat_id}&image_file_name={image_file_name}" target="Anfrage" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('anfrage.php','Anfrage','toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=530,height=630')">{anfrage_button}</a></td>
                              {endif image_license}{ifno image_license}<strong>Lizenzfrei
                              </strong><br>                              <table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">
                                  <td class="title"><img src="{template_url}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="25" height="5" /></td>
                                  <td valign="top">Dieses Bild ist lizenzfrei zu folgenden Preisen zu erwerben.</td>
                                  <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="rowsearch"><a href="index.php?template=preise">{hilfe_button}</a></span></td>
                                  <td class="title">&nbsp;</td>
                                  <td><table  border="0" cellpadding="0">
                                      <td class="title">Web</td>
                                      <td><img src="{template_url}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="25" height="5" /></td>
                                      <td>900 x 600 Pixel bei 72 dpi</td>
                                      <td><img src="{template_url}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="25" height="5" /></td>
                                      <td>40 &euro;</td>
                                      <td class="title">A5</td>
                                      <td>ca. A5-Format bei 300 dpi</td>
                                      <td>90 &euro; </td>
                                      <td class="title">A4</td>
                                      <td>ca. A4-Format bei 300 dpi</td>
                                      <td>120 &euro;</td>
                                      <td class="title">A3</td>
                                      <td>ca. A3-Format bei 300 dpi</td>
                                      <td>180 &euro;</td>
                                  <td class="title"><img src="{template_url}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="25" height="5" /></td>
                                  <td class="title">&nbsp;</td>
                                  <td><a href="{cat_id}&image_file_name={image_file_name}" target="Bestellung" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('bestellen.php','Bestellen','toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=530,height=630')">{bestellen_button}</a></td>


Tutorials / Re: [Tutorial] Making additional field searchable
« on: August 31, 2005, 07:33:36 AM »
Could there anybody give me a hint?  :cry:
I expect that the mistake ist in search_form, but I tried many versions to use the values.

And I didnt get any errors. Even the Search rebuilt was without error, so it is not to compare with the other postings here. I dont know...


Tutorials / Re: [Tutorial] Making additional field searchable
« on: August 30, 2005, 12:00:51 AM »
Sorry for double postings. Its really nessesary to find the solution. Could somebody give a hint....

It doesn't work for me. Perhaps there is a special value for me anywhere.

 I have added a field "image_license" and can use it with the images. it works. but i couldnt search for images with only this activated values.
Here is the actual test-site:

1. Create a new column in the table 4images_wordmatch called photographer_match
Code: [Select]
ALTER TABLE 4images_wordmatch ADD photographer_match TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

I have created a table 4images_wordmatch called license_match like this. No problem. I dont know if the values '0' and NOT NULL are right for me.

2.  Open includes/search_utils.php and find this part...

My Code is like this:
Code: [Select]
$search_match_fields = array(
  "image_name" => "name_match",
  "image_description" => "desc_match",
  "image_keywords" => "keys_match",
  "image_license" => "license_match"

b]3.[/b] Open main.php in your lang folders and add a new line:

I have done it, but I think thats not the problem.

4. Open the template search_form.html and add this:
Code: [Select]
<input type="radio" name="search_fields" value="image_photographer" /> {lang_image_photographer_only}

Code: [Select]
                  <input type="radio" name="image_license" value="{image_license_yes}" />
                  <input type="radio" name="image_license" value="{image_license_no}" />
I tried many variations with the value-Tag, e.g. Vano has said...
Code: [Select]
value="1"{image_license_yes}, but nothing has changed.

Code: [Select]
[b]5.[/b] Rebuild the search index.Done.

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