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Messages - Ahm@d

Pages: [1]
Chit Chat / Re: 4games Powered by 4images
« on: November 09, 2010, 11:17:36 AM »
hmm, i guess the only thing that can count as a development from you, is the theme!
nothing else is worth being called a development, lots of mods combined together!
even that you couldn't adujst the tags cloud mod to Arabic. ;)

you gotta work hard, trust me :)

i'll send you mine as soon as i'm finished!

 :( i'm looking for that too

i know i've posted in an old thread, but really i'm in a bad need for it !!

Discussion & Troubleshooting / I'm having a weird problem !
« on: January 10, 2010, 08:44:24 PM »
Hi all,

i'm having a problem after i've edited lots of codes and files, i don't even know what i've went through, cuz it's been long time since i've start work on it, every thing is ok, but i'm having this problem in Details only, the image Details and everything else such as the additonal fields change as the random image changing, but the title in the html code "<title></title>" will remain as the image name is !!!

for example, if i have an image named Ahmad, and the description is Funny, Ratings are 4, and i click on it, to show the Image page,

and the random image was somthing like, Nicky, it'll sohw the details of Nicky, in Ahmad's image page " http://localhost/test/details.php?image_id=18 " !!

i'm not in the mood to look again and search the whole code, cuz i'm in A HURRY, what do think guys ?

appreciate all of you passing, and commenting, thank's alot.


أهلين أخوي أحمد ..

أتمنى تضيف اللي تحب تعرفه و انا راح اساعدك باللي أقدر عليه :)

أهلين وسهلين وحيد ..

تسلم ايدينك يا قمر ..  :)

Chit Chat / Re: In memory of manurom
« on: August 07, 2008, 09:56:43 AM »
i'm shocked,
My condolences to his family ..
he was very kind, and one of the best developers i've ever seen
sorry but i can't say anything else

 :D thank's alot V@no i have try it and it work,

thank u very much ..

 8) the problem is that some Arabic letters are shown in the tags as a latin letters which is not right  :cry: ..

could u tell me how can i fix it ..

or just tell me from which file ?

here is a screenshot  :mrgreen:

thank's alot

i have a problem with this mod on some Arabic letters

can anyone help me ?  :(

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: I have many questions ..
« on: March 27, 2008, 02:19:42 PM »
Can anyone help me ?  :(

Discussion & Troubleshooting / I have many questions ..
« on: March 19, 2008, 09:50:51 PM »
Hi ..

i have some problems .. and some ideas .. i hope that u can help me with it  :wink: ..

first how i can reduce the server traffic and server load ..

second .. can i put two titles and two keywords in diffrent language for the same picture or the same category ?

third how can i improve Tags to make my gallery more friendly to search engines ?

last .. how can i make the site map uses HTML XML ..

thx ..

See ya  :mrgreen:

Language Packs / Re: [Language] Arabic for V1.7.6
« on: March 02, 2008, 08:26:25 AM »
hi matab

there is a problem with the language on firefox ..

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [PROGRAM] 4images Mobile Server
« on: September 02, 2007, 03:10:58 PM »
hi manurom ..

 :wink: Nice work ..

really i loved the idea ..

i'm gonna try it right now ..

waiting to see it in Arabic .. if u want i can help to translate it ..

C ya

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