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Topics - plasticphyte

Pages: [1]
Hi guys,

If this is the wrong section for this question, please feel free to move it..

I'm not a PHP programmer, I know just enough to do very basic modding - anyway, I have a very simple PHP script I'm trying to get to run when an image is uploaded, so that it inserts exif data into the image_description bit of the database as plain text.

The PHP I want to run is:
Code: [Select]
<?php  $filename "image_that_was_uploaded"; require("./templates/dark/"); $er = new phpExifRW($filename); $er->processFile(); $er ->showImageInfo(); ?>

I would like it to insert the outcome of the script into the database field that stores the {image_description} so that when I use {image_description} in my template, it outputs the exif data.

(Hopefully that makes sense)

I'm aware that 4images can read and output EXIF data, but I would like to use this process as the data 4images retrieves isn't compatible with the lightbox js effect.

My version of 4images is 1.7.4

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Create own global 'function'
« on: June 25, 2008, 03:21:11 PM »
I'm trying to create a way to retrieve exif data all on one line for use with Lightbox 2 JS.

How would I go about create my own {exif_thing} to use in templates?

The string I use currently to read exif is - this is processed in the details.html template, and refers to the php script '' which processes the image, and outputs exif data on one line (see here for example)

Code: [Select]
<?php  $filename "{media_src}"; require(""); $er = new phpExifRW($filename); $er->processFile(); $er ->showImageInfo(); ?>
I would love to be able to get this working, or somehow have the 4images own exif tool instead, but all the items on one line like such:

Focal Length, F stop, Shutter speed, ISO

Any ideas? (I have searched and found a number of exif related threads, but not had much luck in finding what I'm after).

Tutorials / [TUT] Using the Lightbox 'overlay' effect in 4images
« on: June 24, 2008, 12:44:20 PM »
- first only a englisch version ...
- eine deutsche Version kommt bald ... oder später ... ;) ... zwischenzeitlich nutze diese Deutsche-Google-Übersetzung ...

Hi guys,

I've noticed a lot of image galleries using the Lightbox v2 effect that can be found here - as a great fan of the fantastic 4images gallery, I wanted to implement it into my website.

Here's the quick and dirty method (please note I'm working from memory, so if this doesn't work first time, please post what has gone wrong and I'll try my best to help).
Please note, Lightbox v2 can only handle .jpg files. This will not work with any other type of file, so implement this 'mod' at your own risk.

1 - Install it using the methods outlined in the website (you'll need to download it from the website listed above).

2 - Open up thumbnail_bit.html and look for this bit
Code: [Select]

3 - Modify it to look like this
Code: [Select]
<a href="./data/media/{cat_id}/{thumbnail_file_name}" rel="lightbox[{cat_id}]" title="{image_name}"><img src="./data/thumbnails/{cat_id}/{thumbnail_file_name}" /></a>

Now save it and upload it.

4 - Open up header.html and insert this code before the </head> tag, making sure the paths are correct.
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lightbox.js"></script>

Upload this file, and you're done.

As far as the lightbox CSS and so forth goes, I've appended it to my own stylesheet.

*Edit 23 July 2009 - Removed link to my website. No longer using 4images.
*Edit 5/9/2008 - Removed steps that have been found to be uneccessary to the process.
*Edit 25/6/2008 - Updated step 7 to remove an error which would cause the session ID to appear in the the thumbnail box*

My apologies if this is in the wrong forum, please move to the appropriate one as need be.

I'm trying to get lightbox v2 working with the 4images gallery (1.7.4) but from the details.php page.

I've got it working, except linking to the image from the gallery thumbnails page, because the URL is not a direct link to the image itself (which is what lightbox v2 needs).

Is there anyway I can get the thumbnail page to link directly to the fullsize image instead of the details.php page?

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