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Messages - Sunny C.

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 ... 116
Feedback & Suggestions / Re: The download link is not working
« on: July 18, 2024, 08:19:51 AM »
Download wieder fehlerhaft!

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: 4images 1.10 - Feedback
« on: June 30, 2024, 08:33:59 AM »
Danke für das Feedback, wir prüfen das.

Das habt ihr bis heute nicht... Ich denke so wird das auch mit Github nichts werden. Wie man sehen konnte gab es doch den ein oder anderen User der an der Software Interesse hat. Ich habe ein komplett modernes Design Frontend/Backend erstellt gehabt; war und bin aber auch nicht mehr bereit dies zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Und was macht man da dann genau?

Open: categories.php
Code: [Select]
"cat_description" => htmlspecialchars(format_text($cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_description'], 1, 0, 1)),Add after
Code: [Select]
"cat_second_description" => htmlspecialchars(format_text($cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_second_description'], 1, 0, 1)),
Open: global.php
Code: [Select]
$sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_description,find and Replace
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Open: rss.php
Code: [Select]
$rss_desc  = format_rss_html($cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_description']);Replace with
Code: [Select]
$rss_desc  = format_rss_html($cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_description']."\n".$cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_second_description']);
Open: admin/categories.php
Code: [Select]
$cat_description = un_htmlspecialchars(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['cat_description']));Add after
Code: [Select]
$cat_second_description = un_htmlspecialchars(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['cat_second_description']));
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
(cat_name, cat_description,Replace with
Code: [Select]
(cat_name, cat_description, cat_second_description,Find
Code: [Select]
('$cat_name', '$cat_description',Replace with
Code: [Select]
('$cat_name', '$cat_description', '$cat_second_description',
Code: [Select]
show_textarea_row($lang['field_description_ext'], "cat_description", "", $textarea_size);Add after
Code: [Select]
show_textarea_row("Second ".$lang['field_description_ext'], "cat_second_description", "", $textarea_size);
Code: [Select]
$cat_description = strip_tags(un_htmlspecialchars(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['cat_description'])), '<div><p><a><strong><bold><i><em><u><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><span>');Add after
Code: [Select]
$cat_second_description = strip_tags(un_htmlspecialchars(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['cat_second_description'])), '<div><p><a><strong><bold><i><em><u><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><span>');
Code: [Select]
        $sql = "UPDATE ".CATEGORIES_TABLE."
            SET cat_name = '$cat_name', cat_description = '$cat_description',
Replace with
Code: [Select]
        $sql = "UPDATE ".CATEGORIES_TABLE."
            SET cat_name = '$cat_name', cat_description = '$cat_description', cat_second_description = '$cat_second_description',

Code: [Select]
    $cat_id = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cat_id'])) ? intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['cat_id']) : intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['cat_id']);

    $sql = "SELECT cat_name, cat_description,
Replace with
Code: [Select]
    $cat_id = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cat_id'])) ? intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['cat_id']) : intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['cat_id']);

    $sql = "SELECT cat_name, cat_description, cat_second_description,

Code: [Select]
show_textarea_row($lang['field_description_ext'], "cat_description", $cat_row['cat_description'], $textarea_size);Add after
Code: [Select]
show_textarea_row("Second ".$lang['field_description_ext'], "cat_second_description", $cat_row['cat_second_description'], $textarea_size);
Code: [Select]
    if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['closeall'])) {
        $open_all = false;
        $GLOBALS['map'] = array();

    $sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_description,
Replace with
Code: [Select]
    if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['closeall'])) {
        $open_all = false;
        $GLOBALS['map'] = array();

    $sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_description, cat_second_description,

Code: [Select]
        if (!$show_all_subcats && !$open_all) {
            $where_sql = "WHERE cat_parent_id IN (".implode(", ", $GLOBALS['map']).")";
        $sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_description,
Replace with
Code: [Select]
        if (!$show_all_subcats && !$open_all) {
            $where_sql = "WHERE cat_parent_id IN (".implode(", ", $GLOBALS['map']).")";
        $sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_description, cat_second_description,

Open: includes/functions.php
Code: [Select]
"cat_description" => htmlspecialchars(format_text($cat_cache[$category_id]['cat_description'], 1)),Add after
Code: [Select]
"cat_second_description" => htmlspecialchars(format_text($cat_cache[$category_id]['cat_second_description'], 1)),
Open: templates/your-template/categories.html
Code: [Select]
                          <br>{cat_description} (Hits: {cat_hits})
                          <hr size="1" />
Replace with (or set {cat_second_description} at a desired position)
Code: [Select]
                          <br>{cat_description} (Hits: {cat_hits})
                          <hr size="1" />
                           <hr size="1" />

Open: templates/your-template/category_bit.html
Code: [Select]
{if cat_description}<span class="smalltext">{cat_description}</span><br />{endif cat_description}Add after
Code: [Select]
{if cat_second_description}<span class="smalltext">{cat_second_description}</span><br />{endif cat_second_description}
And then a new column needs to be added in phpMyAdmin.

  • Open: phpMyAdmin
  • Select your database
  • Click on SQL at the top
Enter there
Code: [Select]
ALTER TABLE 4images_categories
ADD COLUMN cat_second_description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;
Click OK

Chit Chat / Test
« on: March 29, 2024, 06:28:13 PM »

Open: categories.php
"cat_description" => htmlspecialchars(format_text($cat_cache[$cat_id][&#39;cat_description&#39;], 1, 0, 1)),
add after
"cat_second_description" => htmlspecialchars(format_text($cat_cache[$cat_id][&#39;cat_second_description&#39;], 1, 0, 1)),

php bbcode broken

Feedback & Suggestions / 4images 2
« on: March 22, 2024, 06:43:35 AM »

es wurde oft angekündigt, aber die Jahre verstreichen.
Wird das noch was? Wäre schön wenn man jetzt mal ein klares Ja oder Nein aussprechen könnte.

Ich pers. würde es begrüßen.


The error message indicates that there is an issue with sending emails on your website. Let's go through the message step by step:

1. **Warning: fsockopen(): Unable to connect to localhost:25 (Connection refused) in /customers/.../4images/includes/email.php on line 184**: This part of the message indicates that a connection to "localhost" on port 25 (SMTP port) could not be established. The "Connection refused" error typically means that the server on the specified port is not reachable. In this case, the script is attempting to connect to the local email server to send emails, but the connection is being refused.

2. **Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: fgets(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given in /customers/.../4images/includes/email.php:185**: Here, a fatal error is reported. The script is trying to call the `fgets` function, but the first parameter (`$stream`) should be of resource type (usually a file or network stream), but it's receiving `false` instead. This indicates that the connection to the email server was not successfully established, resulting in `false` being returned.

3. **Stack trace**: These lines show the call stack, which means which functions or parts of the code led to the error.

In summary:

- Your script is attempting to send an email via the local email server (SMTP) but is unable to establish a connection to the server on port 25.
- This results in a `false` value being returned when the script tries to call `fgets` to read data from the email server.
- Ultimately, this leads to a fatal error and the termination of the script.

Possible reasons for this issue could include:

- The local email server is not properly configured or running.
- Firewall or security settings may be blocking the connection on port 25.
- The SMTP server might require authentication or other configurations that are not set correctly.

To resolve the problem, you should:

1. Check the configuration of the email server that the script is trying to access.
2. Ensure that the email server is running correctly and listening on port 25.
3. Review firewall settings and network restrictions that could be blocking the connection.
4. Verify that the email libraries or classes you are using are properly configured and can handle the connection appropriately.

Please note that the exact solution will depend on the technologies you are using and the configuration of your environment.

Ich glaube du wirst dabei nicht drumherumkommen, auf das Flash zu verzichten.

Das hier ist out-of-the-box und habe es nicht testen können.
Hier ist ein Beispiel für eine mögliche Implementierung mit der HTML5 File API und XMLHttpRequest.
Ich habe es selbst nicht testen können, vielleicht bekommst du es ja zum laufen:

Code: [Select]
<input type="file" id="fileInput" multiple>
<button id="uploadButton">Durchsuchen &amp; Hochladen</button>
<div id="progressContainer"></div>

  document.getElementById('uploadButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
    var files = document.getElementById('fileInput').files;
    var formData = new FormData();
    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
      formData.append('file[]', files[i]);
    formData.append('PHPSESSID', '<?php echo session_id(); ?>');
    formData.append('user_id', '{user_id_upload_multi}');
    formData.append('max_thumb_height', '{max_thumb2_height}');
    formData.append('max_thumb_width', '{max_thumb2_width}');
    formData.append('auto_thumbnail_quality', '{auto_thumbnail2_quality}');
    formData.append('thumbnail_proportions', '{thumbnail_proportions}');
    formData.append('direct_upload', '{direct_upload}');
    formData.append('cat_id', '<?php echo $cat_id?>');
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', 'multiupload_2.php', true);
    xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e) {
      if (e.lengthComputable) {
        var percent = (e.loaded / * 100;
        document.getElementById('progressContainer').innerHTML = percent + '% hochgeladen';
    xhr.onload = function() {
      if (xhr.status === 200) {
        // Upload erfolgreich
        alert('Upload abgeschlossen');
      } else {
        // Upload fehlgeschlagen
        alert('Fehler beim Hochladen');

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: 4images 1.10 - Feedback
« on: May 02, 2023, 08:57:11 AM »
Wie ist denn euer Stand dazu aktuell?

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: 4images 1.10 - Feedback
« on: February 10, 2023, 08:07:51 PM »
Die Installation unter PHP 8.1 läuft nicht sauber.
Nach der Eingabe der Daten und starten der Installation...

Die Installation läuft weiterhin nicht korrekt durch


Das fehlt ebenso wieder

Code: [Select]
ENGINE=MyISAM;Ersetzen mit
Code: [Select]
Ich finde das sollte man als Update mal nachschieben.


Feedback & Suggestions / Re: 4images 1.10 - Feedback
« on: February 03, 2023, 10:15:07 AM »
Klasse, es erfreut immer wieder, wenn wenigstens noch ein bisschen dran gearbeitet wird.

Aber das hier ist falsch :)

News: [2021-11-05] 4images 1.10 released

Replace to

Code: [Select]
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

  var captcha_reload_count = 0;
   var captcha_image_url = "{url_captcha_image}";
  function new_captcha_image() {
    if (captcha_image_url.indexOf('?') == -1) {
        document.getElementById('captcha_image').src= captcha_image_url+'?c='+captcha_reload_count;
      } else {
        document.getElementById('captcha_image').src= captcha_image_url+'&c='+captcha_reload_count;


   function opendetailwindow() {'','detailwindow','toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=680,height=480');

// -->

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: 4images 1.9 - Feedback
« on: December 28, 2021, 04:28:44 PM »
Die Installation läuft weiterhin nicht korrekt durch

Als erstes muss man folgendes in die install.php hinzufügen.
Das Scheint das System nicht zu erkennen.
function safe_htmlspecialchars($chars) {
// Translate all non-unicode entities
$chars preg_replace(

$chars str_replace(">""&gt;",   $chars);
$chars str_replace("<""&lt;",   $chars);
$chars str_replace('"'"&quot;"$chars);

Außerdem kann es noch zu folgenden Fehler kommen
DB Error: Bad SQL Query: CREATE TABLE 4images_settings (setting_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',setting_value mediumtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (setting_name)) ENGINE=MyISAM
Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

Das kann man beheben in dem man unter "data/database/default" die Dateien öffnet
Code: [Select]
ENGINE=MyISAM;Ersetzen mit
Code: [Select]
Ich finde das sollte man als Update mal nachschieben.


Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 ... 116