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Messages - doonfrs

Pages: [1]
Discussion & Troubleshooting / config file double quoted string bug
« on: September 13, 2009, 05:36:12 AM »
My name is firas abd alrahman
I used 4images , and it's really the best images gallery script 
. . . .

while installing script i found this problem

my database user password was "xx$x123"

in config file you will have
$db_password = "xx$x123"

but the result will be
$db_password => xx123

this caused an error , (4images return "unexpected error" , it's not easy to know the error reason directly )

because the double quoted string will escapes variables values

the fix is simple
by using single quoted string in config file
$db_password ='xx$x123'


Pages: [1]