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Messages - hopis

Pages: [1]
Installation, Update & Configuration / Leuchtkasten umbenennen
« on: February 26, 2003, 12:43:42 AM »
JA: Editiere die Datei ../4images/lang/deutsch/main.php

Unter //--- Misc steht die Variabel $lang['lightbox'] = "Leuchtkasten";
"Leuchtkasten" kann hier auf z.B. "Album" umgeändert werden.

Unter //--- Lightbox sollten auch alle 'lightbox'-variabeln angepasst werden.


This error occurs due to MYSQL cannot create a temporary file for the result set in the C:\temp.

Solution: MYSQL restarted with that option.


I sent them the whole error message as posted above.
I insisted on being an SQL problem and no coding error (thanks to you).

They finally resolved the problem. I don't know yet what the problem was.
I will tell you later.

Thanks anyway and congratulations for this great gallery.


Installation, Update & Configuration / SQL error
« on: February 20, 2003, 11:59:18 AM »
This is the answer I got from my provider:

>The error is at :
>FROM 4images_categories c LEFT JOIN 4images_images i ON (i.c
>please double check the codes.

Adding categories and images work fine with 1 created category.
Thereafter I get the error message and cannot access the photo album anymore or no categories are displayed.

Any clue?


After installing 4images I got the following error message.
I get this at the top of the page, the rest of the page looks normal.
Except for the admin/index.php there I only get the error.
Anyone a clue?

DB Error: Bad SQL Query: SELECT c.cat_id, c.cat_name, c.cat_description, c.cat_parent_id, c.cat_hits, c.cat_order, c.auth_viewcat, c.auth_viewimage, c.auth_download, c.auth_upload, c.auth_directupload, c.auth_vote, c.auth_sendpostcard, c.auth_readcomment, c.auth_postcomment, COUNT(i.image_id) AS new_images FROM 4images_categories c LEFT JOIN 4images_images i ON (i.cat_id = c.cat_id AND i.image_date >= 1044583894 AND i.image_active = 1) GROUP BY c.cat_id ORDER BY c.cat_order, c.cat_name ASC
Can't create/write to file 'C;\temp\#sql5b4_51a_0.MYI' (Errcode: 2)

Thanks fo the help

Pages: [1]