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4images 1.10
:flag-en: The new version 4images 1.10 has been released. This release brings a bunch of bug fixes and improvements.
We recommend all users to update to the current version. All changes and features are listed in "docs/Changelog.txt".
:flag-de: Die neue Version 4images 1.10 wurde veroeffentlicht. Das Release beinhaltet einige Bug fixes und Verbesserungen.
Wir empfehlen allen Nutzern ein Update auf die aktuelle Version. Alle Aenderungen und Features sind in der Datei "docs/Changelog.txt" aufgelistet.
Please use this thread for feedback about the 4images 1.10 version.
F?r Feedback zur 4images 1.10 Version bitte diesen Thread nutzen.
ChangeLog Version 1.10
- Added ability to ignore images on "Validate images" page
- Fixed wrong results when searching on "Edit images" page (thanks to kp, https://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=33113.0)
- Fixed error when checking for new images in currently empty categories (thanks to kp, https://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=33113.0)
- Fixed missing functions for error output in install.php (thanks to qBass17, https://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=33114.0)
- Fixed incomplete downloadable configuration file in install.php
- Fixed uncaught file system permission error in install.php
- Fixed error when logging in with invalid credentials
- Fixed several warnings related to undefined variables
- Security fix for XSS in category descriptions (thanks to rishaldwivedi)
- Security fix for XSS in /admin/index.php login (thanks to Piyush Patil)
- Security fix for SQL injection in /admin/images.php (thanks to Andrey Stoykov)
- Disabled PHP execution in templates by default and added notice to update docs (thanks to Andrey Stoykov)
- Added notice about MySQL 8.x not being supported to installation docs
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