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Messages - eddyman1us

Pages: [1] 2 3
can anybody confirm if its working with v1.7.7 I applied the code and also debug it
Code: [Select]
$max_to_show = 10 ;// max items to display but after adding the 2 tags {lang_keyword} and {show_tag_clouds} .

The field is blank and nothing is displayed , any suggestions ...

Chit Chat / board off limits !
« on: July 02, 2009, 06:12:16 AM »
Hi this regarding the 4images forum.

Lately there had been quite a few posts which require login for viewing and after authentications I get an board error statin " the page is off the limits "
I tried to register a new account and still the problem persists . Can admins kindly check whether or not the following topics has restricted access

[MOD] Ajax Slideshow/ Diashow :
[MOD] Ajax Slideshow/ Diashow with PicLens :

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Category Image v1.0.2
« on: July 02, 2009, 06:00:04 AM »
Hey can anybody check wether or not step 1 is correct in the file attached above this post  :roll: !

Also can anybody confirm if this MOD is working on v1.7.7

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Category Image v1.0.2
« on: June 27, 2009, 08:18:44 AM »
I believe I have MODed global.php ( step 1) correctly .

I have attached the file anyways !

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Category Image v1.0.2
« on: June 27, 2009, 02:47:54 AM »
I have added the code in the category_bit.html (step 4) also I am unable to see image in the category edit page, when I changed  $cat_image = "blah";  in admin/categories.php 

I could see "blah" only in the cat edit page and not in the homepage .

Chit Chat / Re: KurtW MODs and Templates
« on: June 27, 2009, 01:00:14 AM »
still cant view the following topics:

[MOD] Ajax Star Rating :
[MOD] Ajax Slideshow/ Diashow with PicLens :

I get the same error ( btw why do we need to login to view these posts in the first place ??)

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Category Image v1.0.2
« on: June 26, 2009, 06:23:32 AM »
Hi , this MOD does seem to be very promising.
I am unable to get this mod working on 1.7.7 , people say it is working on 1.7.6 , I believe it should be working fine in 1.7.7 too !
 I have tried and checked every changed file all the steps seem to correct .

I am not getting errors but I cant see any image beside the category , I have installed the catimage_install.php and also added $result = $cat_row; after $cat_image in categories .php

I also checked wether there is cat_image in the sql query and it is present but still I can see any image despite editing image_id in ACP multiple times .
I also tried to add  $cat_image = "blah";  and I cant see "blah" next to the cat image.

I have read the entire thread but still cant get it working any suggestions ????

Chit Chat / Re: KurtW MODs and Templates
« on: June 22, 2009, 03:43:44 AM »
Hi had been recently trying to view the following posts:

[MOD] Ajax Star Rating :
[MOD] Ajax Slideshow/ Diashow with PicLens :

Till yesterday I was able to view the pages but today whenever I go to the url I get this

An Error Has Occurred!
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.

has there been any changes or errors in the bulletin board ???

Discussion & Troubleshooting / 4images all in one patch / package
« on: June 21, 2009, 01:25:42 AM »
Hi , I have been using 4images since 3 years and totally love the script .
But to MOD 4images to make it seo friendly from the new install takes quite a time and troubles .

So I was wondering has anybody created an all-in-one patch for 4images or a all-in-one install (custom ) which includes : SEO friendly urls MOD , TITLE tags MOD , sitemap etc ....

I understand that most of the times MODs require editing template files too , but making a patch for the most popular templates can be great .

So Any one with already patched files or any suggestion to make an All-in-one patch to include all the favorite MODs  ???

*bump*  any moderators to help me on how to modify the {image} condition for better seo  8O

Hi , I recently realized despite of gallery pages being successfully  indexed in google site search, none of the images from gallery were displayed when I searched for the entire site on

The 4images is kind enough to provide alt tags on all the images including the ones in details.html but that isnt helping in getting indexed in
I found that one work around for this is by adding the hyperlink of the image in details.html to the image itself .
The template shows {image} as the tag for showing images how can I modify it too add link to it to the main image .

I hope I have cleared my self  :? !

HI , I had been using 4images for past 2 years and I must say I totally digg it and consider it the best opensource gallery management system, due to the fact that it customizable extensively and has great support (thanks to all the developers helping out in this forum)   :D
I had installed v1.7.4 released about 2 years ago and since then there had been some major changes to the new versions 1.7.5 and then eventually 1.7.6 which I consider are more stable , so I was quite interested in upgrading v.1.7.6 the only thing holding me back is I HAD installed several MODs like :
-short urls
-custom title tags

and some others that cant even recall as I lost some hard disk and lost the logs of the mods installed

SO without making this post long , I wanted to know is there any possible method or suggestion with which I can upgrade to 1.7.6 while keeping and maintaining my installed MODs .

done still nothing happened  :(
no errors nothing !
check ur pm for url

its does say error it just doesnt work ... nothing happens when clicked without logging in

Hi , thunderstrike

Can you post the whole functions.php which according to you is working for 1.7.4.
as I mentioned earlier even after modifying the original code it was malfunctioning in my case .

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