I have make all from link:
http://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=1858.0. Nothing change. I check my login and password. All is as I know. But when try login - nothing is happen. Only website reload.
This same is happen when I try write the words or signs from veryfication code. I write corect signs but veryfication code is reload as if I inserted wrong signs.
I started thinking whether my problems with logging on or writing signs down to catpcha are result of incorrect reading or processing signs. I checked my phpAdmin.
Coding system of signs for MySQL: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8);
System of comparisons for the connection MySQL: utf8 _ unicode_ci.
In the structure the method of comparing records is sometime uft8 _unicode_ci, but also latin2_ general_ci can find.
However in the statistics of records is always latin2 _ general_ci.
Can it cause problems? If yes, how I can fix it? If however it can't to cause this all trouble, what can cause my problems with logging and writing down (with reading out) of signs? How to recover the access to the own website and ACP?
Please help me.
And thanks a lot for those who try help me for this time.