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Messages - budduke

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This mod has been updated to version 4.5

There was a major flaw where it was getting the file dimensions from the random image instead of the detail image...
Please note in the new instructions...
The code in the Functions.php now has to go after the "rate_form"
In the old instructions it was placed in before it. Please remove the code from Before the "rate_form" and follow the instructions as to where to place the modified code After that area of the functions file and you should be good.

The description you gave seems to be correct, I think the problem you may be running into is the dropdown javascript for the login you have running.
If you test it at my site The normal procedure after they login/create an account with facebook on your site it should refresh the login box which seems to not be happening at your site.
I could not register at your site because it was disabled when I got to the password screen.
You may try changing to a default 4images template temporarly to determine if it is working correctly or not.
The login goes by page refresh because it lies in the hearder area of the page.

I am planning on working on this mod again becasue facebook keeps changing how things work but not ETA on it.

Hi Budduke,

I fear that I found another little problem with the actual version of 4images.

What happens to me is that I can´t restrict the resizes to images that are smaller than the original one that lies in the root of the category folder.
So it happens, that I have an image with a resolution of e.g. 1600x1200px but on detail page I can resize also the bigger resolutions (e.g. 2560x1920) although I configured the category in that way, that only smaller sizes than the original should be offered.

I first thought that that might be caused by other mods I use, but now I tried it with a clean installation of 4 images and the same thing happens. The strange thing is, that it seems to work perfectly the first time the image is selected. So if a new image is selected the first time everything works correctly, if I reload the page, all resolutions that I have in my global.php are shown, without restricting the bigger sizes that I do not want.

Any idea what might be the problem?

Thank you


The thing that is troubling me in your post is that you are saying when it first brings the details page up everything is correct?
Then if you hit refresh it gives you all the options? Are you caching those pages? Can you turn it off to see if it is a caching issue because it should do the same thing each time.

I replaced it and cleared the chache, still the same problem.

The error log says:

Code: [Select]
PHP Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 85, referer:

Can you PM me your website so I can see it in action...
I may also need admin access but will let you know.

Thanks, it now opens a download but the image has 0kb size and the "big" folder is empty. Chmod is 777 on the folder.

Any idea what can be wrong now?

I looked over your functions.php file and there were a few missing brackets (not in my mod area but in the big mod area)
try this one and let me know...

Hi budduke,

thank you for the quick reply. Attached are my files. I have to say I already solved the problem with the empty line in the backend ( :oops: stupid mistake) but the download still doesn't want to work.
I tried it with and without the pop up function but this didn't change anything.

Would be great if you can solve the problem.

I only looked over the download.php file since that seemed to be the one you was having issues with. Attached is the fixed one.
Apperently, there are two places that the code can be placed, anyone reading this when you are looking for...
Code: [Select]
if ($user_info['user_level'] != ADMIN) Looks for the second one in the download.php file...
I will have to update my instructions when I get time...

Hi all,

I've installed this MOD on 4images 1.7.11 with installed multi language MOD for any text ( ).
In the admin categorie settings the line to switch on the multi size function is empty but I switched it on in the database by setting the value "2".
If I want to download a picture a "http 500 error" page appears.

The error log says:

Code: [Select]
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 315, referer:
Does anyone have an idea whats wrong? As far as I understand the bracket is correct and I checked all my inserts to download.php

I sounds like something is not placed correctly somewhere, Can you zip all your changed files and post them and I may have time to compair them with mine to see what may be wrong?

Can you post or PM me a link to look at what is happening?

Hi Budduke,

thank you for fixing this problem now. Creation and deleting of categories works fine now but it seems that there is another problem with the new version of 4images.

I tried to install the mod twice with a new installation of 4images 1.7.11 and everything seems to work but when I want to download an image it opens in a new window (like i want it to do) but then I get an broken image.
Don´t know if this might be caused by download.php or if I made a mistake.

I took a look at @tiburon's download.php file and saw the mistake. It is working now.

I have not installed this mod on 1.7.11 but looking it over it should still work. I may have time this weekend.
Can you PM me your admin/categories.php file with the mod placed so I can compare it with my copy?

Will let you know what I find,

There was a missing closing bracket in the file that took care of the issue...
What Tiburon pointed out is correct, if you are using this on 1.7.11 look for the newer search item instead of the original

Programming / Re: working with string patterns...
« on: August 20, 2012, 12:41:27 AM »
That did it!  :D

Someday I will have to sit down and understand those patterns better. I think that is holding me back in allot of ways...

Thank you Rembrandt for your help!

Programming / Re: working with string patterns...
« on: August 19, 2012, 08:08:38 PM »
Lets see...
"this is test#1 (2012) (delete this data)" needs to become "this is test#1 (2012)"
"this is some data test#2 (data to delete)" needs to become "this is some data test#2"
"this is another test #3 (2012) (september) (get rid of me data)" needs to become "this is another test #3 (2012) (september)"

Hope that makes it a little clearer. The data inside the bracket changes everytime but the brackets are always in the string at the end.
Looking at the rtrim() function looks to me as my best way to go but I can not configure a pattern that would match start bracket, anything in between, end bracket and the end of the string. The rtrim looks like it starts at the end of the string and looks backward when trying to find a match.

Programming / Re: working with string patterns...
« on: August 19, 2012, 07:14:29 PM »
Thanks for the help Rembrandt but I guess I should have been more clear...
The $string variable sometimes will have 2 () in it and sometimes there is only 1().
Mainly, I am wanting to remove the far right set of () and the data inside of it no matter have many () are in the string. On some of them there are 3 sets.
Note, the string will always have a set of () at the end of the string if that helps.

I am glad someone knows more about the patterns because it just confuses me the more I look at it.

When I ran your code on my data, it actually erased the whole string when it only contained one set of ()....

any ideas?

Programming / working with string patterns...
« on: August 19, 2012, 01:20:35 AM »
I am terrible when it comes to string patterns and kind not find the info I need anywhere.
I want to perform a rtrim ($string,"search pattern")  on a string like this one..
$string="This is my data (want to keep this data) (want to delete this data and brackets)"
Anybody have any ideas what my "search pattern" should be to get rid of the second set of () and the data inside it?


Da mir das ganze zuviel Englisch ist, meine Frage, werden bei Facebook auch Bilder angezeigt ?
Habe es auf meiner Testseite eingbaut, klappt auch, bis auf Bilder.
Kann ja sein das der Mod so richtig ist, das keine Bilder angezeigt werden, wenn doch dann schiebt mich bitte mal zu der Stelle die ich überprüfen sollte.

LG Harald
I think I understand your question using google translate...
My mods do not send the actual big pictures to facebook yet (still working on that one)
This mod just allows you to log into your site using your facebook account.
My other mod (the like/send/share button) does post a thumbnail of the picture along with the descriptions in your newsfeed on facebook.
It can be touchy sometimes. If you post it incorrectly the first time like when testing and something is not setup correctly, facebook caches it on their end and then the thumbnail never shows up till the cache expires (I think 24hrs)

let me know if your question is something different,

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