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Messages - budduke

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Changing File Extentions
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:54:43 AM »
They are real zip files I zipped them to save space but wanted to add the mod to allow people to select WP sizes and for that you need actual images.
I am assuming you are talking about adding my Mod (multi download sizes) ?
The way I think I understand your site. You have the actual images uploaded to your site as zip files so when the user clicks on the download buttom, they are downloading the zip file containing the jpg image?
Are you creating the thumbnails and preview images by hand before you upload the zip file because I do not think they would be created on the fly when uploading zip files.

The way I unserstand it, my mod would have to unzip the image to the tmp folder? maybe, resize it for whatever size they selected, and then store that new resized image in the big folder for later downloads. Not sure how much I would have to change to pull that off.
Can you PM me or post a link to your site so I can see what you are working with?

As far as doing what you are posting and changing the zip files back to image files. Not only would you have to unzip each one individually, you would also need to modify the database entry for each one to point to the new image file instead of the zip file.
It may be possible to create a script to do both of those things but would need more info before I would think about trying it.

Hallo zusammen.

Habe mich jetzt hier etwas im Forum umgeschaut (auch schon gegooglet) aber nicht das richtige gefunden.

Ich würde gerne unter jedem Bild eine Facebook Like / share Button einbinden und ebenfalls die FB Kommentarbox.

Ich habe über FB developers zwar den Code gefunden, jedoch weiß ich nicht was ich genau machen muss / ändern / hinzufügen muss das jedes Bild einen eigenen Button / Kommentarbox hat.

Ich hoffe ich habe es nicht zu kompliziert erklärt und mir kann jemand helfen.

Ich nutze default_960px

LG & Danke schon mal  im Voraus

When you say you are wanting like button under each thumbnail... That should happen if you applied step 4 correctly. If you add the code to your thumbnail_bit.html it should display a like button under every thumbnail on your site correctly.
The fb comments I do not use but my untested guess would be to place the code from facebook's site in your details.html template where you are wanting it to be displayed and replace inside the code where is shows
Code: [Select]
href=""replace that code with
Code: [Select]
let me know if you have any problems...


I want to share pictures and videos on facebook. I can share it, directly on facebook or using a button on 4images but sometimes a thumbnail don't appear.
What should I do?

Is your site online so I can see the problem in action?
If so, post or PM me links to the items that are not showing thumbnails...

Most of the time it is filetypes that facebook has issues with but would like to see what I see when I am looking at them.

It seems that on this user's site, facebook was returning an error saying the thumbnail was too small to be used.
If you are using thumbnails that are smaller then 200X200 then you will not get thumbnails on your shares.

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Thumbnails in RSS
« on: April 04, 2013, 02:04:00 AM »
I'm getting partial success.  On my site in firefox and ie9 when I click on the rss button I get the feed with thumbnails which is very nice :D but when I try to use a feed reader in wordpress no thumbnails :?

In Chrome I get this error message: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

The paths in the xml file are good. 

Any suggestions on how to trouble shoot?


The Chrome error is because Chrome does not read rss feeds without adding an extention...
This is what another site said you need to add to get the rss feeds to work.

Sorry, I do not work with wordpress but I wonder if it might also need a plugin or extention to read rss feeds?

I am facing one more trouble and its related to this mode only.

You see i want to use tags  {width}x{height}   and   {image_file_size}  these tags work everywhere except multi_popup.html

Can you fix this issue?

The popup window was designed because someone requested it so they could put ads above/below the downloaded image and not to recreate the details page all over again.
I do see the reason you are asking for the filesize and dimensions because with this mod they are different then what is displayed on the details page.
I am not trying to recreate ALL the data that is displayed on the details page, at this point the user just wants to download the image...

I am not making this request part of the original MOD but here is the fix for anyone interested in using it. I do not think this will work if your images are stored on remote servers. I have not had time to test that part of it but it works fine for local files...
The last insert in the download.php file...
replace the entire insert with this one...
Code: [Select]
//MOD multi download for popup window
if (($multi_download_var['target']<>"") && $size){
   $meta_keywords  = !empty($image_row['image_keywords']) ? implode(", ", explode(",", $image_row['image_keywords'])) : "";
$meta_description = !empty($image_row['image_description']) ? strip_tags($image_row['image_description']) . ". " : "";
$image_name = format_text($file['file_name'],2);
$file_size = "n/a";
if ($file_size = @filesize($file['file_path'])) {
$file_size = format_file_size($file_size);
else {
$file_size = get_remote_file_size($file['file_name']);
$image_info= @getimagesize($file['file_path']);
"img_url" => $file["file_path"],
"site_name" => $config['site_name'],
"charset" => $lang['charset'],
"direction" => $lang['direction'],
"detail_meta_description"   => $meta_description,
            "detail_meta_keywords"      => $meta_keywords,
            "prepend_head_title"        => $image_name . " - ",
"width"=> $image_info[0],
"height"=> $image_info[1],
"lang_file_size" => $lang['file_size']
        send_file($file['file_name'], $file['file_path']);
//END MOD multi download for popup window

and this is the multi_popup.html I came up with to display the info...
Code: [Select]
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html dir="{direction}">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset={charset}">
<meta name="description" content="{detail_meta_description}{site_name}">
<meta name="keywords" content="{detail_meta_keywords}">
<table align=center">
<TD align="center"><img src="{img_url}"></img></TD>
<TD align="center">{image_name}</TD>
<TD align="center">{lang_file_size}&nbsp;&nbsp;{image_file_size}</TD>
<TD align="center">Dimensions:&nbsp;&nbsp;{width} X {height}</TD>

If you install the opera mini browser on your phone it works fine with the dropdown lists

I don't know about latest opera mini but i have version 6.5.27510 which also show empty file. And i can not update it 8O
I update it before and my browser started to malfunction so i reset to original.

I have updated the code to version 4.7 with the fix included...
To save yourself all the trouble, I only changed on spot of code in to fix the issue.
in the functions.php file
look for...
Code: [Select]
<form action='".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."download.php")."' method='post'".$multi_download_var['target'].">Change to...
Code: [Select]
<form action='".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."download.php")."' method='get'".$multi_download_var['target'].">
in other words change the method= from 'post' to 'get' and things should start working for you.

is there major difference between between drop down  links and text link?
Text links work fine, only problem occurred by drop down  links.

The dropdown list is submitting a form to the code instead of a download link. Not sure if that is where the problem is or not for the mobile browsers.

Update: If you install the opera mini browser on your phone it works fine with the dropdown lists so it does appear that there are limitations in the other browsers on the phones from what I have been reading. Will look into it further to see if there is a workaround that I can come up with.

Does anyone know why drop down menu link download nothing (0 files ) , when download by mobiles.

I use "0=dropdown" option and check it through mobile "Samsung c3312"  and found that no image are downloading, instead it show blank files in mobile.

Sorry, did not see your edit on the post above this one...
I tested it with my android phone and you are correct. I have been researching, trying to figure out what the difference is between a mobile phone browser and a desktop but not having much luck. It seems the mobile does not get the file size when using the dropdown list but the desktop does.
I do not have any time to play with the code till the weekends but will post it when I figure it out. Unless someone else has a quick idea they can post/PM me?

I'm back yet again. I've had everything working nicely, but just noticed another problem. If I'm logged in with facebook, and I click the facebook logout button, it will log me out from facebook, but not from the site. So since you're still logged in, you won't see the standard login link, but you also don't see the logout link either. If I login and out with standard login right from the start, it works fine.

Can you PM me a link so I can see the problem in action?

Facebook keeps messing with thier javascript routines. I noticed on my site that when you login with facebook, you have to refresh the page to get it to log into 4images but the logout still refreshes just fine.

Version 3 of this mod will almost be all in PHP, I am moving away from javascript because of all the changes. That seems to be what most sites have done.
Sorry, no ETA. I am finishing up a paying customer right now before I can start back to playing again :)

I must have fell asleep while doing that one. I modified my original code again...
in the download.php file look for this area
Also on the first line of the "look for" code above (new replace for version 4.4)
add new code to the end of the first line so it looks like this (Updated the code for version 4.6)
I added the ,image_name to that line of code

Now it should be working for you. I tested it on my test server just to make sure  :oops:


I have problem to insert tag {prepend_head_title}, it show blank instead of image name.
Don't know why its not work in "multi_popup.html" but it work fine in other places.

Please help

I have updated the original code to version 4.6...
in the instructions, look for the last replace in the download.php file and replace it with the updated code.
Let me know if that works or not because I have not tested it yet on my end.

Click on my site, is this what you are seeing? The button moves around while rendering, a big white box shows up and moves things around till it gets rendered? I clicked on your link for your site but did not see the login button anywhere.

I reported that problem to facebook a few months back, it comes and goes but has been back for awhile lately. They said they would look into it but then closed the bug saying it was by design, whatever that means. I saw someone posted a similer issue today on their bug site, will see if they do anything for them.
All that is in their control and nothing I can do to fix it. It is all embedded in their Javascript package.

I have looked at other sites and talked with a few people and most sites have moved away from the javascript and have started rendering their buttons locally thorugh PHP instead because they got tired of facebook changing things all the time in the javascript language.

When I get time, I think I will be also going that route to get away from these changes all the time but I have no ETA when that will happen, but will post my changes when I feel they are stable enough to post.

I now see what you are saying, this time it never did refresh after the registration, it did earlier today. I think it is because you put in the self_url as the target, it actually needs to be directed to the login.php page to actually log you in. The Self_url would only refresh the page you are currently viewing which would be the reg page.

It is now doing the same thing on my site, so facebook probably changed something again,  :(

I probably will not have time to work on it till next weekend, but if you look at the logout link I was using, I think you could mirror the login link to be about the same in your fb_login_url_z code. I always run through allot of tests before I post things. I have been wanting to clean up this code for awhile now, maybe get away from the javascript and keep it all php. not sure right now.

I will post any changes I make when I figure it all out,

When I registered on your site and put in the password in the registration page, it came back with a "successfully registered" page and waited a few seconds and then the site refreshed and the "login" screen was replaced with the "control panel". I did not have to do anything on my end but there was a few second pause before it did it.
You can remove my account from your site so I can try it again.

Okay, I did some more testing. As you suggested, I used the normal template. I used a fresh copy of the default template from 1.7.11, and did the mods to header, register_form, user_loginform, and user_logininfo. All of the same problems exist. New user is not redirected to the registration page. Once he goes there himself and registers, he is still not logged in to the site(even though it says Facebook is logged in), and he sees no login form.

Users which already have a site account and just want to link Facebook, they can login, but there is also no redirect there either. They have to refresh.

Logout with Facebook button does refresh the page and logout as it should.

I'm going to look at fbmain.php and see what I can do. But it's your script, so you would know better than me how it works. Thanks for your help. Hopefully we can get it working. I'm already using your "Like" mod, and I've replaced the 4images comments with Facebook comments, so having the Facebook login makes sense.

*EDIT* Also, registration is not actually disabled. I'm using a mod that forces the user to enter all details in the proper format before he can click the register button. Seems to work fine when creating the account with Facebook.

Are you doing where it sends them an activation code or instant activation?

Yes, The refresh is necessary because it has to run the function again in the header file to see it is logged in on the facebook side. The registration link is there till they click on their activation code to activate there registration, and even then it is a refresh of the page, usually my users just click on something on the site and then they are logged in.
I do not know allot about jquery to see if there is a way of doing all this without a page refresh.

When I tested your site earlier, I logged in with my facebook account and it gave the "agree to terms" and then wanted me to create a password, and that was as far as I got. On my site, after you put in a password for the site then it logs you into your site, whether you use the standard login or facebook.

The disabled button was up the entire time I was on the "enter password" screen of the registration page, even when I put a password in.
UPDATE: I had to click on each field on your reg screen to get the registar button to come on but then I got a syntax error in the header file...
You can PM me to take this off of here and I will post what we find out but I tested my site again and it seems to work just fine, there is a slight delay when registared but it does log the facebook user in. I do not think the dropdown login screen is letting the facebook update. What Mod is that so I can try to add it on my test site?

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