I had helped someone on here with this kind of problem but I can not find any of my notes on what we did to fix it.
I am hoping they are still on here and post the notes because I think we did it over PM each other and not on the board anywhere.
From my memory I think we had to change the collation on the database tables to something else so the Cyrillic letters would be stored correclty.
We also had to change the php files character base to something other then the default so you could input the Cyrillic letters without changing them
and then also change the php codes that displayed them.
I am assuming you are getting something like ?????? ????? where your character should be?
I wish I could remember more of it because I am american so I do not even have a way of inputting those characters on my keyboard that I know of.
I might have a copy of the test 4images install we did with the modified files in it (I just redid my computer, so hopefully it is in a backup somewhere)
just doing a quick google search came up with this...
1.Make sure the database charset/coallition is UTF-8
2.On the page you insert these russian characters ( the form, textarea ), make sure the encoding is UTF-8, by setting Content-Type to text/html; charset=utf-8. Enter in russian text directly to the form input.
3.On the processing page that handles this form, which inserts it into the database, make sure to do SET NAMES utf8 so it's stored as UTF-8 before you insert the data, in a separate query beforehand.
4.When you render the content from the database in a view, make sure the Content-Type is text/html; charset=utf-8.
Make sure that the content-type is not windows-1251 or iso-8859-1/latin1. Make sure the database charset/coallition is NOT ISO-8859-1/Latin1.
Let me know if we are talking about the same thing or not before I go searching for the answer...
UPDATE: I found the info...
It was in regards to my facebook login mod not displaying russian charactors correctly...
looking through the steps in that post I think it should help you also...
http://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=27396.msg158045#msg158045I would suggest testing it on a test server to make sure it all works the way you want it before trying it on your live site.