mawenzi, i come to you for knowledge once again.
This time the zoom tool has been upgraded. See new version TJPzoom 3 - ( no longer need arrow keys!)
After upgrading to 1.7.6 i reinstalled the original mod you put together but it did not work. I'm not sure why but I just cant get it to activate over my images. I tried to figure out how to get the new version to work instead and still no luck.
Heres what I've done. Please tell me if you see any problems.
Opened /templates/<your_template>/media/
To restrict guests from using Zoom ToolFind:
<img src="{media_src}" border="1" alt="{image_name}"{width_height} /><br />
Replace with:
{if user_loggedout}
<img src="{media_src}" border="1" alt="{image_name}"{width_height} /><br />
{endif user_loggedout}
To give Registered users Zoom Tool
Add line:
{if user_loggedin}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<img src="{media_src}" onmouseover="TJPzoom(event,{width},{height},'{media_src}','{media_src_2}');">
{endif user_loggedin}
Open includes/
"media_src" => $media_src,
Replace with:
$media_src_2 = $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."images/download/".$media_file_name);
"media_src" => $media_src,
"media_src_2" => $media_src_2,
side note: This code, previous to today, gave me a Parse error.
$media_src_2 = $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."images/download/".$media_file_name."".jpg);
I replaced it with the one i show above
$media_src_2 = $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."images/download/".$media_file_name);
what am I missing?