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Messages - budduke

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Are you using the my facebook connector mod v2.0?
If you are then I think it should be easy because I already created a login variable. I am not sure if it carries over to all the templates or not. Have not test this...
Code: [Select]
{if fb_loggedin}
..your code for the facebook comments...
{endif fb_loggedin}

I would need to see a link to see your site in action...
either post or PM a link.

where is my brain tonight  :?:
replace that code with...
Code: [Select]
$ multi_download_var ['target'] =" TARGET = '_blank' ";Sorry about that...

The mod works great but after the change in global.php:

multi_download_var ['target'] = "";
multi_download_var ['target'] = _blank;

image opens in the same window. What can I do to pop up in another window?

multi_download_var ['target'] =" _blank";
Notice the quotes...

I did all the above. I changed my detail page back to normal download buttons for now so people can still download files. Thank You so much!

There seemed to be stuff missing in this users functions.php file. Once I readded them, everything started working again.

How about if I just give you access to my site as I really do not remember everything I changed. The only other thing I did was removing the option to add comments as I was getting a lot of spam.
I just created an account called budduke on your site if you can make me an admin so I can see what is happening in the admin area for creating categories.
Also, PM me some FTP info so I can look at your files. I will see if I can work it in the next couple of days.

Regarding Spam,
My site was also getting hit with spam in the comments. It seemed they created a script that created a new user and then started posting comments all over the place. Easy to delete when I sorted the comments by date/time. Became a nusance in the last couple of weeks so I changed the new user registration to "admin approval" and posted a message on my main page to tell real people to e-mail me after they register so I know they are a real person and that seems to have stopped all the spam so far. I do get 7 or 8 activation notices a day but I just go in a delete the accounts. I may try changing over to recaptcha on the comments to see if that does anything but you would think they would have something better to do then post garbage on other peoples sites.

I did check the lang file as I had problems in that area before...LOL Everything seemed fine. The only other mod I added lately was the one to view thumbnails at regular size. Everything seemed fine last night other then I could not add a new category. So I have no idea but will double check script. TY
If you zip your changed files and send me a link I will take a look, may have to be tomorrow night. I have a few recorded shows I have to catch up on tonight.

When I changed it back the normal download button is there. I didn't change anything but I am also having a problem creating new categories and sub categories. Wonder if there is something more going on?

I would make sure your language files are still OK and then start backtracking on any changes you might have made to the site lately.

For some reason I no longer have the drop down menu to select sizes it was there last night and I went on today and it is gone.

When I looked at the source of your page. the info between the multidownload is blank...
Did you change anything last night? Can you try changing to one of the buttons instead of the dropdown to troublehoot any better.
this is what I saw in the source of your page...
Code: [Select]
<!-- Mod multi downloads -->
                            <!-- end mod-->

I think I installed everything, but it does not work, there is no message at facebook
It appears to post in facebook but something is missing in the metatags for your links...
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="146895985510883"/>
<meta property="fb:admins" content="237760596260197"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="article"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="FU @ Bear"/>
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>
<meta property="og:title" content="16sweettasteofbitter41"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="test. "/>
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>

The red line should be reading...
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>
The ?image_id=XX is being removed from the metatags for your pages and that is why they are not being liked correctly.

If you can not figure it out send me the changed files by PM and I will look them over for you to see if I can find any mistakes.

Sorry, aber ich blicke da nicht durch, das gemisch von version 2 und 3 ist sehr verwirrend. ich habe keinen plan was genau man tun muss damit es läuft.

Ist es möglich die neuste version für sich alleine zu stellen / posten?

If you are a new install of this mod, then you just have to follow the steps on the first post and you should be good.
The reason I put the updated stuff in the steps was so current users could just go and replace what has changed in the mod and not the entire thing.
Hope that helps, If you are having issues installing it, PM me your changed files and I will compare them with a working version to find the mistakes.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Russian in category names
« on: July 20, 2013, 12:30:35 AM »
I had helped someone on here with this kind of problem but I can not find any of my notes on what we did to fix it.
I am hoping they are still on here and post the notes because I think we did it over PM each other and not on the board anywhere.

From my memory I think we had to change the collation on the database tables to something else so the Cyrillic letters would be stored correclty.
We also had to change the php files character base to something other then the default so you could input the Cyrillic letters without changing them
and then also change the php codes that displayed them.
I am assuming you are getting something like ?????? ????? where your character should be?
I wish I  could remember more of it because I am american so I do not even have a way of inputting those characters on my keyboard that I know of.

I might have a copy of the test 4images install we did with the modified files in it (I just redid my computer, so hopefully it is in a backup somewhere)

just doing a quick google search came up with this...
 1.Make sure the database charset/coallition is UTF-8
 2.On the page you insert these russian characters ( the form, textarea ), make sure the encoding is UTF-8, by setting Content-Type to text/html; charset=utf-8. Enter in russian text directly to the form input.
 3.On the processing page that handles this form, which inserts it into the database, make sure to do SET NAMES utf8 so it's stored as UTF-8 before you insert the data, in a separate query beforehand.
 4.When you render the content from the database in a view, make sure the Content-Type is text/html; charset=utf-8.
Make sure that the content-type is not windows-1251 or iso-8859-1/latin1. Make sure the database charset/coallition is NOT ISO-8859-1/Latin1.

Let me know if we are talking about the same thing or not before I go searching for the answer...

UPDATE: I found the info...
It was in regards to my facebook login mod not displaying russian charactors correctly...
looking through the steps in that post I think it should help you also...
I would suggest testing it on a test server to make sure it all works the way you want it before trying it on your live site.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Changing File Extentions
« on: July 14, 2013, 08:06:13 PM »
Whatever you can do would help anything is better then having to change each file one at a time. TY!

I was starting to work on a script but when I looked over your site, it looks like you got everything fixed. I could not find any zip files except for the screensaver area.

This is the only category I have it activated on for now. I tried
in FF, Chrome and IE

did you do the insert for the lang\english\main.php file?
If you are using a different language for your site then it will need to go into the main.php file in that language folder after you google translate the words.

Mod works great except when using the drop down menu there is just a small blank square instead of a button saying download. Is this normal?
Can I see a link to see it in action? What browser are you using. It should display correctly...

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Changing File Extentions
« on: July 13, 2013, 01:54:50 AM »
From looking over your site and my mod, It would take too much rewrite on the mod to work with zip files so it looks like you need to replace the zip files with the original files...  :(

what I would do to speed things up is to download the folder structure of your media folder from your site to your personal computer (or at least the folders that have the zip files in them that you want to convert)
I use winrar and what I saw playing with it, if you highlight all the zip files in that folder, right-click on the batch, and then say "extract here" then they will be extracted all at once for that folder.
Then you would need to delete the zip files and then reupload the folder with the image file in them to you site again. but the database would need to be modifield before you upload them.

The big test will be changing the database entries easily for each of those files. I think I will have a script for you to run in the next couple of days. I want to test it first.
but I thought you could at least get your images ready to be reuploaded in the meantime unless you think it would be too much work to do and then I will not try to creat the script.

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