Search results for: duplicate entry

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: How can I duplicate an existing entry completely?
« by krs on September 19, 2012, 01:08:40 AM »

......  of entries where 95% of it is the same for each entry, only the picture and a few words change, I  ............  to try a google search how to duplicate the whole entry in 4images and google brought me  ............  with this software that can tell me how to duplicate an entry? Seems like this should be a relatively  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / I got error. What to do??
« by MrAndrew on October 10, 2010, 10:07:28 PM »

......  FROM 5images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'Russia' Duplicate entry '9-137' for key 1 This error was shawn  ......

...... , 0 FROM 4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = '?ae' Duplicate entry '17-17' for key 1  الت&# ............  1, 0 FROM shnews_wordlist WHERE word_text = '?ae' Duplicate entry '17-17' for key 1  But the image is added  ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / Problem
« by Pawel_el on December 27, 2017, 04:04:50 PM »

...... ', '4images - Image Gallery Management System') Duplicate entry 'site_name' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('site_email', '') Duplicate entry 'site_email' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('use_smtp', '0') Duplicate entry 'use_smtp' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error: Bad  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_host', '') Duplicate entry 'smtp_host' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_username', '') Duplicate entry 'smtp_username' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error: ............  4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_password', '') Duplicate entry 'smtp_password' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error: ............  VALUES ('template_dir', 'default_960px') Duplicate entry 'template_dir' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('language_dir', 'deutsch') Duplicate entry 'language_dir' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('date_format', 'd.m.Y') Duplicate entry 'date_format' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('time_format', 'H:i') Duplicate entry 'time_format' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('convert_tool', 'gd') Duplicate entry 'convert_tool' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('convert_tool_path', '') Duplicate entry 'convert_tool_path' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('gz_compress', '0') Duplicate entry 'gz_compress' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('gz_compress_level', '6') Duplicate entry 'gz_compress_level' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('cat_cells', '2') Duplicate entry 'cat_cells' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('cat_table_width', '100%') Duplicate entry 'cat_table_width' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('cat_table_cellspacing', '1') Duplicate entry 'cat_table_cellspacing' for key 'PRIMARY'   ............  VALUES ('cat_table_cellpadding', '3') Duplicate entry 'cat_table_cellpadding' for key 'PRIMARY'   ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('num_subcats', '3') Duplicate entry 'num_subcats' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('image_order', 'image_name') Duplicate entry 'image_order' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('image_sort', 'ASC') Duplicate entry 'image_sort' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('new_cutoff', '10') Duplicate entry 'new_cutoff' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('image_border', '1') Duplicate entry 'image_border' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_cells', '3') Duplicate entry 'image_cells' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('default_image_rows', '3') Duplicate entry 'default_image_rows' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('custom_row_steps', '10') Duplicate entry 'custom_row_steps' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('image_table_width', '100%') Duplicate entry 'image_table_width' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('image_table_cellspacing', '1') Duplicate entry 'image_table_cellspacing' for key 'PRIMARY'  ............  VALUES ('image_table_cellpadding', '3') Duplicate entry 'image_table_cellpadding' for key 'PRIMARY'  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('upload_mode', '2') Duplicate entry 'upload_mode' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............ ,au,avi,mid,mov,mp3,mpg,swf,wav,ra,rm,zip,pdf') Duplicate entry 'allowed_mediatypes' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('max_thumb_width', '300') Duplicate entry 'max_thumb_width' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('max_thumb_height', '300') Duplicate entry 'max_thumb_height' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('max_thumb_size', '100') Duplicate entry 'max_thumb_size' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('max_image_width', '1024') Duplicate entry 'max_image_width' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('max_image_height', '1024') Duplicate entry 'max_image_height' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('max_media_size', '2000') Duplicate entry 'max_media_size' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('upload_notify', '0') Duplicate entry 'upload_notify' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error: ............  4images_settings VALUES ('upload_emails', '') Duplicate entry 'upload_emails' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error: ............  4images_settings VALUES ('auto_thumbnail', '1') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_dimension', '100') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_dimension' for key 'PRIMARY' ............  VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_resize_type', '1') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_resize_type' for key ' ............  VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_quality', '75') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_quality' for key 'PRIMARY'   ............ ', '<i>tra-la-la</i> {<i>tra-la-la</i>}') Duplicate entry 'badword_list' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('badword_replace_char', '*') Duplicate entry 'badword_replace_char' for key 'PRIMARY'   ............  VALUES ('wordwrap_comments', '50') Duplicate entry 'wordwrap_comments' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('html_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'html_comments' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error: ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('bb_comments', '1') Duplicate entry 'bb_comments' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('bb_img_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'bb_img_comments' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('category_separator', '&nbsp;/&nbsp;') Duplicate entry 'category_separator' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('paging_range', '5') Duplicate entry 'paging_range' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('user_edit_image', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_image' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('user_delete_image', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_image' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('user_edit_comments', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_comments' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('user_delete_comments', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_comments' for key 'PRIMARY'   ............  VALUES ('account_activation', '1') Duplicate entry 'account_activation' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('activation_time', '14') Duplicate entry 'activation_time' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('session_timeout', '15') Duplicate entry 'session_timeout' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  VALUES ('display_whosonline', '1') Duplicate entry 'display_whosonline' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('highlight_admin', '1') Duplicate entry 'highlight_admin' for key 'PRIMARY'  DB  ......

......  FROM 4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'Dresden' Duplicate entry '4685-14232' for key 1 Bild erfolgreich  ......

...... , 1, 0 FROM 4im_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'Ioni?' Duplicate entry '2199-272' for key 1 ... DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  0, 1 FROM 4im_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'i?i?ua' Duplicate entry '2202-12360' for key 1 Фот ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Datenbankfehler?
« by tomerl on September 01, 2014, 11:39:52 PM »

...... .jpg', 'hohe_wand20121230_1142421.jpg', '', 1) Duplicate entry '10374' for key 'PRIMARY'   Sagt aber Bild  ......

...... , 0 FROM 4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'ÚíÑ' Duplicate entry '2412-1124' for key 1 تم ت ......

......  user_lightbox MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL Duplicate column name 'user_lightbox'  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  SMALLINT( 3 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL Duplicate column name 'user_lightbox_count'  DB Error: Bad  ............  TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL Duplicate column name 'user_lightbox_private'  DB Error:  ............  NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST Duplicate column name 'id'  DB Error: Bad SQL Query: ALTER  ............  ADD lightbox_name VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL Duplicate column name 'lightbox_name'  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL Duplicate column name 'lightbox_private'  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............ 'lightbox_count', '5' ), ( 'lightbox_share', '1' ) Duplicate entry 'lightbox_count' for key 'PRIMARY'    ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Strange error..
« by MrAndrew on July 12, 2010, 03:51:56 PM »

...... '-', '-', '-', '092fe0f9d2be24108fb1f754fda8bda9') Duplicate entry '' for key 2  Is it temporary hosting error  ......
Feedback & Suggestions / i need to help
« by alaber on August 14, 2006, 10:06:43 AM »

...... .gif', 'Nawaf_skills_2_2.gif', '', 1) Duplicate entry '0' for key 1)))   I wish than to provide  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Hilfeeeeee!! Datenbankfehler:-( Bad SQL Query
« by Mickman on April 25, 2003, 10:47:43 AM »

......  BY c.cat_id ORDER BY c.cat_order, c.cat_name ASC Duplicate entry '66' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL Query:  ......

...... ', -1, 1180001144, 'index.php', '') Duplicate entry '-1' for key 2  Warning: Cannot modify  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / DataBase, Help!
« by ruri on February 08, 2006, 11:24:22 PM »

...... 'büsi', '', 1139435188, 1, 'bsi_2.jpg', '', '', 1) Duplicate entry '0' for key 1   Was soll ich nun tun um den  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / DB Error: Bad SQL Query: INSERT INTO
« by raghunadhreddys on December 01, 2010, 12:00:54 PM »

......  FROM dtwp_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'Sunflower' Duplicate entry '43-118' for key 1   in my control pannel, ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / DB Error: Bad SQL Query
« by Frisian on August 22, 2010, 02:53:33 PM »

......  4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'mienskipshus' Duplicate entry '236-257' for key 1  mienskipshus was putin  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
« by Gibsy on October 28, 2007, 11:32:28 PM »

...... '', 1193609708, 1, 'Alte-Fotos-12.jpg', '', '', 1) Duplicate entry '0' for key 1  Leider kann ich auch keine  ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / Hilfe bei Galerie Installation
« by matratze on December 09, 2011, 07:42:36 PM »

...... ', '4images - Image Gallery Management System') Duplicate entry 'site_name' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('site_email', '') Duplicate entry 'site_email' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('use_smtp', '0') Duplicate entry 'use_smtp' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_host', '') Duplicate entry 'smtp_host' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_username', '') Duplicate entry 'smtp_username' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_password', '') Duplicate entry 'smtp_password' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('template_dir', 'default') Duplicate entry 'template_dir' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('language_dir', 'deutsch') Duplicate entry 'language_dir' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('date_format', 'd.m.Y') Duplicate entry 'date_format' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('time_format', 'H:i') Duplicate entry 'time_format' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('convert_tool', 'gd') Duplicate entry 'convert_tool' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('convert_tool_path', '') Duplicate entry 'convert_tool_path' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('gz_compress', '0') Duplicate entry 'gz_compress' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('gz_compress_level', '6') Duplicate entry 'gz_compress_level' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('cat_cells', '2') Duplicate entry 'cat_cells' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('cat_table_width', '100%') Duplicate entry 'cat_table_width' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('cat_table_cellspacing', '1') Duplicate entry 'cat_table_cellspacing' for key 1  DB Error: ............  VALUES ('cat_table_cellpadding', '3') Duplicate entry 'cat_table_cellpadding' for key 1  DB Error: ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('num_subcats', '3') Duplicate entry 'num_subcats' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('image_order', 'image_name') Duplicate entry 'image_order' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('image_sort', 'ASC') Duplicate entry 'image_sort' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('new_cutoff', '10') Duplicate entry 'new_cutoff' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('image_border', '1') Duplicate entry 'image_border' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_cells', '3') Duplicate entry 'image_cells' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('default_image_rows', '3') Duplicate entry 'default_image_rows' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('custom_row_steps', '10') Duplicate entry 'custom_row_steps' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('image_table_width', '100%') Duplicate entry 'image_table_width' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('image_table_cellspacing', '1') Duplicate entry 'image_table_cellspacing' for key 1  DB  ............  VALUES ('image_table_cellpadding', '3') Duplicate entry 'image_table_cellpadding' for key 1  DB  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('upload_mode', '2') Duplicate entry 'upload_mode' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............ ,au,avi,mid,mov,mp3,mpg,swf,wav,ra,rm,zip,pdf') Duplicate entry 'allowed_mediatypes' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('max_thumb_width', '300') Duplicate entry 'max_thumb_width' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('max_thumb_height', '300') Duplicate entry 'max_thumb_height' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('max_thumb_size', '100') Duplicate entry 'max_thumb_size' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('max_image_width', '1024') Duplicate entry 'max_image_width' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('max_image_height', '1024') Duplicate entry 'max_image_height' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('max_media_size', '2000') Duplicate entry 'max_media_size' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('upload_notify', '0') Duplicate entry 'upload_notify' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('upload_emails', '') Duplicate entry 'upload_emails' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('auto_thumbnail', '1') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_dimension', '100') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_dimension' for key 1  DB  ............  VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_resize_type', '1') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_resize_type' for key 1  DB  ............  VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_quality', '75') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_quality' for key 1  DB  ............ ', '<i>tra-la-la</i> {<i>tra-la-la</i>}') Duplicate entry 'badword_list' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('badword_replace_char', '*') Duplicate entry 'badword_replace_char' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('wordwrap_comments', '50') Duplicate entry 'wordwrap_comments' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('html_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'html_comments' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('bb_comments', '1') Duplicate entry 'bb_comments' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('bb_img_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'bb_img_comments' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('category_separator', '&nbsp;/&nbsp;') Duplicate entry 'category_separator' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('paging_range', '5') Duplicate entry 'paging_range' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('user_edit_image', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_image' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('user_delete_image', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_image' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('user_edit_comments', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_comments' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('user_delete_comments', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_comments' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('account_activation', '1') Duplicate entry 'account_activation' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('activation_time', '14') Duplicate entry 'activation_time' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('session_timeout', '15') Duplicate entry 'session_timeout' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('display_whosonline', '1') Duplicate entry 'display_whosonline' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('highlight_admin', '1') Duplicate entry 'highlight_admin' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............ ', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '') Duplicate entry '-1' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL Query:  ............ ', 1016023608, '', 0, 0, '', '') Duplicate entry '1' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL Query:  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Probleme mit Version 1.7.9
« by kai on December 02, 2010, 12:51:03 PM »

......  4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'Kilimanjaro' Duplicate entry '5-17' for key 'image_word_id'      in  ......
Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [Mod] Avatar v2.01
« by Kaliha on October 25, 2009, 11:30:08 AM »

......  4images_settings () VALUES ('avatar_use', '1') Duplicate entry 'avatar_use' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  () VALUES ('avatar_user_custom', '1') Duplicate entry 'avatar_user_custom' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings () VALUES ('avatar_width', '50') Duplicate entry 'avatar_width' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  () VALUES ('avatar_height', '50') Duplicate entry 'avatar_height' for key 1Та&# ......

......   WHERE word_text = 'kino'Duplicate entry '234-218' for key 1   ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / INTALLATION PROBLEM
« by fanfan1234 on September 10, 2005, 04:31:56 PM »

...... ', '4images - Image Gallery Management System') Duplicate entry 'site_name' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('site_email', '') Duplicate entry 'site_email' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('use_smtp', '0') Duplicate entry 'use_smtp' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_host', '') Duplicate entry 'smtp_host' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_username', '') Duplicate entry 'smtp_username' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_password', '') Duplicate entry 'smtp_password' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('template_dir', 'default') Duplicate entry 'template_dir' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('language_dir', 'deutsch') Duplicate entry 'language_dir' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('date_format', 'd.m.Y') Duplicate entry 'date_format' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('time_format', 'H:i') Duplicate entry 'time_format' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('convert_tool', 'none') Duplicate entry 'convert_tool' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('convert_tool_path', '') Duplicate entry 'convert_tool_path' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('gz_compress', '0') Duplicate entry 'gz_compress' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('gz_compress_level', '9') Duplicate entry 'gz_compress_level' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('cat_cells', '2') Duplicate entry 'cat_cells' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('cat_table_width', '100%') Duplicate entry 'cat_table_width' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('cat_table_cellspacing', '1') Duplicate entry 'cat_table_cellspacing' for key 1  DB Error: ............  VALUES ('cat_table_cellpadding', '3') Duplicate entry 'cat_table_cellpadding' for key 1  DB Error: ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('num_subcats', '3') Duplicate entry 'num_subcats' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('image_order', 'image_name') Duplicate entry 'image_order' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('image_sort', 'ASC') Duplicate entry 'image_sort' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('new_cutoff', '10') Duplicate entry 'new_cutoff' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('image_border', '1') Duplicate entry 'image_border' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_cells', '3') Duplicate entry 'image_cells' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('default_image_rows', '3') Duplicate entry 'default_image_rows' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('custom_row_steps', '10') Duplicate entry 'custom_row_steps' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('image_table_width', '100%') Duplicate entry 'image_table_width' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('image_table_cellspacing', '1') Duplicate entry 'image_table_cellspacing' for key 1  DB  ............  VALUES ('image_table_cellpadding', '3') Duplicate entry 'image_table_cellpadding' for key 1  DB  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('upload_mode', '2') Duplicate entry 'upload_mode' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............ ,au,avi,mid,mov,mp3,mpg,swf,wav,ra,rm,zip,pdf') Duplicate entry 'allowed_mediatypes' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('max_thumb_width', '300') Duplicate entry 'max_thumb_width' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('max_thumb_height', '300') Duplicate entry 'max_thumb_height' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('max_thumb_size', '100') Duplicate entry 'max_thumb_size' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('max_image_width', '1024') Duplicate entry 'max_image_width' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('max_image_height', '1024') Duplicate entry 'max_image_height' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('max_media_size', '2000') Duplicate entry 'max_media_size' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('upload_notify', '0') Duplicate entry 'upload_notify' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('upload_emails', '') Duplicate entry 'upload_emails' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('auto_thumbnail', '0') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_dimension', '100') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_dimension' for key 1  DB  ............  VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_resize_type', '1') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_resize_type' for key 1  DB  ............  VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_quality', '75') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_quality' for key 1  DB  ............  VALUES ('badword_list', 'tra-la-la {tra-la-la}') Duplicate entry 'badword_list' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  VALUES ('badword_replace_char', '*') Duplicate entry 'badword_replace_char' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('wordwrap_comments', '50') Duplicate entry 'wordwrap_comments' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('html_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'html_comments' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('bb_comments', '1') Duplicate entry 'bb_comments' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('bb_img_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'bb_img_comments' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('category_separator', '&nbsp;/&nbsp;') Duplicate entry 'category_separator' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('paging_range', '5') Duplicate entry 'paging_range' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('user_edit_image', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_image' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('user_delete_image', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_image' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('user_edit_comments', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_comments' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('user_delete_comments', '1') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_comments' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  VALUES ('account_activation', '1') Duplicate entry 'account_activation' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('activation_time', '14') Duplicate entry 'activation_time' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('session_timeout', '15') Duplicate entry 'session_timeout' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............  VALUES ('display_whosonline', '1') Duplicate entry 'display_whosonline' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  4images_settings VALUES ('highlight_admin', '1') Duplicate entry 'highlight_admin' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............ ', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '') Duplicate entry '-1' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL Query:  ............ ', 1016023608, '', 0, 0, '', '') Duplicate entry '1' for key 1  DB Error: Bad SQL Query:  ......
Español / Castellano / Problema con el campo de descripciones
« by olioli on August 17, 2007, 12:01:06 PM »

......  FROM 4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'ocasión' Duplicate entry '122-874' for key 1   El problema reside al  ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / DB Error bei Update
« by rmcgohan86 on December 15, 2002, 09:43:10 AM »

...... ) VALUES ('user_delete_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_comments' for key 1 An error  ......

......  ('auto_thumbnail_resize_type', '1') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_resize_type' for key 1  DB  ............ ) VALUES ('user_edit_image', '0') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_image' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............ ) VALUES ('user_delete_image', '0') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_image' for key 1  DB Error:  ............ ) VALUES ('user_edit_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_comments' for key 1  DB Error:  ............ ) VALUES ('user_delete_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_comments' for key 1 An error  ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / Updateproblem
« by Marquis2000 on December 31, 2002, 12:18:37 AM »

...... ) VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_resize_type', '1') Duplicate entry 'auto_thumbnail_resize_type' for key 1  DB  ............ , setting_value) VALUES ('user_edit_image', '0') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_image' for key 1  DB Error: Bad  ............ , setting_value) VALUES ('user_delete_image', '0') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_image' for key 1  DB Error:  ............  setting_value) VALUES ('user_edit_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'user_edit_comments' for key 1  DB Error:  ............ ) VALUES ('user_delete_comments', '0') Duplicate entry 'user_delete_comments' for key 1 An error  ......

......  FROM 4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'orleans' Duplicate entry '2477-15515' for key 1 OK  Aber: am Ende  ......

......  FROM 4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'Pionki' Duplicate entry '9314-5129' for key 1 Of course the word " ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: 4images version 1.7.4
« by zibko on February 25, 2009, 07:35:29 PM »

...... , word_id ) VALUES ( '�eha',127 );  #1062 - Duplicate entry '' for key 2     I also install version 1.7. ......

......  4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'монако' Duplicate entry '2062-10' for key 'image_word_id' Ф&# ......
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