Hallo guys

i am a new user of 4images
I faced the problem with special characters (i am from Greece αβγδεζ..... )
the fix seems to work for me now
but i dont understand if i have to do and that (i copy paste from the Jan's Reply #29 on: August 30, 2007, 09:25:58 AM )
Fix (in includes/functions.php):
"image_name" => $image_name,
ersetzen durch
"image_name" => format_text($image_name, 2),
und (kommt 3x vor)
ersetzen durch
alt=\"".format_text($image_name, 2)."\"
and most important it would be right to post the fix with another title
cause the word Umlauten there will be many people that they will not understand.
When i was a kid i tried to learn Deutch and that little knowledge helped me understand that there is a Special Character issue.If i didn't knew ,maybe i would still try to find the solution .
The bug propably affects all the users that their languages have special characters.Slavic Arab Greek Turkish Chinese etc etc.Some they have allready posted about the prob and some of these threads seem unsolved.
so it would be Real Helpfull if u post it as a
Special Characters Bug in Upload -Comments -Search sollution
danke schön