4images Issues / Ausgaben > Installation, Update & Configuration

Php 7 problem so any other software?

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Hi, so php 7.3 is not working, is there any other software that I can use that will import my pictures from 4images?

Sunny C.:
Yes, 4images also runs under 7.3.
What do you get for error messages?

Take a look here:

Not getting any error message, just a blank screen when I enable php 7 or 7.3. I have to run php 5.6 on my server for 4images to work. I've been running 4images for a few years but just get a blank page when switching on php 7

Sunny C.:
So it's not about an installation?
You installed 4images some time ago?
Which version are you currently using?


--- Quote ---So it's not about an installation?

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---You installed 4images some time ago?

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Which version are you currently using?

--- End quote ---


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