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Topics - Mark Gunter

Pages: [1]
Installation, Update & Configuration / Moving the Gallery to a New Server
« on: November 16, 2005, 08:23:21 PM »
In the posts I've searched, what I find mostly are posts by people who've moved and forgotten to change permissions to 777 for media, etc. . . . IOW, no helpful information on how best to move gallery. Any advice on how to make a painless move before I actually start will be appreciated.

I am giving the gallery to someone else, and it will have to migrate to his server. Version 1.7.0 gallery, modded and templated

How best to install this?

1. Move all files from to new directory . . .
2. Create new MySQL database with same name on new server and populate all fields with info from present db . . .

Are there any configuration files in 4Images that will need to be changed/tweak to make everything work?

I do not know much about MySQL - is there anyone out there who may have some advice on least painful way to set up db on new server, preserving info from present gallery?

Thanks for looking . . .


Chit Chat / Beware spammers using
« on: April 11, 2005, 09:04:38 AM »
If you add your site to "Sites in Action" Resource Center at, better use a hotmail, yahoo, etc. for the email address.

I added my site in February . . . and used an email address I don't normally use on the web. I have guarded that address jealously, and never gotten even one spam in it until this week, when I got a spam with references to  :x

If you have a clean email address, don't use it here . . .

PM v.2 with revisions by V@no is Republished below. Thanks V@no for this mod!  8)

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