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4images Modifications / Modifikationen => Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) => Topic started by: keemo on June 27, 2002, 09:43:41 PM

Title: member profile mod
Post by: keemo on June 27, 2002, 09:43:41 PM
I have an idea that I am having trouble executing.

I would like the members images to appear below the member information on the member_profile page. I would like to save visitors from having to click the veiw images submitted by link in the upper right of the member profile.

any thoughts? any help would be much appreciated. even just pointing me in the right direction would be helpful.

Thanks a bunch.
Title: member profile mod
Post by: Vienix on June 28, 2002, 02:55:20 PM


the link on the thumbnail has to be changed, should point to


instead of


The link is displayed by: thumbnail_bit.html, the variable is user_name_link

user_name_link is generated by functions.php (includes):

$user_name = ($image_row['user_id'] != GUEST) ? $image_row['user_name'] : $lang['userlevel_guest'];
  $user_name_link = ($image_row['user_id'] != GUEST) ? "<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."member.php?action=showprofile&amp;".URL_USER_ID."=".$image_row['user_id'])."\">".$user_name."</a>" : $user_name;

So what to do ?

write a new function, put it in functions.php

and use this in thumbnail_bit.html...

If I knew a little more about php I could finish this, but now I can only point you....

(oh where does your "member profile" go ??)
Title: member profile mod
Post by: Vienix on June 28, 2002, 04:34:19 PM

i did some cutting and pasting:



search for:

$user_name_link =

add after that

$user_pic_link = ($image_row['user_id'] != GUEST) ? "<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."search.php?search_user=".$image_row['user_name'])."\">".$user_name."</a>" : $user_name;

search for

 "user_name_link" => $user_name_link,

add after

 "user_pic_link" => $user_pic_link,

save and close functions.php

open thumbnail_bit.html

change user_name_link to user_pic_link


So now the profile is unreachable....

Maybey you want to change your thumbnail_bit.html that it shows
both the profile AND all pics by the user??

Like this :


<!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use {thumbnail_openwindow} -->

{thumbnail}<br />


{if image_is_new}<sup class="new">{lan_new}</sup>{endif image_is_new}<br />

Artist:&nbsp;{user_name_link}<br />

All images by:&nbsp;{user_pic_link}<br />

Category:&nbsp;<a href="{cat_url}">{cat_name}</a><br />

{if allow_comments}{lang_comments} {image_comments}{endif allow_comments}<br />



It works, tested....
Title: member profile mod
Post by: Vienix on June 28, 2002, 04:58:13 PM

after playing around and finding a solution I found out
that I didn't read the question right....

So this is a solution to a non existing question  :D


But a good one  :!:
Title: thanks
Post by: keemo on June 28, 2002, 10:44:25 PM
wow! thanks for the effort Vienix, you are great!
Title: any other
Post by: keemo on June 29, 2002, 04:30:48 PM
any others have any thoughts?
Title: member profile mod
Post by: Alan @ ArtScans on June 29, 2002, 06:41:00 PM
Hi keemo,

If I understand the question correctly, you could just put something like "include("search.php?search_user=artist_name"); at the bottom of the member_profile page.  Obviously, you'd need to replace artist_name with the var that holds the member name, and you might want to do a bit of editing in search php (copy it to search2.php or something first, so you the original search functions don't get screwed up), and delete the bits of the template that show the header, footer, sidebar, etc as they will already have been displayed by members.php

Not sure if that's what your after, but I hope it helps.

(Sorry it's not more specific, but I don't have access to my 4images atm, so I can't check any of the above).
