Search results for: captcha

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Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Google recaptcha
« by nobby on February 02, 2017, 02:32:31 PM »

...... ,   see here ............ /recaptcha/blob/master/examples/example-captcha.php     ......
Español / Castellano / Nueva versión 1.7.10 - cambios y novedades
« by benzo on May 20, 2011, 09:29:07 AM »

...... /deutsch/admin.php - Changed default settings for CAPTCHA   Nuevos archivos: ------------------------------- ......

......  "lang_comment" => $lang['comment'],  "lang_captcha" => $lang['captcha'],  "lang_captcha_desc" => ............  $lang['captcha_desc'],  "captcha_comments" => (bool)$ ......

......  a code to change the to disable the captcha  $cache_enable = 0; $captcha_enable_comments = 0;  ............ $captcha_enable_upload = 0; $captcha_enable_registration =  ............ ; $captcha_enable_postcards = 0; $captcha_path = './captcha'; ............  $captcha_chars = " ............ "; $captcha_length = 5; $captcha_wordfile = 0; $captcha_width  ............ = 100; $captcha_height = 50; $captcha_text_color = "#000000"; $ ............  = 25; $captcha_text_transparency = 60; $captcha_filter_text = 1;  ............ $captcha_filter_bg = 1;  $cache_enable = 0; $ ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / New Captcha system integration - Help.
« by batu544 on February 19, 2011, 12:14:07 PM »

...... ,  I would like to integrate a new captcha script with 4image. This new captcha uses session. ............  I make to integrate it..   I am attaching the new captcha file and one working form.php .. I need to  ............  it in my contact.php page..    1. CaptchaSecurityImages.php file.. Code: [Select] <?php  ............ ();  /* * File: CaptchaSecurityImages.php * Author: Simon Jarvis *  ............ :// *  * This program is free software; you can  ............ * * */  class CaptchaSecurityImages {   var $font = 'monofont.ttf';    ............ ), 1);  $i++;  }  return $code;  }   function CaptchaSecurityImages($width='120',$height='40',$ ............ ('Error in imagettftext function');  /* output captcha image to browser */  header('Content-Type: image/ ............ ['characters'] > 1 ? $_GET['characters'] : '6';  $captcha = new CaptchaSecurityImages($width,$height,$ ............ " id="message"></textarea><br />  <img src="CaptchaSecurityImages.php?width=100&height=40&characters= ............ (trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['message']));     $captcha = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['security_code'])) ?  ............  ==> " .$session_info['security_code'];   if ($captcha_enable_contact && !captcha_validate($captcha)) {   ............  $msg .= (($msg != "") ? "<br />" : "").$lang['captcha_required'];  $error = 1;  }  if (!$error) {  ............  "message" => htmlspecialchars($message),   "captcha_contact" => (bool)$captcha_enable_contact,  " ............ " => $lang['captcha'],  "lang_captcha_desc" => $lang[' ............  file to include this..  Code: [Select]  {if captcha_contact}  <tr>  <td width="80" valign="top" ............ ><b><!--{lang_captcha}--><label for="security_code">Security Code: </ ............ ></b></td> <!-- <td>{recaptcha}</td> -->  <td><img src="CaptchaSecurityImages. ............ ="text" /><br />  </td>   </tr>  {endif captcha_contact}   I have also attached required .ttf  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Need Help with file editing..
« by haider512 on February 10, 2011, 06:40:59 AM »

...... ="javascript" type="text/javascript">   var captcha_reload_count = 0;   var captcha_image_url = "{ ............ }";   function new_captcha_image() {   if (captcha_image_url.indexOf('?')  ............ == -1) {   document.getElementById('captcha_image').src= captcha_image_url+'?c='+ ............ ;   } else {   document.getElementById('captcha_image').src= captcha_image_url+'&c='+ ............ ;   }     document.getElementById('captcha_input').value="";   document.getElementById(' ............ ').focus();   captcha_reload_count++;   }     function  ......
Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Neue Captcha Art / New Captcha Art
« by Sunny C. on October 02, 2008, 02:29:13 PM »

......  man das originale Captcha von 4images mit dieser Art überschreiben? Bzw.  ............ ?  Can the current method with Captcha write  ............  this? => Replace   Published: [MOD]  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Captcha nachträglich einbauen
« by Wuebbide on October 03, 2013, 11:33:58 AM »

......  zu viele Mods eingebaut habe. 1.7.2 besitzt kein captcha in der register_form.html. Gibt es ein Weg,  ......

......  imagecreatefromjpeg() in **\4images\includes\captcha_utils.php on line 291    Either ask your host  ............  to install GD or install recaptcha mod. ......
Tutorials / Re: [TUT] Change of the CAPTCHA-Design
« by bergblume on January 06, 2014, 02:18:05 PM »

......  on December 05, 2013, 02:49:04 PM  Can I use captcha togehter with Browser caching??  I want to use in  ............  application/x-javascript But when i use it captcha won´t function properly (if I do a comment and  ............  to another pic to comment, that same captcha code appears and will not be accepted). what of  ............  or to modify in order to have a good working captcha as before?    any ideas or suggestions regarding  ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: captcha for 1.7.1
« by TIMT on July 12, 2008, 10:59:06 AM »

......  wird mir captcha in postcard_preview nicht angezeigt? Wenn ich  ............  einzugebende Code angezeigt: Code: [Select] {if captcha_postcards}Code: [Select]  {endif  ............  tables habe ich aus der Version 1.7.6 kopiert: - captcha.php - includes/captcha_utils.php - Folder: / ............ .xml   postcard_preview.html: Code: [Select] {if captcha_postcards}  <br />  <table width="450" border=" ............  <td class="row1" valign="top"><b>{lang_captcha}</b></td>  <td class="row1">  <a  ............ ="javascript:new_captcha_image();"><img src="{url_captcha_image}" border=" ............ " id="captcha_image" /></a> <br />  <input type=" ............ " name="captcha" size="30" value="" class="commentinput" id=" ............ " />  <br />  {lang_captcha_desc}  </td>  </tr>  </table>   ............  </td>  </tr>  </table>  {endif captcha_postcards} header.html Code: [Select] <script  ............ ="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!--   var captcha_reload_count = 0;  var captcha_image_url = "{ ............ }";  function new_captcha_image() {  if (captcha_image_url.indexOf('?') = ............ = -1) {  document.getElementById('captcha_image').src= captcha_image_url+'?c='+ ............ ;  } else {  document.getElementById('captcha_image').src= captcha_image_url+'&c='+ ............ ;  }   document.getElementById('captcha_input').value="";  document.getElementById(' ............ ').focus();  captcha_reload_count++;  }   function opendetailwindow()  ............  has_rss} global.php Code: [Select] // Initialize CAPTCHA configuration $captcha_enable = 1; $ ............  = 1; $captcha_enable_upload = 1; $ ............  = 1; $captcha_enable_postcards = 1; $captcha_ttf  ............  = 1; $captcha_path = ROOT_PATH.'captcha'; $ ............ "; $captcha_length = 5; $captcha_wordfile  ............  = 0; $captcha_width = 200; $captcha_height  ............  = 70; $captcha_text_color = '#000000'; $ ............  = 25; $captcha_text_transparency = 60; $captcha_filter_text  ............  = 1; $captcha_filter_bg = 1; Code: [Select] if (!$ ............ ) {  $captcha_enable_comments = 0;  $captcha_enable_upload  ............  = 0;  $captcha_enable_registration = 0;  $ ............ -------------------------------------------- //--- CAPTCHA ----------------------------------------- //------ ............ ----------------- include_once(ROOT_PATH.'includes/captcha_utils.php'); page_header.php Code: [Select]  " ............ " => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."captcha.php"), folgenes hatte ich auch versucht - config. ............  Code: [Select] $captcha_enable = 1; $captcha_enable_postcards = 1; $ ............  = './captcha'; ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: No Captcha after new tabels
« by V@nо on October 30, 2008, 07:22:58 PM »

......  in phpinfo in ACP  if you are going to disable captcha, you should not allow guests do anything but  ......

...... :// wird ngezeigt. die .htaccess liegt in Ordner  ............ :  per PN mal den FTP-Zugang??  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: CAPTCHA
« by Sisi on October 06, 2008, 10:10:54 PM »

...... , aber da drinnen steht all das oben zitierte zum CAPTCHA gar nicht oO Ich wollts deaktivieren, weil es  ............  funktioniert (rotes X). Die CAPTCHA.deutsch.txt habe ich gelesen.  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Captcha Not Working. it's BROKEN
« by Nicky on June 11, 2008, 03:35:14 PM »

...... ,  i just visited your page.. and i see the captcha.  i registered my name "Nicky" in your gallery  ............  captcha....  please remove this user..   ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: what is his scripts ?
« by satine88 on July 07, 2010, 11:44:10 AM »

......  your help  Quote  The second code is related to captcha. When you click on captcha image, that code loads  ............  captcha image. Plus some additional code for right click  ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: Captcha Kontrolle
« by KurtW on March 08, 2008, 10:49:36 AM »

......  10:03:40 AM  Hallo Zahlen Statt Buchstaben in der captcha  ist das möglich?    Hallo,  natürlich klappt das  ............    Zu editieren in: global.php Code: [Select] $captcha_chars = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; ............  oder z.B. die Anzahl der zeichen: Code: [Select] $captcha_length = 5;  oder mit Wörtern: Code:  ............ [Select] $captcha_wordfile = 0;- ändern auf: 1 - und die  ............  verwendeten Wörter in: captcha/words.txt     ......

...... , 01:03:12 AM  1) what if you use not modifyed captcha_utils.php?   If I do not use words.txt, then all  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: ecard versenden ohne captcha? bug?
« by kai on March 31, 2008, 02:24:45 PM »

......  versendet nehme ich an. Admins müssen die Captcha Codes nicht eingeben.  Probiere es nochmal als  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Neuladen des Captchas
« by Allround on June 12, 2010, 10:59:47 PM »

......  neuladen des Captchas funzt net.. Wenn man draufklickt sollte ein  ............  Captchabild in Form von einem javascript laden. Woran kö ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / Captcha akzeptiert Code-Eingabe nicht
« by Quedel on August 25, 2006, 07:47:33 PM »

......  Xampp von funktioneirt das Captcha-System nicht richtig. Mit dem aktivieren /  ............  Zeilen in config.php zu ändern sind), aber der Captcha-Code wird nicht akzeptiert. Jedenfalls bei der E- ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Captcha deaktivieren
« by insane on March 25, 2007, 09:29:21 PM »

......  1.7.4 + 4grey2 Template nicht das Registrierungs-Captcha deaktivieren. Ich habe bereits $captcha_enable =  ............  4images bei einer Neuregistrierung stets  a) die Captchaeingabefelder nicht an und b) die Fehlermeldung,  ......
Français / Code CAPTCHA
« by mavama on January 16, 2007, 10:38:57 PM »

......  pack language en français  Il s'agit de mettre le captcha en français. ( le texte qui apparaît en dessous  ............  modifier les mots du fichier words du répertoire captcha pour les francisé, ou les laisser. Marc //-------- ............ -------------------------------------------- //--- CAPTCHA ----------------------------------------- //------ ............ ------------------------------------------- $lang['captcha'] = "Verification du code:"; $lang['captcha_desc' ............  en générer une nouvelle (nouveau code). "; $lang['captcha_required'] = 'Entrez le code de vérification.'; // ......
FAQ, Tips / CAPTCHA (verification code) related
« by V@no on September 19, 2006, 02:09:25 PM »

......  is a very basic FAQ about CAPTCHA. For more info please read docs/CAPTCHA.txt from  ............  package. Q: What is CAPTCHA?A: A CAPTCHA (an acronym for "Completely  ............ . (you can find more info about it here)Q: Where CAPTCHA being used in 4images?A: By default the following  ............  can be protected by CAPTCHA:  Registration  E-Cards  Comments  Image-Upload Q: ............  How do I enable/disable CAPTCHA or how do I control it?A: You can control the  ............  following configuration variables above closing  $captcha_enable = 1; A value of 1 enables the CAPTCHA  ............ , 0 disables it. Default value is 1.    $captcha_enable_comments = 1; A value of 1 enables the  ............  form, 0 disables it. Default value is 1.    $captcha_enable_upload = 1; A value of 1 enables the  ............  form, 0 disables it. Default value is 1.    $captcha_enable_registration = 1; A value of 1 enables the  ............  form, 0 disables it. Default value is 1.    $captcha_enable_postcards = 1; A value of 1 enables the  ............  form, 0 disables it. Default value is 1.    $captcha_path = './captcha'; Path to the folder which  ............  the CAPTCHA files (backgrounds, fonts).    $captcha_chars = " ............  which will be used for the randomly generated CAPTCHA strings Default value is " ............ ".    $captcha_length = 5; Number of letters of the CAPTCHA  ............  Default value is 5.    $captcha_wordfile = 0; If this option is set to 1, a word  ............  "captcha/wordlist.txt" is used. Default value is 0.    $ ............  = 200; Width of the CAPTCHA image in pixel. Default value is 200.    $ ............  = 70; Height of the CAPTCHA image in pixel. Default value is 70.    $ ............  = "#000000"; Color (Hex) of the CAPTCHA text. Default value is "#000000" (black).    $ ............  = 25; Size of the CAPTCHA text. Default value is 25.    $ ............  = 60; Transparency of the CAPTCHA text. Default value is 60.    $ ............  = 1; If this option is set to 1, the CAPTCHA text will be filtered ("obscured"). Default value  ............  1.    $captcha_filter_bg = 1; If this option is set to 1, the  ............ "). Default value is 1.  Q: Why I cannot see CAPTCHA image?A: There are several possible reasons:   ............  an old/custom template that does not support CAPTCHA. You can find detailed template changes here    ............  GD you won't have other choice but disable CAPTCHA feature (see above)  Some FTP programms gernerate  ............  server are ONLY the background images for the CAPTCHA and not any other files like wsftp.log, thumbs.db, ............  codes Q: How can I change the look of the captcha images?A: [TUT] Change of the CAPTCHA-Design or [ ......
Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: [MOD] Captcha Control
« by on October 11, 2010, 09:02:21 PM »

......    habe ReCaptcha eingebaut. Nur Zeigt er mir nur die "alten"  ............ 's an, wieso?  wie baue ich {recaptcha} ein?  z.B. in register_form.html? ......

......  me try. - if you want to disable verification (CAPTCHA) you have to turn OFF javascript in header. ......
Français / problem Captcha
« by achraf on December 19, 2010, 11:05:12 PM »

......  serveur, et je vien de renconter un probleme de Captcha les images et les caractéres s'affichent mais  ............  s'affichent de rentrer les caractére juste de captcha, et aussi j'ai un probleme d'ouverture de session  ......
Español / Castellano / Ayuda con Catpcha [Urgente]
« by Davisn on January 17, 2010, 12:16:18 AM »

......  no puedo porque no me aparecen los digitos de la Captcha , solo la imagen de fondo :S como podria  ......
Installation, Update & Configuration / eCard Textformatierung!
« by baer2009 on December 21, 2009, 10:31:39 AM »

......  jetzt bei mir läuft bin ich bis auf das das Captcha nicht funktioniert sehr zufrieden, die meisten  ......
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Fehler Bestätigungs Code Captcha 1.7.6 PHP Version 5.2.3
« by Spacemanager on April 08, 2008, 01:51:51 PM »

......   //--- Start Settings for CAPTCHA --- ............ .0 --- //--- config by mawenzi 31.03.2008 --- $captcha_enable = 1; // or 0 disables it. $ ............  = 1; // or 0 disables it. $captcha_enable_upload = 1; // or 0 disables it. $ ............  = 1; // or 0 disables it. $captcha_enable_postcards = 1; // or 0 disables it. $ ............  = './captcha'; // Path to the folder which contains the  ............  files (backgrounds, fonts). //$captcha_chars = " ............ "; // default //$captcha_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; // also  ............  $captcha_chars = "123456789"; $captcha_length = 5; //  ............  of letters of the CAPTCHA strings. Default value is 5. $captcha_wordfile =  ............ ; // If this option is set to 1, a word from "captcha/words.txt" is used. Default value is 0. $ ............  = 135; // Width of the CAPTCHA image in pixel. Default value is 200. $ ............  = 35; // Height of the CAPTCHA image in pixel. Default value is 70. $ ............  = "#ffffff"; // Color (Hex) of the CAPTCHA text. Default value is "#000000" (black). $ ............  = 14; // Size of the CAPTCHA text. Default value is 25. $ ............  = 100; // Transparency of the CAPTCHA text. Default value is 60. $captcha_filter_text =  ............ ; // If this option is set to 1, the CAPTCHA fonts will be filtered ("obscured"). Default  ............  is 1. $captcha_filter_bg = 1; // If this option is set to 1,  ............  CAPTCHA background image will be filtered ("obscured").  ............  value is 1. //--- End Settings for CAPTCHA ---  Schrift auf Weiß gesetzt, andere Schrift  ......
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