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Messages - trez

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There was a free MOD, where you can specify an image for every folder, this would solve your request.

Requests for paid modifications / Jobbörse / Re: PM Mod
« on: November 17, 2007, 10:00:34 PM »
- just PM Mod - 35,oo EUR
- with smiles - 55,oo EUR
- with smiles and bbcode - 65,oo EUR
- with AJAX effects, drop down history - ask

For more information write or call us

good post thunderstrike. But some clients just don't want to understand this  :twisted: Whatever, there are still some normal clients we can work with,god bless them :D

 :lol: :lol: :lol: - 50$? You can't be serious. I wouldn't take the job even for 500$. This is a big amount of rewriting, server adjustments etc

thanks but i cant see your site:  :oops:

private site - no access from your IP

well it's private :) But it's not on 4images so you don't need it.

Well, i did but like you said - We are currently very busy and have no time for small projects.
Jenn, if no one else is willing to do it by the end of this week send me an email and i will do it.

2XG MEdia

We already done that for another client, 45,oo EUR including installation, support and bugfixing.

2xG Media

It is possible :) We've done that for a client. 3 Different ratings for each picture. The MOD includes 3 different toplists and one top-list with the overall rating of the 3 rating options.
You can PM me for more information and demo, price is 62,oo EUR for new clients and 52,oo EUR for former clients of our company, including installation, design, bugfixes and testing (upgrades).

For more MODs visit

we don't have time now for new requests, but the quote would be around 60 - 120 USD, depending on more detailed things

what budged do you have in mind?

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Download limit v1
« on: March 23, 2007, 12:52:31 PM »
MOD works  for 1.7.4, with some adjustments

Well, just  put the moderator into a usergroup and use if_else tags

Hi Jenn,

yes there is a way to do this. You can get in touch with us at

Dear Customers,

please excuse us for our low (12-24 hours) response time, but we are working on several projects. Every email, every request will be answered ASAP.
Please keep in mind, that our resources are at 80% and we can't start working on any big project until the end of the month.

Thank you for your trust, i just sent out a mail to every client in order for them to write if they are satisfied in this thread, hopefully they will take the time :)



Is there away to add a moderator control panel on the index page like the admins have? How would I go about adding that for easier access?

Thanks again, this has made my job much easier, in modding.

I don't understand what you mean

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