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Messages - denisnovikov

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Gibt es nun eine Lösung dafür, wenn man schon 4images am Laufen hat?

Is there a solution if 4images is already running?

Hi there, technically — yes. However I didn't implement this feature for phpBB, if you would like to try implement it by yourself you can refer to the user export script uploaded to the vBulletin bridge ( which implements the same way of integration as this one and adjust it for use with phpBB.

Oh damn, looks like I fixed another bug less related to this issue. My pure-pure German  :?

i have edit my thread above your actual answer ....

sorry for my bad english but iam a german people ....
 :oops: :oops:

No problems for English, it's not my native language as well but at least we can somehow communicate using it  :)

Can you upload your upload.php file so I can repeat your issue locally, please?

hi Thank you

the Imageupload Works, BUT it makes NO Thumbnails  :( :( :( :(

Give me few minutes to find a solution.

Edit: nah, for me it works just fine. Probably related to case sensitive file systems, do you have such one?

Hi there and thanks for reporting this issue.

Here is the instruction on how to fix it:

file: includes/upload.php
function upload_file()

Code: [Select]
$this->extension = $regs[2];
And replace with:
Code: [Select]
$this->extension = strtolower($regs[2]);
Should occur twice in the function.

Note: Since allowed extensions contain only basic latin characters we don't need to use any multi-byte safe functions to convert extension to lowercase. This fix is committed and will be released within version 1.7.9.

Does this work with customied templates ?

I could not get it working with photography-shot theme of

I did manual editing exactly as per 1st post and put the two phpbb files, but no use :(

I think I made mistake in this.

<phpbb_root> is relative path from the 4images’ root to phpBB root. For example, if you have installed both apps at the same directory on your server and your phpBB is located into ‘phpBB’ directory, type there: “/../phpBB/” (without quotes). Note, on some servers small and caps letters are differ, so put it exactly as it named.
<phpbb_url> is your phpBB installation relative to the root of server url, as users type it’s address in their web-browsers.

My site is

phpbb is installed at root and 4images in gal directory so urls for both apps are as below

4images =
phpbb =

what should I put in the above urls field ?

Code: [Select]
define('PHPBB3_BRIDGE_ON', true);
define('PHPBB3_PATH', realpath(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/../').'/');
define('PHPBB3_URL', '/');

The way to fix it manually:

1. /member.php

Code: [Select]
$search_words[$image_column] = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$image_column]);

add following lines after:
Code: [Select]
if ( $image_column == 'image_description' ) {
  $search_words[$image_column] = str_replace(' ', ',', $search_words[$image_column]);

Should occur 2 times in this file.

2. /admin/checkimages.php

Code: [Select]
$search_words[$image_column] = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$image_column]);

add following lines after:
Code: [Select]
if ( $image_column == 'image_description' ) {
  $search_words[$image_column] = str_replace(' ', ',', $search_words[$image_column]);

3. /admin/images.php

Code: [Select]
$search_words[$image_column] = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$image_column]);

add following lines after:
Code: [Select]
if ( $image_column == 'image_description' ) {
  $search_words[$image_column] = str_replace(' ', ',', $search_words[$image_column]);

Code: [Select]
$search_words[$image_column] = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$image_column.'_'.$i]);

add following lines after:
Code: [Select]
if ( $image_column == 'image_description' ) {
  $search_words[$image_column] = str_replace(' ', ',', $search_words[$image_column]);

4. /admin/plugins/migrate_keywords.php

Code: [Select]
$search_words = array(
  "image_name" => $image_row['image_name'],
  "image_description" => $image_row['image_description'],
  "image_keywords" => $image_keywords,

replace with:
Code: [Select]
$search_words = array(
  "image_name" => $image_row['image_name'],
  "image_description" => str_replace(' ', ',', $image_row['image_description']),
  "image_keywords" => $image_keywords,

6. /admin/validateimages.php

Code: [Select]
$search_words[$image_column] = $image_cache[$key][$image_column];

add following lines after:
Code: [Select]
if ( $image_column == 'image_description' ) {
  $search_words[$image_column] = str_replace(' ', ',', $search_words[$image_column]);

After performing these steps data comes in "image_description" field will be forcedly split by white spaces before submitting keywords to database.

версия phpbb  3.0.7-PL1. модов никаких. установлен с нуля. пробовал на 3.0.6 то же самое.
а какие еще настройки к БД если форум и галерея по отдельности до интеграции работали?

Хм, да никаких. Кинь мне доступ в личку, постараюсь успеть глянуть сегодня.

It seems like there is no
Code: [Select]
on server, login.php downloads with

Code: [Select]
    <title>404 Not Found</title>
      Error documents (pages) under 512 bytes
      are ignored by the IE5+ browser, this
      comment is used to bypass this size
    <h1>Not Found</h1>
    <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>


включил контроль ошибок в phpbb_sessions.php

Notice: Constant GROUPS_TABLE already defined in Z:\home\localhost\www\love\s\f\includes\constants.php  on line 224
Notice: Constant SESSIONS_TABLE already defined in Z:\home\localhost\www\love\s\f\includes\constants.php on line 247
Notice: Constant USERS_TABLE already defined in Z:\home\localhost\www\love\s\f\includes\constants.php on line 262
Fatal error: SQL ERROR [ mysql ]

An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists. in Z:\home\localhost\www\love\s\f\includes\db\dbal.php on line 697

Константы, да, к сожалению, пересекаются. Что вызывает ошибку не знаю. Какая версия phpBB и какие моды, если есть? Настройки доступа к БД правильно прописаны?

When you want to connect, the site download a file, test yourself:

Server related issue. Try creating (or append following line to existing) .htaccess file:
Code: [Select]
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

установил начисто phpbb 3.0.7 и 4images
сделал все изменения как указано в инструкции (не брал версию modded, а вручную изменил все файлы пошагово). сто раз перепроверил.
при обращении к галерее - чистая страница. методом исключения определил, что это измененный файл sessions.php такое делает. заменил его оригинальным, галерея грузится, но есс-но никакого моста нет.
что может быть с sessions.php?

Если белую страницу обновить — она остаётся белой или загружает нормально? Если сначала зайти на форум, а не в галерею то же самое происходит?

When i try to start the website (mydomain/galerie) first time,( it means, all cokies an last visits are deletet)  is only a blanck sreen..??
But if i make a second klick, or aktuall (for example F5) the website is loading normal !

Hi, yeah, I know this problem, I even reproduced it on demo installation and made an attempt to fix it, but sometimes it's still shows blank screen on first visit. It's not your error anywhere. And I have in my plans to find a solution or workaround for this problem, at the moment the only thing I can suggest you is as you said reload a page or start browsing from forum pages.

I used the modified files in the first post, so it can´t be anything that i´ve done.
Not sure on how to fix this.

This can't be true, I just downloaded, unpacked it on my hosting and copied configuration file from previous installation: — works like it should work without any glitches.

I´m not using any other mods/plugins, on either phpbb or 4images.
I´m using the latest versions of both the forum and the gallery.

Just updated demo installation at to phpBB version 3.0.7-PL1 (latest stable) and see no any issues at all. Please make sure you did modification correctly, this is the only thing I can suggest you for now.

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