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Topics - debragrant

Pages: [1]
I would like to remove all that runs down the left of my gallery - random images & registered users panel. Where do I go to do this?

Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) / removing hearder
« on: August 21, 2006, 09:09:55 AM »
I am currently using the 4dark template and I'm wanting to remove the header from this style including the space where it should go. How do I do that?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / image name below photo
« on: August 10, 2006, 07:56:32 PM »
is there ayway I can remove the image names under the images?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / moving over to 4images
« on: July 31, 2006, 10:53:11 AM »
I am moving over from coppermine.

I have a question:

I have some albums copyrighted including the thumbnails. In coppermine I have 'normal_image' size 400x266 'original' size whatever it originally is and thumb' size 100x66. Would the 'thumb' images be the images I would use as thumb for my new gallerys?

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