This mod is obsolete due to v2 is out: little "MOD" will log and show Most Ever Users Online (same as on this board, just look at the bottom of index page)
There are only 3 files to modify:
/templates/<yourtemlplate>/whos_online.html I chosed this temlplate, but u can add this to any template(s) u wish.
So, here it goes:
Step 1. Open
/includes/sessions.php Find:
Replace with:
//---Most ever users online----
if ($num_total_online > preg_replace("/,[0-9]+/", "",$config['most_users'])) {
$most_users = $num_total_online.",".time();
$config['most_users'] = $most_users; //ensure that this will be displayed right now, not after second refresh
SET setting_value = '$most_users'
WHERE setting_name = 'most_users'";
"mueo" => preg_replace("/,[0-9]+/", "",$config['most_users']),
"mueo_date" => format_date($config['date_format'].", ".$config['time_format'], preg_replace("/[0-9]+,/", "", $config['most_users'])),
"lang_mueo" => $lang['mueo'],
"lang_mueo_date" => $lang['mueo_date'],
Step 2. Open
/lang/<yourlanguage>/main.php At the end of the file, just before
?> add this:
$lang['mueo'] = "Most users ever online was ";
$lang['mueo_date'] = "on";
Step 3. Open
/temlates/<yourtemplate>/whos_online.html Add this:
{lang_mueo} <B>{mueo}</B> {lang_mueo_date} {mueo_date}
Step 4. Download "
MEUO Install" file
extract it in root of your 4images dir. And run it(
Upload all modified files.
P.S. at first I wrote this mod using two fields in DB, to store "most users" and date in separate fields. the code was smaller.
so, if someone think it's better use two fields in DB, I can post it too.