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Messages - q8ytop

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / 1.7.6 mysql injection
« on: March 11, 2009, 09:22:56 AM »
Has been to penetrate the database in my site and the specific users and changed the user name and password, but the Director was unable to enter the control panel in order to protect the existence of the control panel of the hosting control panel, I used the 1.7.6 version before you download years of site

But after the discovery of the files that you delete the site and went to the site and has downloaded the program again and on my site until his return Atelacha penetration and I have to amend the table of users and I do not feel fully protected even after the demonstration of these steps, please help me to you and the erosion of such the problem has once again
 :? :!:

السلام عليكم

اخواني انا لدي سكربت فور امج النسخه الاخيره واجهتني مشكله لا اعرف كيفية حلها الا وهي دخول لوحة تحكم المشرف العام

عند محاولة الدخول من خلال رابط و اكتب الباسورد و اليوزر نيم لايدخلني على لوحة التحكم بل يعيدني الي نفس الصفحه مره اخرى لاكتب اليوزر نيم و الباسورد رغم ان الباسورد صحيح و اليوزر هو admin

ملاحظة: اخواني يمكنني الدخول بهذا اليوزر و الباسورد من خلال صفحة الموقع الرئيسيه لكن لا استطيع الدخول به الى لوحة تحكم الموقع الرئيسية

Feedback & Suggestions / need to encrypt image url with 4images 1.7.4
« on: January 23, 2008, 02:57:07 PM »
hi there i go to the old page this one

but the encrypt image url did not work with the 4images 1.7.4 it is maybe work with 1.7.1/2/3 but it is did not work with 1.7.4 be caouse i test it my salf can any one make it work with 1.7.4 with some changes or make a new method that make same thing that encrypt the images url in detals page

thank you very much

yes it is nice but the encrypt image url did not work with me i donot know why and now i make the spacer.gif protection but the url stell can be take by viewing the page source...  if the image url is didnot encrypt and the option of view source didnot desabel the images stell not protected

uno i know about this and i edit it to no one can download the images...
test by your self go to any 4images script by useing the fire fox browser and test this press Ctrl + U in any images page the you will get the source of the page than any one view this page ( the source ) can get the link of the images!!! only in Fire Fox Browser
but it didnot work in the Explorer Browser...

now how can i protect my images from any one how using Fire Fox Browser  :cry:

hi there i want to tell you that any one can take the link from my 4images script by useing the FireFox Browser by go to the any image and press the Ctrl + U than the sures for the page will be view than any one can take the link of any images
 8O 8O 8O
now how can i save my images from taken like that
there are any java code install it in the header can cancel this opion in the fire fox browser!!!

thank you very very much now i know why it be come this error be cause i change the name of config file and make it like that config.php by removing the new now when i change the name from config.php to evry thing is work !!

i donot know why is the name of this file is all script config file come like that config.php and if it come the script did not work only if you change the file from to config.php only 4images script if you change the file from to config.php the script did not work !!! this is new to me :)

thank you for your help

i make that i go to mysql database and create that data base name and user and password and make the connetion between them like that
Add Users To Your Databases: and check that all box
than i go to the site linke to the install.php and it is gife me that error...

you say that the install.php didnot create tabel in database !!!
i think that all php script that have inastall page the install page are create tabels in the data base or another script that didnot came with install page that come with file.sql that you must import in in your database by useing phpmyadmin and this file are create the tables and data in the database but the 4images script didnot came with file.sql in come with install page that must this page are install the tabels and data in the data base i donot now how you told me that the install.php didnot install tabels and data in the database!!!

no tabel are create be cause when i go to install.php nothing do only desplay this page that say

An unexpected error occured. Please try again later.
ERROR: Could not load configuration settings!

no tabels in this databas it is (0)

the script cannot install tabels in the databas!!!

hi there
when i try to install the 4images in my site it give me this error!!!!!!!!

An unexpected error occured. Please try again later.
ERROR: Could not load configuration settings

i change the config.php and insert the databas name and user and password evry thing is do but whin i go to the install.php i give me this error

thank you

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