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Messages - tutoko

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I cant get this one to work with using passwort as the input field to match the stored password in the database. If I change the matching input from the passwort field to username and delete the md5 encryption then the code works fine. So, my error is somewhere in matching the entered password (passwort) with the stored password in the database. Any ideas on what is going wrong with that match - Im using 4images 7.11.

THanking in advance for any solutions provided.

thank you for that explaination V@no, will try your suggestion. Sorry for the off topic query, but again I really appreciate your input. The mods and the extensive assistance you have provided on this forum regarding 4images is invaluable. Many many thanks.

Perfect V@no,

I Truely appreciate your time and efforts to get this resolved. Much appreciated.

The phpInfo you looked at - does it prevent the use of the external file loading the random image by use of:


That just doesnt work for me in an external html page calling to the php file ?

if it is the php configuration is that something I have to get the server host to change?

PM sent with info, please let me know if you did not receive it..
Notices from inspecting the PhpInfo that php include is set to off, guess thats why the code below does not work too?


thanks once again..

done: category is password... password is password.
Cheers V@no...

hi V@no,
I am not sure what you want me to send you.
the site address is

If you need access to the server system please let me know by email =>   and I can provide you codes etc for getting into look at the server system.

19.10.2012 - Update, Hi V@no, I found this on the host server FAQ's - does this relate to the issue I have ? :
PHP register_globals feature is set to OFF on our servers for security reasons. All modern scripts, these days do not use register_globals, and if you get any errors related to register_globals being disabled, you may want to check your coding or contact script developer for more details.

However, it is possible to enable register_globals by entering this line to your .htaccess file:

php_flag register_globals on

We do not recommend enabling this function as it may lead to possible security problems for your website.

files attached.
Also I just finished doing a complete clean install with default template and then went through the mod one more time with the clean files. Same outcome.
When entering the password I get redirected to the Host 404 page - not the "incorrect password" message as shown on your demo site.

Thanks very much for your assistance V@no.

hi V@no, No I do not use SEO mods. I have been going back through the code and making sure I have everything in place as specified, but still no luck in making the mod work when typing the password into the password form. I can set the password directly into the database field and it all works fine then. Just can not do the front end password via catpass.html.
I am wondering if the code skips the catpass.php integration somehow?

Just looks like the code doesnt write to the data base, tho it seems to read from it ok.  The category password gets written to the cat ID. But no user information gets written to DB.
I am using other MODS but no SEO ones - cat_image, Multi_download, Support Ticket... could one of those prevent the write to the DB of password into the user table ?

Sorry for the delayed response. I have been away on work assignment for a few weeks.  Thanks for your attention to this enquiry.

Really like this Mod, but I have problems. I can create the hidden category, set the password etc. but when I try to access the category by typing the password in I get a 404 Error and the category page does not load. Instead I get redirected to the hosting provider's error page. I am using v7.11, wondering if there is something Ive done wrong (even tho I have rechecked the code mods and all seem ok)  - would appreciate some help on over coming the redirect issue PLEASE.....

Thanks in advance.

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: [Plugin] Admin Links
« on: September 12, 2012, 10:09:20 AM »
I think this is a nice to have plugin, and I would like to incorporate it, but I can not get it to work... has there been any further developments for this plugin or any ideas on why it wont work.
The table in the database is there, but clicking the new link button gives me nothing.....


I have installed version 7.1.11 and read all posts here that I can find on usergroups and how to set them up but when doing so in 7.1.11 I can not get the permission to work properly. Permissions for the individual user work fine but it does not seem to recognise a user as part of a designated user group. Is there something in the install or set up that I have done incorrectly.. Any help or pointers would be appreciated. (you can contact me directly via the email on my profile is that helps to ease this forum trafflic) ... Cheers.

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