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Topics - x23piracy

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4

the following is LEGAL:

*go to a detail page*

to do that go here and login with your adsense account:

Under Inventory create a new Unit, u will see that you can
choose a target _blank

Get sure that this is checked:
Code: [Select]
Maximize revenue of unsold and remnant inventory with AdSense
Now under Inventory click on > Generate Tags, then you have your code,
place this instead of the normal adsense code and you have a _blank target.

If you don't set many own placements then normal adsense code will be shown.

Howto simulate mouse or key event?  :twisted: <== that should be illegal ;)


I mentioned that's enough to set up a single unit, you don't need to change the adsense
codes on your website, at that moment you signed up with dfp and made at least one unit
your normal adsense advertisements went to target _blank

you can see that on the little logo in adsense code:

If that helped you, say:

Greetz X23

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / [Mod] Remind users to registrate
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:14:44 AM »

today i found that and want to share it with you:


  • it will be displayed to every non logged in user
  • it keeps position on scrolling
  • it can be closed by clicking the close button
  • it will be displayed again on every page reload
  • it will not be displayed if the user is logged in!

place this in your style.css:

Code: [Select]
/*border: 3px dotted #ffffff;*/
padding: 10px;
        opacity: 0.85; /* Webkit und Opera  */
        -moz-opacity: 0.85; /* Mozilla Browser */
        filter: alpha(opacity = 85); /* IE */
background-color: #000000;
width: 400px;
visibility: hidden;
z-index: 999;
font-size: 10px;
/*border-color: #ffffff;*/
color: #996666;
        border-radius: 5px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 5px;

place this in your ../template/header.html before </head> closing tag:

Code: [Select]
{if user_loggedout}
<! mod -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var persistclose=0 //set to 0 or 1. 1 means once the bar is manually closed, it will remain closed for browser session
var startX = 30 //set x offset of bar in pixels
var startY = 30 //set y offset of bar in pixels
var verticalpos="fromtop" //enter "fromtop" or "frombottom"

function iecompattest(){
return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body

function get_cookie(Name) {
var search = Name + "="
var returnvalue = "";
if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)
if (offset != -1) {
offset += search.length
end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;
returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
return returnvalue;

function closebar(){
if (persistclose)

function staticbar(){
var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) || window.opera;
var d = document;
function ml(id){
var el=d.getElementById(id);
if (!persistclose || persistclose && get_cookie("remainclosed")=="")"visible"
el.x = startX;
if (verticalpos=="fromtop")
el.y = startY;
el.y = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight : iecompattest().scrollTop + iecompattest().clientHeight;
el.y -= startY;
return el;
if (verticalpos=="fromtop"){
var pY = ns ? pageYOffset : iecompattest().scrollTop;
ftlObj.y += (pY + startY - ftlObj.y)/8;
var pY = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight - barheight: iecompattest().scrollTop + iecompattest().clientHeight - barheight;
ftlObj.y += (pY - startY - ftlObj.y)/8;
ftlObj.sP(ftlObj.x, ftlObj.y);
setTimeout("stayTopLeft()", 10);
ftlObj = ml("topbar");

if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", staticbar, false)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", staticbar)
else if (document.getElementById)
<!-- End mod-->
{endif user_loggedout}

place this in any template file where you want to show the reminder:

Code: [Select]
{if user_loggedout}
<div id="topbar">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="table1">
<td><img src="{template_url}/images/english.png" align="left" hspace="3" /></td>
<td>You are not registered user yet, you can't see the fullsized icons , you can't download them , to register click<a href="register.php"><font color="#FF0000"> here</font></a><br></td>
<td><a href="" onClick="closebar(); return false"><img src="{template_url}/images/close.png" border="0" align="right" /></a></td>
<td><img src="{template_url}/images/deutsch.png" align="left" hspace="3" /></td>
<td>Du bist ein nicht registierter Benutzer, du kannst die Icons nicht in voller Größe betrachten, der Download ist nicht möglich, um dich zu registrieren klicke<a href="register.php"><font color="#FF0000"> hier</font></a><br></td>
<td><img src="{template_url}/images/italian.png" align="left" hspace="3" /></td>
<td>Non siete ancora registrati , non potete vedere le foto delle ragazze, creare portfolio dell vostro locale e usare questo sito al 100%, per fare la registrazione clica<a href="register.php"><font color="#FF0000"> qui</font></a><br></td>

{endif user_loggedout}

If you need a different position of the reminder you have to edit the following code:

Code: [Select]
var startX = 30 //set x offset of bar in pixels
var startY = 30 //set y offset of bar in pixels

If you don't want the opacity of the reminder or want a different setting, delete or edit the following in css code:

Code: [Select]
       opacity: 0.85; /* Webkit und Opera  */
        -moz-opacity: 0.85; /* Mozilla Browser */
        filter: alpha(opacity = 85); /* IE */

If you don't like rounded corners or want different corners, delete or edit:

Code: [Select]
        border-radius: 10px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
*rounded borders are not working in ie8 with ie9 support is coming...

I don't explain the rest of the css...

In the attachment you will find used flags and the close button,
if you need others get them, upload them, link them ;)

This [Style] can may also been used to display advertisements
without wasting space on the site...

Greetz X23


iam searching for a mod that enable to set every x'th image as advertisement place in
category view. For example is set every 10'th image as advertisement, then every 10'th
image isn't displayed and instead the place is used for example an adsense code.

Any way to realize that?

Here an example as screenshot about that what i thought:



Greetz X23


i use a keyword tag cloud on my galery but my images don't have any keywords.
So all my images not recognized by the tag cloud

Is there a way to import mage names as keywords in a row?
May belike a plugin for ACP?

Greetz X23


i wanted another function that happens when a right click is performed while right click protection is enabled:
anstatt der normalen Meldung bei einem Rechtsklick wollte ich eine andere Aktion haben:

in header.html find(e):

Code: [Select]
document.oncontextmenu = new Function("alert('© Copyright by {site_name}');return false");

for a statusbar message replace with:
für eine Statusbar Nachricht ersetze mit:

Code: [Select]
document.oncontextmenu = new Function("window.status='copyright';return false");

just an example... for background color changing replace with:
nur als Beispiel... um bei Rechtsklick die Huntergrundfarbe zu ändern ersetze mit:

Code: [Select]
document.oncontextmenu = new Function("document.bgColor='lightgreen';return false");

Greetz X23


is it possible to set wildcard as default for search terms the user inputs?


User searches for "apple" the script automatically add "*apple*"
if the user not allready used a wildcard at the beginnig and/or end of the search term.

Also nice would be an radio button option like: contains, begins and ends with...

Most users don't understand how to use the wildcard right or are to blind to see that the
wildcard option is available...

Greetz X23


i like to make a little cosmetic change how the country flags are displayed but
i cannot find some code for the following:

(The left flag near my username)

Can someone tell me where that img tag is defined?
i like to set align to absmiddle the flag stand to much up the text...

The other Flags on the right have allready the align="absmiddle" tag...

Greetz X23


the image name is taken from filename if the field is empty (slap me if im wrong)
so i just use my galery for iphone related icons where the file name is the app
(image name) so i don't need the field to be required (like to have it optional).

How an i disable this field as required?

Simply hiding in template file doesn't help me with that ;)

Greetz X23


i have this js (put in root/js/fontsize.js):

Code: [Select]
//<!-- Textgroesse anfang -->
var faktor = 0.05;
var start_groesse = 1.0;
var anz = 0;
function fontsizer(inc, reset) {
if ((anz + inc >= 0) && (anz + inc <= 2)) {
anz += inc;
neue_groesse = anz * faktor + start_groesse;
artikel_text = document.getElementById('container'); = neue_groesse + "em";
switch (anz) {
case 0:
document.getElementById("fsminus").src = "templates/Iceberg/images/fontsize_down_inactive.png";
case 2:
document.getElementById("fsplus").src = "templates/Iceberg/images/fontsize_up_inactive.png";
document.getElementById("fsplus").src = "templates/Iceberg/images/fontsize_up.png";
document.getElementById("fsminus").src = "templates/Iceberg/images/fontsize_down.png";
//<!-- Textgroesse ende -->

in header.html:

Code: [Select]
<script language="javascript" src="./js/fontsize.js"></script>
in any template.html:

Code: [Select]
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onmousedown="fontsizer(-1, false)" onfocus="blur()"><img src="{template_url}/images/fontsize_down.png" id="fsminus" border="0"></a>
<img src="{template_url}/images/fontsize_font.png" id="fsminus" border="0"></a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onmousedown="fontsizer(1, false)" onfocus="blur()"><img src="{template_url}/images/fontsize_up.png" id="fsplus" border="0"></a>

I've set the id to change the fontsize to "container" this is my main div for the hole galery...
But only some custom text in the footer changes his fontsize... (not the copyright text)

I thought the main div inherits to sub divs?

If not how to handle this with the js? is there an easy way without set an individual id to any tag
i like to change the fontsize?

Greetz X23


ich habe auf Kurt's Seite das hier gesehen. I saw that on Kurt's page:

Welcher MOD ist das? Which MOD ist that?

Gruß Jens



ich benutze V@no's MOD:
mit dessen Hilfe kann ich in meiner Datenbank Bildduplikate ausfindig machen die bereits vor dem
MOD vorhanden waren (dieser verhindert dieses später).

Ich kann bei mir 628 Duplikate ausmachen und weiterverwertbar in Excel etc. exportieren.

SQL Select:
Code: [Select]
SELECT image_md5, COUNT(*) AS num
FROM 4images_images
GROUP BY image_md5
HAVING num>1

@V@no hat dann noch diesen tollen MOD nachgelegt:
damit kann ich mit dem einzelnen MD5 Hash die Duplikate über das ACP suchen, anzeigen und löschen.

Leider klappt das bei meinen versuchen aber nur einzeln und ich habe 628 Duplikate, deshalb würde
ich das gerne etwas beschleunigen und habe versucht 2 Hashes auf einmal zu suchen. Das gelingt
mir aber nicht, scheinbar klappt das nur einzeln...

Es wäre sehr praktisch wenn es irgendwie mit V@no's MOD Batch Copy/Move/Edit Images
funktionieren würde da die Bilder erst angezeigt und einzeln selektiert werden können.

Ich weiß nicht wie ich das direkt in der Datenbank lösen könnte ohne dabei das Bild generell zu löschen
also nicht nur die Duplikate sondern auch das erste Bild als es noch nicht dupliziert war.

Wer kann helfen bitte?

Gruß Jens



I use V@no's MOD:
with which I can find duplicate pictures in my database and locate the duplicates
that where before the MOD (it will prevent this later).

I can find 628 duplicates in my db.

SQL Select:
Code: [Select]
SELECT image_md5, COUNT(*) AS num
FROM 4images_images
GROUP BY image_md5
HAVING num>1

@V@no then has to released this great MOD:
so I can look with the single MD5 hash the duplicates view using the ACP, and delete.

Unfortunately, this works with my attempt but only individually and I have 628 duplicates, so would
I like to speed up a bit and I tried to look for two hashes at once. It works only individually (i think)...

It would be convenient if it somehow by V@no's MOD Batch Copy / Move / Edit Images
would work because the images first appear and can be selected individually.

I do not know how I could solve directly in the database without deleting the image general information
So not only duplicates but also the first picture as it was not duplicated.

Who can help please?

Greetings Jens

[RUSSIAN] Experimental better use the english version ;)


Я использую V@no's Mod:
с которой я могу найти одинаковые фотографии в свою базу данных и найдите дубликаты
что там, где до MOD (это предотвратит этом позже).

Я могу найти 628 дубликатов в моей дБ.

SQL Select:
Code: [Select]
SELECT image_md5, COUNT(*) AS num
FROM 4images_images
GROUP BY image_md5
HAVING num>1

@V@no затем, чтобы выпустили эту великую MOD:
так что я могу смотреть с одной MD5 хэш дубликатов просматривать с помощью АКТ, и удалить.

К сожалению, это работает с моей попытки, но только в индивидуальном порядке и у меня есть 628 дубликатов, поэтому будет
Я хотел бы ускорить немного, и я попытался посмотреть на два хэшей сразу. Она работает только в индивидуальном порядке (я думаю) ...

Было бы удобно, если это как-то от V@no's Mod пакетного копирования / перемещения / редактирование изображений
будет работать, поскольку изображения на первый взгляд и может быть выбран индивидуально.

Я не знаю, как я могу решить непосредственно в базе данных без удаления изображения общая информация
Так что не только дубликаты, но и первая картина, как это было не дублируются.

Кто может помочь, пожалуйста?

Приветствие Jens

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Database Backups not shown in ACP (1.7.8)
« on: October 13, 2010, 12:47:37 PM »

i've tested the database backup in acp the first time, backup is working fine
but is not shown on the backup list in acp.

Under data/database i can find the backup "backup201010131228.sql.gz"

So it's maybe a little code problem?

Greetz X23


i use the following to flash apps on other sites then 4images, they are easily
in integration and may can be useful for someone of you:



MP3 Player:



iam trying to implement a second button near the normal upload button for use
with rembrandts email upload mod:

...but i have a problem, variable $user_name not working in categories.php but in categories.html...

Thats the original source part from categories.php:

Code: [Select]
//--- Show Categories ---------------------------------
if (!check_permission("auth_upload", $cat_id)) {
  $upload_url = "";
  $upload_button = "<img src=\"".get_gallery_image("upload_off.gif")."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
else {
  $upload_url = $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."member.php?action=uploadform&amp;".URL_CAT_ID."=".$cat_id);
  $upload_button = "<a href=\"".$upload_url."\"><img src=\"".get_gallery_image("upload.gif")."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

$random_cat_image = (defined("SHOW_RANDOM_IMAGE") && SHOW_RANDOM_IMAGE == 0) ? "" : get_random_image($cat_id);
  "categories" => get_categories($cat_id),
  "cat_name" => format_text($cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_name'], 2),
  "cat_description" => format_text($cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_description'], 1, 0, 1),
  "cat_hits" => $cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_hits'],
  "upload_url" => $upload_url,
  "upload_button" => $upload_button,
  "random_cat_image" => $random_cat_image


i have added the following lines:

Code: [Select]
if {
  $eupload_url = "";
  $eupload_button = "<img src=\"".get_gallery_image("eupload_off.png")."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
else {
  $eupload_url = "mailto:emailadress?subject=$user_name*upload*$cat_id&body=Attach your png icons!";
  $eupload_button = "<a href=\"".$eupload_url."\"><img src=\"".get_gallery_image("eupload.png")."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

  "eupload_url" => $eupload_url,
  "eupload_button" => $eupload_button,

the complete changed part:

Code: [Select]
//--- Show Categories ---------------------------------
if (!check_permission("auth_upload", $cat_id)) {
  $upload_url = "";
  $eupload_url = "";
  $upload_button = "<img src=\"".get_gallery_image("upload_off.gif")."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
  $eupload_button = "<img src=\"".get_gallery_image("eupload_off.png")."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
else {
  $upload_url = $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."member.php?action=uploadform&amp;".URL_CAT_ID."=".$cat_id);
  $eupload_url = "mailto:emailadress?subject=$user_name*upload*$cat_id&body=Attach your png icons!";
  $upload_button = "<a href=\"".$upload_url."\"><img src=\"".get_gallery_image("upload.gif")."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
  $eupload_button = "<a href=\"".$eupload_url."\"><img src=\"".get_gallery_image("eupload.png")."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";


$random_cat_image = (defined("SHOW_RANDOM_IMAGE") && SHOW_RANDOM_IMAGE == 0) ? "" : get_random_image($cat_id);
  "categories" => get_categories($cat_id),
  "cat_name" => format_text($cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_name'], 2),
  "cat_description" => format_text($cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_description'], 1, 0, 1),
  "cat_hits" => $cat_cache[$cat_id]['cat_hits'],
  "upload_url" => $upload_url,
  "eupload_url" => $eupload_url,
  "upload_button" => $upload_button,
  "eupload_button" => $eupload_button,
  "random_cat_image" => $random_cat_image


The Problem is that the variable $user_name is not working it's empty,
if i use this: mailto:emailadress?subject=$user_name*upload*$cat_id&body=Attach your png icons!

as a normal a href in categories.html variable $user_name is filled, where is the problem?
Can someone help me please?


Ich habe einen funktionierenden ich nenne es mal Workaround hinbekommen, alle änderungen
in der categories.php habe ich rückgängig gemacht und in der categories.html folgendes hinzugefügt:

Code: [Select]
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="eupload">

<td align="left"><p>{cat_name} ~ (Hits: {cat_hits})&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></td>
<td background="{template_url}/images/eupload.png" width="21"></td>
<td align="left"><a href="mailto:emailaddress?subject={user_name}*upload*{cat_id}&body=Attach your {cat_name} icons!">eUpload</a></td>


Ich bin mit der Lösung aber ehrlich gesagt unzufrieden, ich halte die umsetzung nicht für sauber und eigentlich soll der button so
integriert werden wie der reguläre upload button, hat das jemand von euch mit was ähnlichem gemacht und kann mich evtl.


Mist, ich stell gerade fest das für $user_name scheinbar der letzte User der in einer Galerie etwas hochgeladen hat eingesetzt wird,
obwohl ich angemeldet bin steht der name des user in der variablen der den letzten upload getätigt hat (nehme ich an).

Falsche variable?

Greetz X23


maybe someone allready have done this.
There is a mod to show a image under every categorie:

but i like to display X (in my case 4-5) number of random or fixed images under the categorie that,
directly taken from the thumbnails of this categorie.

Actually i have a hidden (not shown) categorie where i upload these categorie images (not activated),
because i don't want them shown as new images and not findable via search.

Im sure that is not the best solution.

For example (what iam searching for)

Any ideas?

Greetz Jens

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