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Messages - TechnoRocker

Pages: [1]
okay i try it...

hope i find anything

edit: okay JSON bug fixey

but the login work still not


there isn't a new entry in the database

no problem...

its my v-server..

how can i install the extension

I can't find anything

I saw this in the error...
facebook needs the JSON PHP extension.

Can you confirm that is part of your PHP5 install?

I dont know.. =(..

where can i look at it?

Make sure you made all additions/changes from the main post of this mod.

I think i did it right

when i upload the facebook folder to my root folder i get a blank page =(


look now.. another fail


the facebook login doesen't work

okay...but now comes an other error >.<....

Invalid API key specified

The application you are trying to access does not exist or has been disabled.

my gallery:

do i musst upload the folder "facebook" to the root folder of my gallery or just the files ?

Is it right ?

look attach

Oh man wie ich mich darüber ärgere!

Naja egal jetzt ist es raus =)

Vielen Dank !

(Grübel gerade wie der Farbcode darein gekommen ist.....)


Also gleich wenn ich die Seite aufrufe

Bei mir läuft das auch reibungslos, und ich hab SEHR viele MODs  :wink:

Ja das ist schön für dich ;-)

Dann helf mir doch bitte,
Siehe post über dir

Ich habe alles gemacht so wie es beschrieben wird!
Ich bekomme nur einen Leere weiße Seite!

 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ich habe euch mal die Dateien gezippt.

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen bin schon völlig am verzweifeln.

Bei Version: 1.7.7 funktioniert es nich oder?

Plugins / Re: [Plugin] Batch Import
« on: July 05, 2009, 07:16:27 PM »
Hallo allerseids,
Ich habe folgenes Problem:

0 images in .
Import category ...
DB Error: Bad SQL Query: SELECT cat_order FROM 4images_categories WHERE cat_parent_id = ORDER BY cat_order DESC LIMIT 1
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY cat_order DESC LIMIT 1' at line 4

DB Error: Bad SQL Query: INSERT INTO 4images_categories (cat_id, cat_name, cat_description, cat_parent_id, cat_order, auth_viewcat, auth_viewimage, auth_download, auth_upload, auth_directupload, auth_vote, auth_sendpostcard, auth_readcomment, auth_postcomment) VALUES (2, '', 'lol', , 10, 0, 0, 2, 9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 2)
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 10, 0, 0, 2, 9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 2)' at line 4

Import finished!

Das ist der Pfad

Die Config:
Code: [Select]
//--- Configuration -----------------------------------

// Path to the directory the image data are stored.
// No trailing slash!
$data_src_path = "/srv/www/vhosts/";

// Thumbnail options
// suffix:     Optional, can be left blank
// prefix:     Optional, can be left blank
// subfolder:  If you images are stored in a subfolder,
//             set the folder name here. Example: "thumbnails/"
//             Optional, can be left blank
// extensions: Valid thumbnail extensions
$thumbnail_options = array(
  "prefix"     => "",
  "suffix"     => "",
  "subfolder"  => "",
  "extensions" => array("jpg", "JPG", "jpeg", "JPEG", "gif", "GIF", "png", "PNG")

// As default, the script will only copy the image files
// from your source folders to the 4images folders.
// After import you will have your image data twice on
// your server.
// If you have not enough server space set this to 1.
// Then the script will move the image files.
// Be carefully with this, your data could be lost!!!
$move_image_files = 0;

// Set this to 1 to use file modification time as date?
// Otherwise the current date will be used.
$use_image_filemtime = 1;

// Default description for each image, can be left blank
$default_image_description = "Dancefloor 2009";

// Default keywords for each image, can be left blank
// Separated by spaces. Example: "keyword1 keyword2 keyword3"
$default_image_keywords = "Dancefloor 2009 schule clay";

// Set this to the id of the user who should be the owner of each image.
// If 0, the user id of the current logged in user will be used. That's you ;)
$default_user_id = 0;

// Default description for each category, can be left blank
$default_cat_description = "lol";

// Default category permissions
// AUTH_ALL   = All
// AUTH_USER  = Registered Users
// AUTH_ACL   = Private
// AUTH_ADMIN = Administrators
$auth_viewcat      = AUTH_ALL;
$auth_viewimage    = AUTH_ALL;
$auth_download     = AUTH_USER;
$auth_upload       = AUTH_ADMIN;
$auth_directupload = AUTH_ADMIN;
$auth_vote         = AUTH_ALL;
$auth_sendpostcard = AUTH_ALL;
$auth_readcomment  = AUTH_ALL;
$auth_postcomment  = AUTH_USER;

//--- End Configuration -------------------------------

Wie bekomme ich das Problem weg ?


[EDIT by V@no]please don't use [center][/center] in your posts[/EDIT]

Pages: [1]