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Topics - WeZ

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Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Return ZIP File Size
« on: October 30, 2007, 05:12:40 PM »
Hello all ye 4Images Boffins (and as always a special shout out to V@no)  :!:,

I need to get the Total MB size value of the Item downloaded from my 4Images.

When a user clicks on the zip/File download icon, whether in Lightbox or Image Detail pages, i need to pull that file size of the zip as the items is available to download. i will use this value further down the php page in another SQL statement.

This request is very similar to your mod "User Image Download Counter" : download.php sends zip file to user and updates DB with image count - i will be doing the exact same except with Zip/File Total MB size in a different table.

The Result Value can be rounded off to the nearest whole integer with a minimum size of 1MB.

4Images 1.7.2
Running on XAMPP (on Removable USB HD) running on WindowsXP, Windows2000 and Windows2003 (it often changes)
PHP 5.2.3
MySQL 5.0.45-community-nt

Thanking you in advance,


can someone tell me what i need to do to be able to house my media on a different local drive on the same server?

if i modify the MEDIA_DIR definition in Constants.php it appears to only work for defining where the directory is in relation to the script i.e. ../../data/media

if i place the media anywhere on the same drive, changing this definition seems to work... however it does not work if i hard code the location 'e:/data/media' for e.g.

BUT, if i hard code the MEDIA_PATH definition in global.php, then it will add images and resize them and generate the thumbs perfectly - however when the page refreshes it shows no images...

if i view the souce it shows the file to have a src location of e:/data/images/2/ etc etc and hence because e:/data does not exist on my local machine, it fails...

can anyone help me solve this?


Hello All !!

Let me start my first post with a Congratulations on a fantastic system... I Have performed various mods and on the most part they were quite easy to configure.

There is one item missing for me which is the generation of thumbnails from video files. Searching through the forum has lead to a couple posts about this topic, but none that actually suggest the use of ffmpeg as the tool to save the day  :lol:

I've tried to investigate the ImageMagick and GD2 solutions but both of them appear to not really support video too well.

From analyzing ffmpeg and testing it from the command line - it appears to generate a thumbnail from quite a range of different video sources.

Here is where i need help. i have the command required to generate the thumbnail - BUT i don't know where to put it. :roll:

The command i use is

Code: [Select]
ffmpeg -i 1.mpg -f singlejpeg -t 0.001 1.jpg
The only variables that would need to pass to it are the exe location, source video file & destination thumbnail name

I think the best implementation of it would be the same way that ImageMagick is handled in the system:
1. Control panel asks for the location of the .exe
2. extensions are associated to it
3. the command gets executed the same time as normal images are handled.

Considdering the great demand for video these days, i think it should be considdered as a standard feature of 4Images (Just like Imagemagick).

I Am using 4I 1.7.2 (with a couple cool mods  8) )

Can anybody do this?


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