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Messages - TheOracle

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if not, then pls. post that into MOD's forum.

Perhaps you meant in the Requests & Discussions section of the forum rather than the MODs section. ;)

Français / Re: Image devant cathégorie
« on: February 17, 2006, 05:51:12 PM »
Je ferai plus de recherche à ce sujet. Cela me semble très interessant. ;)

Français / Re: vignette avec cadre
« on: February 17, 2006, 05:50:15 PM »
J'ai trouvé qq chose d'équivalent à ce que vous recherchez. Peut-être ce topique pourra vous aidez (version anglaise) :


Ok. I see what you mean.

In includes/functions.php file,

find this block :


    else {
      $random_cat_image_file = get_random_image($category_id, 0, 1);

      "cat_id" => $category_id,

right below, you will see :


"cat_name" => $cat_cache[$category_id]['cat_name'],

replace with :

Code: [Select]

"cat_name" => (strlen($cat_cache[$category_id]['cat_name']) > 12) ? substr($cat_cache[$category_id]['cat_name'], 0, 12)."..." : $cat_cache[$category_id]['cat_name'],

This should do it. ;)

(Note: This is a continuation from the above, not a completely fresh new step). ;)


i want change text size like FIle name etc other changes i can do it but the size of file size (ect) i can not do Sad( i have also try from tempplate but my style css file is not working in template ( and i had edit it in pages ) but not working

Would you have to make sure the CSS file is included as part of your header.html file. ;)

Français / Re: Mettre un lien
« on: February 17, 2006, 05:20:30 PM »
Désolé, je n'avais pas vu votre envois. La raison pour laquelle vous ne voyez pas votre lien, c'est parce qu'il vous manque des étapes.

Sous main.php,

changez :


$lang['forum'] = "";
$lang['nom forum'] = "Forum ESRT";

pour :

Code: [Select]

$lang['nom_forum'] = "Forum ESRT";

Sous votre includes/page_header.php,

trouvez :


"charset" => $lang['charset'],

ajoutez au dessous :

Code: [Select]

"lang_nom_forum" => $lang['nom_forum'],

Ensuite, cherchez :


"url_categories" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."categories.php"),

ajoutez au dessous :

Code: [Select]

"url_forum" => "",

Note: Si vous pointez votre forum sous votre gallerie, veuillez aviser vos utilisateurs que leur compte restera actif une fois le transfert (n'est pas recommandé de faire s'il est actif). Pour vous en sauver, comme façon alternative, vous pouvez toujours leur ouvrir une autre fenêtre de leur navigateur pour le déplacement. ;)

Sous votre user_logininfo.html,

cherchez :


&raquo; <a href="{forum}">{nom forum}</a><br />

remplacez par :

Code: [Select]

&raquo; <a href="{url_forum}">{lang_nom_forum}</a><br />

Note: Vous ne pouvez pas mettre d'espace sous vos initiales. Si vous cherchez une alternative, simplement utiliser le : "_" (signifiant l'espace). ;)

If rotates.php file is under the includes folder, there's no need to include this block :


//define variables and includes (should be no need to change these)
define('ROOT_PATH', './../');
$user_access = get_permission();

However, you'd need to import the file in the appropriate source file from your ROOT_PATH instead. ;)


//is the user an administrator? If not, send them back to the index page!
    if ($user_info['user_id'] != ADMIN) {
  header("Location: ".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."index.php", "&"));

move it below :


//is there an image_id and does the user have permission to delete the image? If not, send them back to the index page!
//if (!$image_id || ($config['user_delete_image'] != 1)) {
//    header("Location: ".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."index.php", "&"));
//    exit;
//  }

As for this line,


if (!$image_row || $image_row['user_id'] <= USER_AWAITING || ($user_info['user_id'] != $image_row['user_id'])) {

you could say :

Code: [Select]

$check_user = $user_info['user_level'] == ADMIN;

if (!$image_row || $image_row['user_id'] != $check_user) {

However, you might hear other inputs on this.

Disgarding the fact the replacement above is the not the correct way to call it, in which file did you applyed these modifications ? More details please.


Sorry, I meant something like this (more appropriate) :


if (preg_match("#(jpg|jpeg)$#is", $image_handle))) {
$image_handle = "imagejpeg";
} elseif (preg_match("#(gif)$#is", $image_handle))) {
$image_handle = "imagegif";
} elseif (preg_match("#(png)$#is", $image_handle))) {
$image_handle = "imagepng";
} ###### End of if statement.

Could something relative be done ?

Would it be possible to see the codings you made ? It would be a lot more easier to determine the source of the problem. ;)


I still would like to know what is the relation with these two that doesnt allow the database to connect if you change to another database...

Well, if you have the same server name, login name and password and simply a different database name, I don't see how this could really affect. Perhaps there might be a slight difference on your mySQL account you forgot to modify in config.php file ? ;)

Yes, of course - an example :


$image_handle = "imagejpeg";

Would there be a way to do it like this :


$image_array = array("imagejpeg", "imagegif", "imagepng");

if (in_array("imagejpeg")) {
$image_handle = "imagejpeg";
} elseif (in_array("imagegif")) {
$image_handle = "imagegif";
} elseif (in_array("imagepng")) {
$image_handle = "imagepng";
} ###### End of if statement.


This would be useful since GD also involves GIF and PNG now.

Recall: The above is just an example. The rest of the $image_handle's equalitys might not even exist as a name. ;)

Français / Re: Image devant cathégorie
« on: February 17, 2006, 03:17:25 PM »

Excellente idée je dois dire. Par contre, vous devrez considérer les ressources au serveur et la grandeur de ses thumbnails qui pourraiit affecter votre présentation (étant donné que les tables HTML exigeront d'être étirées pas mal plus qu'actuellement). ;)

"Mais", la réponse est oui. Sous votre fichier includes/functions.php, vous pouvez modifier votre icône de manière à ce que 4images puisse afficher les thumbnails relatifs à votre catégorie. ;)

Personnellement, j'adore cette idée.

Français / Re: Image devant cathégorie
« on: February 17, 2006, 02:07:12 PM »
Est-ce qu'il y aurait un exemple plus direct (screenshot) pour mieux comprendre votre requête ?


And now, who could save me?

The question is not "who" but "what" could save you most likely. Before you deleted imga1's database, did you made a backup of it ? If so, simply go to your phpmyadmin and restore your previous database entries by re-importing your SQL files. All should be re-stablized from there. ;)

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