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Messages - Asjanja

Pages: [1]
the problem is not the gallerie script, the problem sitting in front of the pc

I'm impressed with your intelligence. Just wonderful.

Ok, guys, thanks for competent support and your irrefragable knowledge of this gallery script.

Doesn't work(((((
I guess it's a sign for me that it's time to change the type of gallery... I've always wanted to try Coppermine PG.
As I see I can't avoid reuploading all of the gallery files  :(

- you must have the same template folder as the old gallerie :!:
- you must have the same language folders as the olld gallerie :!:

Login and config your settings to the right folders 8O

Hm... sorry for my obtrusiveness but how can I login and config my settings in here when NOTHING appears when I click on this link? Nothing. Blank page.  No-thing!

So where I can set my "template_url"?

Normally in ACP => Settings => template folder

I would definitely do it if I could get to some page of my gallery  :D
And even if I place template files and folders to the TEMPLATE folder I will not be able to log in.
So as I see I must do it somewhere manually ...

I had two templates-packs - default and dark_style. When my gallery was on another server it was with dark style.
When I moved it to a new server I changed NOTHING but database information in config.php
But it still doesn't work (((

 So where I can set my "template_url"?

Ok, now I moved all of the files and folders from DARK_STYLE folder one level up - now they are in TEMPLATES folder. And now I see my main page. But it has no any photos((((( It's like my database can't be found((
Pleeease, help meeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I see  :D But it's not me who posted slashes on this error page))))))))
I don't know why my error page is incorrect))))) I just want there would be no any error pages)))))

So what? I don't understand... so where is the problem?

Please, help me! I've upload my gallery to another server and now I have this error trying to open index page of my gallery:

Template Error: Couldn't open Template ./templates//category_dropdown_form.html

As I see my CHMODs are correct...

My gallery:
Version 1.7.3

Chit Chat / Re: Some categories can't be opened
« on: March 10, 2008, 10:54:32 PM »
I sent PM. Did you receive it?

Chit Chat / Some categories can't be opened
« on: March 01, 2008, 05:46:27 PM »
I've already told about this problem here. I thought that the question is in the MP3 Player MOD but I was said that it's not the cause of my error.

But I have some troubles using this mod after I change my host...
I have two categories in my gallery where there are mp3 files only. I can open pages with each of these files and play them in this flash player. But I can't open a category with these files... "Page not found" always appeares or empty index.php file is opened with my Dreamweaver.

I think the reason of the error is in this MOD because the other categories (with pix) can be opened well.

My gallery:
Version: 1.7.3
Problem categories:

I try to open these categories from here

Please, somedy tell me, where is the mistake?


4images Templates by kw:
Thank you so much for these templates!! I've a liittle bit modified one of them. It looks great!

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